Category Archives: Socialism

Updated: Absolut Anti-Americanism Vs. Patriotism

America, Colonialism, Economy, IMMIGRATION, Israel, libertarianism, Socialism

Speaking of a hatred of America (see previous post): Let me say this: I’ve observed that the usual libertarian offenders sided with the Reconquista ad campaign of Swedish vodka maker Absolut.

They have my absolute contempt.

Such people are intent on never showing that they stick up for flesh-and-blood human beings—but can love only deracinated abstractions. Ideas and issues before individuals.

The invasion of the Southwest—or “Reconquista” in the parlance of La Raza libertarians’ —is wreaking havoc on a part of the world that was built-up beautifully by Americans, not Mexicans.

To shelter me and protect me, I’d trust a “red state fascist” any time over a libertarian Absolutist.

Speaking of patriots, I’ve just finished Pat Buchanan’s latest book. It goes without saying that I take issue with economic protectionisms. But about Pat there can be no quibble: he is an absolute patriot.

The other good news to emerge from Day of Reckoning is that Pat is rather complimentary about Israel. In fact, it’s as though he read my “Nature of the Jewish State” column about Israeli nationhood. These ideas are reiterated toward the end of Pat’s book. It was indeed a bonus for me to see a sea change in his appreciation of Israel’s existential challenges.

Update (April 16): For an evisceration of the welfare-state “argumentation” La Raza libertarians put forth see “The Work Open Borden Libertarians Won’t Do,” and other essays in the Immigration Archive.

As to our reader’s contention that “self-sufficient people don’t choose socialism”: Really? If people can get back from the taxpayer more than they earn, they do indeed choose socialism. John C. Calhoun, in “A Disquisition on Government,” warned of this eventuality quite some time back too.

Update 2: Axis Of Economic Idiocy

Barack Obama, Economy, Elections 2008, Free Markets, Individual Rights, John McCain, Socialism

Here’s an excerpt from my WorldNetDaily column, which WND has titled “Axis Of Economic Idiocy.” It leads the Commentary Section:

“Obama is an ass with ears when it comes to the economy. The same goes for Clinton. So Sen. McCain did not help himself (or us) by being charmingly self-deprecating about his understanding of the economy. He has allowed Obama and Clinton, infinitely more asinine than he, to assert their superiority…”

“Where Kemp-McCain economics meet Obama-Clinton ‘freakonomics’ is in the unnatural and un-American idea that the government is entitled to a portion of your income; that it has a lien on your life and on what you acquire in the course of sustaining that life…”

Be it Hillary, Hussein or McCain—they all agree that it is up to the all-knowing central planner to determine how much of your life ought to be theirs…

“While McCain will, at least, put in place an economic incentive structure more conducive to prosperity, the other two intend to penalize prudent, productive economic activity. … As another killer collectivist put it, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need…”


Update 1 (March 29): Topic: B. Hussein Obama.

The propriety police has been patrolling our humble blog, and have found me wanting for having fun with Obama’s second name.

So why did I originate—and use now on two occasions—the “Hillary, Hussein McCain Axis of Evil” appellation?

For one, because it sounds good (humor alert for the grim reader). This writer is a sucker for the sound of words. The rhyme is irresistible. Writing is a bit of a craft. I know I’m a throwback in this respect.

More material: I’ve made a substantial case against the man in “Obama’s Racial Ramrodding” for WND and in “The Ethnic Particularism of Barack Obama” for Jewcy (that last sentence has good cadence too, wouldn’t you say?). Once I rested my case against BHO, it was time to play. Let a girl have some fun. I would hope my readers would be bored silly if I did not give them occasion to laugh.

I’m afraid this is not the place for anemic, prissy writing.

Obama is the media’s messiah; Hillary their punching bag; McCain their pet “maverick.” Me you can trust to pick apart this unholy trinity. They’ve all been subject to forceful comment here and here. In “Mitt’s Gone, Bill’s Back,” I exposed McCain as an extension of the neoconservatives. I wrote:

Thanks to the malign McCain, it looked as though the neoconservative whey was finally separating from the conservative curd. What was to remain was not the best concoction, but it promised to be a far cry from the previous accursed ideological amalgam. I had hoped that, in the dust-up between conservatives and neocon-dominated establishment Republicans, McCain would serve as the curdling bacteria. I was wrong.

No doubt, I do find it highly significant and symbolic that a man with the name Hussein may well ascend to the highest office in the US. More disturbing to me is that man’s radical worldview, embraced by virtue of affiliating with a highly political, Afrocentric church for two decades; Obama is not coming clean about his Black-Liberation theology leanings.

Am I someone who believes America has very distinct roots and that those are on the wane? Indeed. Is Obama an antithesis to the authentic America I occasionally catch a glimpse of? I believe so.

Finally, lighten up. Or please take the inquisition elsewhere.

Now what was I saying about B. Hussein Obama?

Update 2 (March 31): I must agree with Patrick about McCain’s language, at least: McCain knows and uses valid terms such as the “unintended consequences of government intervention,” etc. As I said in my column, he is infinitely more familiar with economics than the other two asses with ears.

Incidentally, planned economies are not a branch of economics, as far as I’m concerned, but a branch of statecraft.
There is only one kind of economics, and that is the kind that comports with the laws of nature: the free market.
The free market includes and subsumes the right to enter into voluntary, communistic arrangements!

