Category Archives: Terrorism

UPDATED: Are You Or Aren't You Racist

Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Morality, Political Correctness, Race, Racism, Terrorism

That’s the question—the defining existential question in a world that lives under the tyranny of political correctness. This form of terrorism means that for violating correct thinking one can find oneself fired, ostracized, branded, libeled, robbed of property and peace, and even confined in certain “free” countries.

Mirroring this reality is Obama’s ludicrous statement, in the wake of the murder of “at least 74 people … in blasts targeting people watching the World Cup,” about the handiwork of terrorist outfits such as al-Qaeda and al-Shabab. The BBC reveals (they must think this is a worthy, because politically profound, news story) that,

“What you’ve seen in some of the statements that have been made by these terrorist organisations is that they do not regard African life as valuable in and of itself.”

BHO’s statement was complemented by an administration cretin, who said:

“al-Qaeda is a racist organisation that treats black Africans like cannon fodder and does not value human life”.


Plain murder? Forget about it. Committing murder is secondary to harboring racism. Committing murder while racist—-nothing could be worse than that.

UPDATE: THE RACIAL REALITY is such that a blithering Beck has announced, after expatiating on the topic for two sessions, that the New Panther rants are not about race. They are about black liberation theology (and that’s not about race, right!) or hippies.

There are black and white Hitlers all around us, says Glenn.

Where is the suicidal white supremacist to situate himself outside a polling station in Atlanta, and call for the killing of black babies, in a non-racial way, naturally? The last white supremacist I got wind of was killed by a black supremacist.

Dhimmis At Ground Zero?

Christianity, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Terrorism, The West

The following is from my new, WND.Com column,Dhimmis At Ground Zero?”:

“‘Call me jaded or unsentimental,’ wrote one of my readers, ‘but the World Trade Towers were ugly Rockefeller buildings built by the abuse of eminent domain (my friend’s dad lost his job at a private firm there) and taxpayer theft and operated at a great loss to the taxpayers. They were known mainly for a dreadful remake of King Kong. While I mourn the loss of 3,000 Americans, I am not about to elevate the Towers into the Beit Hamikdash (The Temple in Jerusalem).'”

“My unorthodox patron was responding to news that the American Society for Muslim Advancement (quite literally) plans to erect a ‘Mega-Mosque’ at Ground Zero. The advancing Muslims say this is a peace offering – a center intended to foster Muslim tolerance and temperance. Most Americans, well-represented by the energetic crowds that pitched up to protest this affront, don’t believe them. (Taqiyya anyone?)”

Neither do I. To count as a peacemaking offering, the ‘Sulcha’ must be considered conciliatory by those it is intended to pacify. …

Less clear, however, is the course of action protesters intend to pursue. Defeat this act of domination, and the invasive species will take root elsewhere. Yet, restricting acquisitive property rights in a free society should never be entertained. As far as I can tell, then, all anti-mega-mosque activists are requesting is kindness and consideration from those they regard as conquistadors.

How like dhimmis! …

The complete column is Dhimmis At Ground Zero?”

Read my libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society.

The Second Edition features bonus material and reviews. Get your copy (or copies) now!

Dhimmis At Ground Zero?

Christianity, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Terrorism, The West

The following is from my new, WND.Com column,Dhimmis At Ground Zero?”:

“‘Call me jaded or unsentimental,’ wrote one of my readers, ‘but the World Trade Towers were ugly Rockefeller buildings built by the abuse of eminent domain (my friend’s dad lost his job at a private firm there) and taxpayer theft and operated at a great loss to the taxpayers. They were known mainly for a dreadful remake of King Kong. While I mourn the loss of 3,000 Americans, I am not about to elevate the Towers into the Beit Hamikdash (The Temple in Jerusalem).'”

“My unorthodox patron was responding to news that the American Society for Muslim Advancement (quite literally) plans to erect a ‘Mega-Mosque’ at Ground Zero. The advancing Muslims say this is a peace offering – a center intended to foster Muslim tolerance and temperance. Most Americans, well-represented by the energetic crowds that pitched up to protest this affront, don’t believe them. (Taqiyya anyone?)”

