Category Archives: Republicans

Despite What The Moron Media Will Say, TRUMP Won 2nd Presidential Debate

Barack Obama, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Gender, Healthcare, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Media, Republicans, Taxation, Terrorism, Trade

Despite this, Donald Trump won the Second presidential Debate hands down.

At some point, Andy Copper even:

Can’t legislate biology. The guy factor:

However, Andy did touch on the “deplorables”:

Maybe this is no longer true, after 2nd Debate:

Be afraid, guys:

A shame Hillary’s dream of one-world order didn’t get mentioned, but enough did:

I’m a sexist, too:

“Make Government Great Again” is Hillary’s slogan:

Does he have strategy, or what! Pivoting and more:

The strategy vis-a-vis Islam: Stand your ground:

Hillary’s strategy/pivot: ‘Go to my website’:

The Obamas are not such great Clinton pals:

HillaryCare aka ObamaCare:

I suspect Bill is not unhappy, deep down:

Hillary left holding a lump of coal:



I have a soft spot for the … Kurds:

SCOTUS: Hillary hates her own money in politics …

Group hug: Trump is kinder than Hillary:

Is GOP Base Celebrating A Victory For The Team, Or A Blow To Ideas That Got Trump Nominated?

Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Morality, Republicans

Everyone is agreed. VP candidate Mike Pence won the debate at Longwood University on October 4, 2016 in Farmville, Virginia. But what exactly is the GOP base celebrating about this somewhat pyrrhic victory over the very silly Tim Kaine? Since his victory, Pence has been mouthing non-stop about foreign policy positions in opposition to those of Donald Trump. America will take her lead in the world again, Pence keeps on repeating. We need to be in Syria, in Russia’s face, blah, blah. As I predicted, not a word about the theme of the Trump campaign: America First!

So what’s the GOP base celebrating? A victory for the team? Or a blow to the ideas that got Trump the nomination?

“How Pence upstaged Kaine … and his boss, too.”
“2016 VP Debate: Prepare To Be Bored, Uninspired & Pelted By Political Correctness.”

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UPDATED: 2016 VP Debate: Prepare To Be Bored, Uninspired & Pelted By Political Correctness

Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Political Correctness, Republicans

I’ll be tweeting the debate between Mike Pence and Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, Hillary Clinton’s nullity of a running mate. (Yes, “Speak English To America, Mr. ‘Si Se Puede’ Hip-Swaying Kaine!”)

Just as sure as the supercilious Kaine will speak Spanish—expect Pence to be unfaithful to the foreign policy of Donald Trump. I’ll be surprised if Pence utters the words “America First!”

Pence, however, will garner media accolades, for he won’t say one politically incorrect word.

He’s a nice enough man, but from where I’m perched, the “Pro Wars, Pro Islam, Not-So-Pro-Private Property” Mike Pence is a perfect fit for Demopublican politics.

UPDATE: As predicted, overall, useless Pence did little for Trump, other than look OK:

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The Rats Climbing Back On The Trump Ship Will Sink It

Donald Trump, libertarianism, Race, Republicans

Wayne Allyn Root, another libertarian as fake as Gary Johnson and the Red Eye show’s “libertarian” guests, claims the Steve Sailer strategy as his own, in the column “This Angry White Male Thinks Key to Trump Victory Is…Black Voters!” Root then goes on to make the same tired old GOP case: Start pandering to identity group militants.

With all their baggage, the failed GOPers and assorted establishmentarians are climbing back on the Trump ship they deserted. What with KellyAnne Conway, formerly of the Cruz campaign and pollster to the establishment—I am no longer positive about Trump’s direction.

Neoconservative John Bolton says “Yes, I’m Voting For Trump and If He’s Looking For A Secretary Of State–I’d Deeply Consider It.” War and nation building here we come.