Category Archives: Socialism

Heroic Swiss Bankers (UBS AG)

Law, Private Property, Socialism, Taxation, The State

In 2001, I had the unusual occasion to commend the Bush Administration for refusing “to support an attempt by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to clamp down on tax havens. If the junta of high-tax governments has its way,” I wrote in the Financial Post, “not only will there be no place left to run to, but by eliminating what tax havens offer, these governments will have eliminated tax competition, and with it the imperative to downsize their fiefdoms.”

(The occasion was an unusual one, because I’ve had only two positives things to say about the last band of vandals to have trashed the country: I approved of Bush upholding Terry Schiavo’s negative right to life. And I seconded his refusal to capitulate to the Kyoto-protocol crazies. Great record: mine, that is.)

The obama thugs, however, are adamant to muscle every American who attempts to safeguard his property. Reports the WSJ: “Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which has delved into alleged tax haven abuse for years, said he hopes a bill he is sponsoring, and similar legislation in the House, will stop banks from doing what UBS did.”

What did UBS do?

UBS is honoring its contract with its depositors, and fighting U.S. efforts to obtain the names of another 52,000 of its Swiss account holders.

“Levin expressed frustration that despite treaty obligations Swiss authorities and UBS continue to hold out against U.S. demands. ‘We cannot rely on the Swiss; that’s the bottom line,’ he said.”

Yippee, and let us hope the Swiss continue to hold out against the globe-trotting Obamaites.

Recommended: “The War on Tax Havens”

Voodoo Child Talks Up A Storm

Barack Obama, Economy, Political Economy, Republicans, Socialism

The excerpt is from my new column, “Voodoo Child Talks Up A Storm”:

“Because consumption is its be-all and end-all, consumer confidence is crucial to the Cult of Keynes. If the consumer is not crazy confident—even when he ought not to be—goes the ‘thinking,’ he’ll quit consuming until he drops”:

“We will act with the full force of the federal government to ensure that the major banks that Americans depend on have enough confidence and enough money to lend even in more difficult times,’ barked Barack. ‘This administration is moving swiftly and aggressively to break this destructive cycle, restore confidence, and re-start lending.'”

“Our economic animists are hoping that the holy spirit of ‘confidence’ will enter the once bitten, twice shy lender, and make him lend. The same spell is supposed to mysteriously move the unemployed and penniless to spend.”

“In his wonderfully learned book, The Failure of the ‘New Economics,’ Henry Hazlitt (a favorite of mine, as you might have guessed) summed-up the essence of Keynes’ “General Theory”:

“The great virtue is Consumption, extravagance, improvidence. The great vice is Saving, thrift, ‘financial prudence.'” …

Read why the “Voodoo Child is true to the mores and methodology of Keynes,” in “Voodoo Child Talks Up A Storm,” now on

Republicans: Repent!

Barack Obama, Economy, Europe, Socialism

The excerpt is from my new column, Republicans: Repent!”:

“Like all such ‘good’ things, the latest rescue plan originated with a Republican. Only a week or two back, minority whip Sen. Mitch McConnell proposed a similar scheme whereby the government would lower home-loan interest rates and guarantee the loans. …

Only a few months back, Republicans now baying about Obama’s spending voted for Bush’s $750 billion bank bail-out, and, earlier last year, for his ‘Stim.’ As did they go along with the trillions Bush poured into wars and other welfare. …

If party Republicans wish to convince conservatives of the seriousness of their recently discovered fiscal conservatism, they must stop pretending socialism began with Obama; they must quit making hyperbolic, false statements about Obama having killed capitalism. Acknowledge they must that America has been flouting the free market for ages; that Americans labor under a highly regulated economic system, which combines elements of socialism, fascism, and capitalism.

The GOP must first avow this state of affairs, then disavow it and vow to correct it. …

Said Saint Augustine: ‘The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works.’ The Republican Party has done the devil’s work. To embark on the good, it must come clean about the bad.”

The complete column is Republicans: Repent!

‘We Are All Socialists Now’

America, Israel, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Political Philosophy, Socialism

The editors of the left-liberal NEWSWEEK are congratulating themselves for “accepting” and then “thinking clearly ” about the America of 2009 becoming a more socialist country. What Golda Meir once said to someone who needed a poke in the eye applies: “Don’t be so modest, you’re not that great.”

I was under the distinct impression that Newsweek’s agitprop actively helped change hearts and minds so as to bring about the “shift that began not under a Democrat but a Republican … a trend that began under President Bush, not President Obama.” At least that last fact our agitpropists got right.

The complete editorial is “We Are All Socialists Now.”