Neither do I. To count as a peacemaking offering, the ‘Sulcha’ must be considered conciliatory by those it is intended to pacify. …

Less clear, however, is the course of action protesters intend to pursue. Defeat this act of domination, and the invasive species will take root elsewhere. Yet, restricting acquisitive property rights in a free society should never be entertained. As far as I can tell, then, all anti-mega-mosque activists are requesting is kindness and consideration from those they regard as conquistadors.

How like dhimmis! …

The complete column is Dhimmis At Ground Zero?”

Read my libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society.

The Second Edition features bonus material and reviews. Get your copy (or copies) now!

UPDATE III: An Act Of War? (Reuters Doctors Images, Allegedly)

Iran, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Jihad, Journalism, Media, Terrorism, War

Is it a prelude to an act of war? If I didn’t know better, that’s what I’d call the threat Iran has issued to send its Iranian Revolutionary Guard to escort ships attempting to break through the blockade of Gaza. Were I a resident of Israel, I’d be nervous.

But of course, I know better. After all, it would be perfectly proper, and in keeping with US sovereignty, were Turkish “activists,” escorted by the Iranian military, to wash up on American shores. I’m glad I got that straightened out in my own mind.


Israel will do “whatever it takes” to defend itself from terrorism, the Israeli ambassador to the U.S. said Sunday, without elaborating what actions would be taken in the face of a potential Iranian Revolutionary Guard escort of ships to break through the blockade of Gaza.
Ambassador Michael Oren said Israel is “open to any ideas to somehow deal with the Gaza situation” but dropping the blockade is unlikely since that would mean allowing thousands of rockets to arrive in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

UPDATE I (June 7): WINNING THROUGH WEAKNESS. Daniel Pipes’ keen analysis of the strategy involving the “Amity Armada” is particularly insightful:

“One of the most important rules for a strategist is not to be put on the defensive. David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, developed this concept into a doctrine of forward defense that brilliantly served his state in its early years.

Eventually, however, Israel’s enemies realized that they could not win a conventional war. Instead of launching planes, tanks, and ships at the Jewish state, they turned to other means – weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, and (most recently) political delegitimization. Delegitimization turns the rules of war upside down: in particular strength is weakness and public opinion has supreme importance.

Israel’s command structure, having mastered the old ways of war (the ones that lasted to 1973), has shown utter strategic incompetence at the new ways of war (in place since 1982). The new rules require an agile sense of public relations, which means that a powerful state never physically harms, even inadvertently, its rag-tag political adversaries.”…


Where Pipes and I depart is in that, finally, after decades of bumbling, I see an Israeli public-relations sea change. Michael Oren accounts for 90 percent of it.

UPDATE II: Nebojsa Malic’s take on the winning-through-weakness strategy:

“Israel has a powerful conventional army, navy, air force, and most likely even nuclear weapons (though not officially acknowledged). It has defeated Arab armies on numerous occasions in open warfare, and has successfully fought terrorism and insurgency through special operations. So those who wish it destroyed came up with a way of turning that strength into a weakness: cast themselves as innocent, unarmed, helpless victims and howl as loud as possible about being abused by that very Israel whose strength no one can dispute.”

UPDATE III (June 8): Fox News reports:

“In one photo, an Israeli commando is shown lying on the deck of the ship, surrounded by activists. The uncut photo released by IHH shows the hand of an unidentified activist holding a knife. But in the Reuters photo, the hand is visible but the knife has been edited out.”

The blog ‘Little Green Footballs’ challenged Reuters’ editing of the photo.

‘That’s a very interesting way to crop the photo. Most people would consider that knife an important part of the context. There was a huge controversy over whether the activists were armed. Cropping out a knife, in a picture showing a soldier who’s apparently been stabbed, seems like a very odd editorial decision. Unless someone was trying to hide it,’ the blog stated.”