Category Archives: Sarah Palin

UPDATED: J. D. Hayworth Betrayed

Conservatism, IMMIGRATION, John McCain, Republicans, Sarah Palin

In addition to their creedal Keynesianism, another measure of the movement conservatives is the manner in which they betrayed J. D. Hayworth, who ought to have beat Senator John McCain in the Arizona GOP primary. Hayworth had a strong record as an immigration patriot—his was not a “desperate lurch to the right,” for electoral expediency as was McCain’s successful bid.

Read VDARE’s Washington Watcher’s analysis of the one-two punch Hayworth sustained from Palin, Brewer, and the gang at Fox:

“… no Beltway groups endorsed [Hayworth]. Mark Levin and Michelle Malkin supported J.D., but few other prominent conservative personalities supported him. This is despite Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc. repeatedly stating how important it is for us to support ‘true’ conservatives over liberal Republicans.

Without any major conservative help, the fact that Hayworth raised 3 million dollars was an accomplishment. But that cannot fight McCain’s $20+ million.

“Not only did most conservatives fail support Hayworth, many went to bat for John McCain.

The NRA, Arizona Right to Life and, (in an unusual but all-too-typical move), National Review, all endorsed him.

Most effectively for McCain, the two most significant people for the Arizona Republican base, Sarah Palin and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (benefiting, arguably undeservedly, from signing SB 1070) actively campaigned for him.”

UPDATE (Aug. 29): John McCain wanted everyone to believe that he has only just stumbled into the fleshpots of Washington. And Arizonans did, despite the fact that McMussolini was right by Bush’s side as the latter presided over the greatest expansion of government since Lyndon B. Johnson.

McCain had informed Hannity (who didn’t seem to mind) that he’d resume his work for amnesty as soon as the border was secure, which is, by my calculations, round about NOW—the time of the senior senator’s GOP renomination.

Greg is right. Arizonans have chosen their political poison. Alas, it will percolate into our drinking water as well.

Now comes confirmation, via, that the Obama administration has resolved “not to build the border fence and to follow a catch-and-release policy with illegal aliens.” It goes without saying that “Recent steps the administration has taken regarding the border, including the deployment of 520 National Guard troops in Arizona,” have been “insufficient and amounted to ineffective pre-election posturing.”

The next defining date for Mr. McCain: the Tuesday following the first Monday, in November, when both houses will probably be stormed by Repbulicans. Then, it’ll be time for talk amnesty again. You do know that the economy will have turned around on that day too.

And Dana and SE Cupp will have grown a brain (not to mention a facility with economics and rational thought). If you believe all that … here I’ll leave it up to you the reader to fill in with one of those underwater property-sale jokes (let’s have some southern ones, please, to lift sagging spirits).

UPDATED II**: The Contradictions Of Palin

Barack Obama, IMMIGRATION, John McCain, Sarah Palin

She jumped on the opportunity to run on a ticket that supported legalizing 20 million of “God’s children,” John McCain’s misty-eyed moniker for illegal immigrants. While campaigning in 2008, Sarah Palin parroted the McCain position on immigration, still does in many respects.

Now, “Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Sunday that Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) has ‘the cojones’ that President Obama ‘does not have’ to take on illegal immigration.”

This is, first, a stupid statement, because untrue: Obama doesn’t lack for political audacity to pass his legislative agenda. This he has proven. Moreover, a lack of courage is more forgivable than an ideological, intentional refusal to allow the enforcement of immigration laws, which is Obama’s stance. BHO is purposefully preventing Arizona from doing the work he doesn’t want done.

That was the position Palin’s running mate held, before he got religion on enforcement and befriended the fabulous Sheriff Paul Babeu from Pinal County.

And for cowardice and cunning on the border look no further than Bush. Palin has had kind words to say about Genghis B.

UPDATE I ** (Aug. 4): (This update was written on the 2th, but did not update, for some reason. Read it.) A COUPLE OF POINTS: The fact that Palin picks winners matters not. The Flo-trained chimp from the Progressive Insurance ads produces winning combination too. What we need to look at is whether Palin picks principled candidates for office. Carly Fiorina and McCain may have been polite picks, but they were no good. She did well to endorse Rand Paul. So Sarah, a feminist by any other name, was calling BHO a metrosexual. Yes, BHO is not manly; he definitely qualifies as androgynous, a quality not many black men have assimilated, other than Don Lemon of CNN. Come to think of it, good for black men: they have certainly retained their secondary male characteristics: deep voices, confident stride, loud laugh, etc. Black men do not sound like the feminine, younger, white boys of the TV commentariat—liberal and conservative—with their high-pitched voices, fussy cadence, and fancy eye-wear. In their defense, a loss of testosterone is, partly, involuntary. Perhaps women like BHO b/c he is so soft and unmanly. But I digress. Myron was right all along about Sarah being political “cotton candy.” She’s a great personality as a mom, hunter, runner, oil and gas ace (expertise she has never “tapped”). But for the rest: nothing much at all.