A Heart-Warming Thought about Global Warming Wombats

Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Pseudoscience, Reason, Socialism

Men and women of reason are beggars. And Beggars can’t be choosy. We must take our pleasures where we can find them.

I know the chicken littles of global warming are mutant Marxists in disguise, but there’s a small consolation to be had in all the fretting these execrable idiots do:

They are worried sick about the planet. Ordinary lefties worry to the tune of a serious rise in diastolic and systolic blood pressure units. Their revolting little brats—the ones who star in commercials for universal health care on TV—don’t sleep at night because of global warming (in the 1970s it was cooling).

The Worry Factor may just increase the rate at which this particular invasive species falls off the earth.

That’s my uplifting thought for the day.

Update #2: Complicated China

Capitalism, China, Communism, Socialism

In my last column, “Stop Stimulating in Public,” I praised the Chinese for their habit of saving. Whatever their economic and political system, unlike the American government and people, the Chinese and their overlords do not see in debt a virtue to be compensated for, subsidized, and forgiven—in essence what American politicians are busying themselves with right now.
To say that the strength of the Chinese economy is derived, unilaterally, from that government’s exploitation of its people is to err on the side of social determinism—something Americans are increasingly prone to. It’s a view “liberty lovers” of the Beltway and their Objectivist tagalongs promote by default in their enthusiasm for going around the world rescuing the unfortunate. People can rescue themselves.
Social determinism is anti-individualism. In this context it implies that unless individuals have a certain political system (usually courtesy of the American taxpayer), they’ll never transcend their circumstances. History teaches us otherwise. People are driven to self-actualization no matter what. (Do read about Viktor E. Frankl, in this context.)
It’s also a mark of the cloistered American, dismissive of the drive individual Chinese display, and the skill they are capable of acquiring. China is not Africa! Each year, China graduates the number of engineers the US has in total: approximately 300,000. Since our state and its apparatus are accreting, we’re in the unproductive business of lawyering up; they’re making things. As Sean, who has traveled to China tells me, they’re still largely in the imitation phase, but, boy, do they learn fast.
All economic indicators rate Hong Kong as the freest spot in the world. Go live there, if they’ll let you—and if you’re able to afford housing, and stomach the climate (I’m Heidi of the North-West) and the customs.
Mainland China, of course, is another matter. Still, China is not what the backward Sinophobes in the US depict it to be. The latter have usually never been out of the country. Massive economic restructuring and market reforms have created a 300 million strong Chinese middle class. Poverty levels have gone from “53% in 1981 to 8% in 2001… Only about a third of the economy is now directly state-controlled. As of 2005, 70% of China’s GDP was in the private sector.” Underway are “the foundation of a diversified banking system, the development of stock markets; [and] the rapid growth of the non-state sector.”
An important point to make is that “although the government still dominates the economy in parts, the extent of its control has been limited by the sheer volume of economic activity.” Again, individual human action overwhelms state destruction.
To say, moreover, that private property is non-existent in China is also no longer true (to the extent we’re able to ferret out untruths, we don’t countenance them here on Barely a Blog). “Following the Chinese Communist Party’s Third Plenum, held in October 2003, Chinese legislators unveiled several proposed amendments to the state constitution. One of the most significant was a proposal to provide protection for private property rights.” The Chinese financial system is also being liberalized, so that to assert that Chinese can’t own stocks and shares is, again, simply untrue.
Sounds like they’re catching up while we’re falling behind—their people, like East Europeans, want economic freedom; ours crave controls. That’s really the danger.
Another distortion in need of dispelling: The Chinese suffer because they’re a source of cheap labor. As I’ve written in “Free Trade, Not the WTO, Will Enrich the Third World,” “Nike [for example] is either offering higher, the same or lower wages than the wages workers were earning before its arrival. This franchise would find it hard to attract workers if the case was that it was offering less, or the same as other companies. It must be then that Nike, and Starbucks are benefactors that offer the kind of wage unavailable [in poor countries] prior to their arrival.”
The Chinese call their economic system “Socialism with Chinese characteristic.” We call our economic reality free-market capitalism, but it is also a Third Way system:  “Socialism with American characteristics.”
As for the importance of a political system: what a joke. Voting is a joke. If the American government kept its mitts off my bank account and property, I would not care one whit whether they called themselves, more honestly, socialists, or, dishonestly, capitalists. China at least is honest about its economic system, and, it appears, about the benefits of liberalizing it.  
The picture of China to emerge from behind those pretty shoji screens is complex. But the trend is unmistakable: China is becoming more, not less, liberal.

Update I: My tolerance for displays of the Fabian mindset on a free-market  blog is low these days. I am not going to give space to the commie nonsense of income gap or economic disparities as indicators of injustice. We are not social levelers here; nor egalitarians. If you don’t know that this is the essence of commie claptrap, then read up. I’ve provide a reading list. My essays in the “Economy” and “Sod Off Uncle Sam” Archives also cover free-market fallacies. Start with “Slouching Toward Socialism.”

Update #II: In reply to Alex’s response to my first update: It’s scarier than you think. Banging on about income inequality as an indicator of an unjust society is very much part of the conservative nomenclature these days—as is global warming hallucinations, amnesty for any and all, etc. I can go on and list a host of issues over which there has been a complete convergence between contemporary “conservatives” and the liberal-left. On second thought, given that you bested my efforts on the State of Disunion, you could too. We are all left-liberals now!