UPDATE II (Aug. 4) : In my opinion, Nora makes a good point; Palin’s cojones coinage is tacky. But it goes with the Reality-show flavor her personal life is taking, what with the two, on-again; off again dimwit betrothed; and the neighbor she is always huffing about. Her silent steely husband (I like him); I still think he’s behind the laudable secessionist sentiments Sarah has disavowed. The Dude, btw, does not belong to the Party of Dumb Dames.

UPDATED: The Mark Of Cain (On Both BHO & Bush)

Barack Obama, Bush, IMMIGRATION, Nationhood, Neoconservatism, Republicans, Sarah Palin, UN

Bush bears the Mark of Cain: He has been showered with profuse praise by Obama for the former president’s efforts on behalf of his people, Mexicans residing in the USA.

I have no doubt that Bush, who must be smiling like a Cheshire cat as he reads this, will strongly support BHO’s efforts to further sunder US sovereignty and welcome Mexico to the legal lynching underway against a state in the Union, Arizona. (See “Judge Lets Mexico Have Voice in Court Case Against U.S. Immigration Law.”)

After all, Bush was an avid supporter of international courts in their attempts to save a Mexican—rapist and murderer of American young girls—from a fate the great state of Texas dealt him with a vengeance. From “José Medellín’s Dead; Cue The Mariachi Band”:

The president had set a precedent in the case of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. For defending their country, and in the process shooting a drug smuggler in the derriere, Bush sicced his bloodhound, U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, on these Border Patrol Agents. With the same inverted morality, Bush rode to the rescue of another Mexican outlaw, Medellín; this time against the state he once governed. The president ordered Texas to heed the World Court. Texas said NO. The Supreme Court seconded Texas.

The likes of Karl Rove, Sarah Palin, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and their ilk—they’re all Bush and BHO compliant with respect to advocating “a ‘clear’ path to legalization for immigrants.” And they still reign supreme among the country’s philosopher kings.

Bush and his acolytes ought to give a shout-out back at Barack, for they certainly would approve of BHO’s code words for open borders: immigration reform, reform that brings accountability to our system, and so on.

UPDATED (July 3): How easy it is to get people drunk on the Demopublican KoolAid. The authorities remove South African illegals who’ve made lives for themselves in the US and send them back to the cauldron of racial violence whence they escaped. But because you’ve heard it repeated over and over again that Hispanics, a protected species, cannot be treated like they treat undesirables (South Africans, or one Romanian girl)—you buy the version the Roves and the Palins mouth: “you can’t remove illegals settled here.”

It’s a cycle. The system is set up to treat certain undesirables (read white south Africans) harshly; process them quickly; get them out of here with little noise. The same system succors the noisiest gang, Hispanics. All people like Huggs hear about—and he is vulnerable because of his great respect for GOPiers—is how impossible deportation or a program to bring about attrition is.

They deport white South Africans! They deport Polish 11-year-olds. They’re good at it—and becoming better. Thanks to cry babies who accept the arguments Rove throws at them, GARCIA, MARTINEZ, ALVAREZ, RODRIGUEZ, ROMERO, LOPEZ, FERNANDEZ, HERNANDEZ, GONZALES—they stay in the US of A. If your name is Ewelina Bledniak or Jan Pretorius; you’re gone. If my girl were Hispanic, she would not have lost her hard-earned green card on the border due to a technicality.

Remove all welfare grants, birthright citizenship for anchor babies; make clear that there is no path to citizenship. (Huggs, you know that granting illegal aliens political rights is delivering a voting bloc to the Democrats.) In your own dealings, choose local labor (my landscaper knows that only American boys are welcome on my property; it’s so much more pleasant too)—and watch what happens.

One woman’s utopia is another’s dystopia.

When Palin Agrees With Olbermann

Barack Obama, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Political Philosophy, Pop-Culture, Private Property, Regulation, Republicans, Sarah Palin, The State

The following is from my new, WND.Com column, “When Palin Agrees With Olbermann”:

“Republican reaction to the president’s reaction to the crude gushing in the Gulf of Mexico is a measure of how serious the GOP is about checking the spread of big government.

Every time I turn around, there’s a Republican insisting that Big “O” take over where Big Oil has (allegedly) left off. This, Sarah Palin has been demanding as loudly as James Carville; Congresswoman Michele Bachmann as urgently as clown Keith Olbermann. The consensus on both sides of the political aisle seems to be that where British Petroleum has failed to stop the spread of the oil slick, the president will prevail.

If I didn’t know Republicans better, I’d think they were making political hay out of the Deepwater Horizon leak, now in its fifty second day. …

So what does the idolatrous Idiocracy want from its Golden Calf?

The Oprah faction confuses righteous indignation with righteousness; it wants Obama to come unhinged. The Disneyland division is hoping that off-shore oil explorer, acclaimed scientist and inventor James Cameron, who “has worked extensively with robot submarines,” will help the film directors of BP to plug the oil plume. Cameron’s plan includes that liquid metal robot from “Terminator 2: Judgment Day.” Obama must realize that there is no way such a plan could fail.”…

What do I recommend? For the root of the environmental despoliation of the ocean and other state-controlled expanses of water—and the ultimate solution to it—read on. The column is “When Palin Agrees With Olbermann.”

Read my libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society.

The Second Edition features bonus material and reviews. Get your copy (or copies) now!