Category Archives: The West

Only 1 In 5 Americans Speaks English, Kinda


The Center for Immigration Studies revealed that “61 Million Immigrants and Their Young Children Now Live in the United States.” One in five Americans is a foreigner.

The countries of origin whence immigrants to the US come are unavailable in the Current Population Survey (CPS), from which the CIS data is culled.

Ridiculously, “The 1970 Census was the last census to ask about parents’ place of birth.” “The 2000 Census was the last census to identify the foreign-born,” so birthplace of parents is currently ignored by the Census Bureau, extrapolated indirectly by our researchers.

Here’s a hint, via Census American Community Survey, as to the future of English in America, a country founded by Englishmen who wrote high English:

More than one in five U.S. residents speak a language other than English at home, a record, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In an analysis of the recent Census American Community Survey, a huge surge was recorded in those who speak Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and Urdu, Pakistan’s national language.

(Washington Examiner)

A day is coming when English speakers won’t be able to get jobs speaking their native language.

UPDATED: Local, Low Birth Rates & Immigration Are Unrelated, Except By Government


The following immigration “argument” has been made by Mark Steyn, and, to be fair, by good guy Pat Buchanan: Westerners are, somehow, unwittingly responsible for the amorphous thing called mass immigration. (That thing just happens, right?) Because westerners won’t procreate at rates deemed acceptable by welfare experts, Third Worlders must be imported to make up for the demographic deficits.

Come again?! And what absolute nonsense.

A low-birth rate people is entitled not to be ethnically cleansed by its government’s immigration policies, even if its people are not reproducing as they “should.” Fertility and immigration are unrelated, except through and by government.

The State and the statists tie the two issues together by using the one, low-birth rates, to excuse the other (mass importation of immigrants).

From “Beck, Wilders, and His Boosters’ Blind Spot”:

… I am told that I don’t understand Mr. Steyn of the dooms-day demographics. So I listened to his “End of Europe” lectures, in which he vividly describes the multitudes of Muslims going forth to North America and Western Europe to be fruitful and multiply and push for Islam. Their Pan-Islamist identity trumps their new assumed identity. Because of numbers, Mark asserts, History is on the march in the Muslim direction. By 2030 much of what we think of as the developed world will be part of the Muslim world.

Here Steyn hits a brick wall. Other than making babies at home and total war abroad, he proposes nothing much at all. Oh yes, if you’re not already fighting (futilely, in my opinion) in Iraq and Afghanistan, you can show your marbles by publishing offensive cartoons, making rightwing movies, and writing right-wing text.

The “One-Man Global Content Provider” is wrong. Demographics need not be destiny. The waning West became what it is not by out-breeding the undeveloped world. We were once great not because of huge numbers, but due to human capital — people of superior ideas and abilities, capable of innovation, exploration, science, philosophy.

Declining birth rates—and their antidote; the mass immigration imperative—are the excuses statists make for persevering with immigration policies that are guaranteed to destroy western civil society and shore up the State. …


UPDATED (3/10):

Pope Francis, The Scold From Fort Vatican, Is At It Again


The “Vatican is surrounded by walls.” The Holy See’s holy city “has the most restrictive immigration, citizenship policies of any nation in world.”

But like all the filthy rich and the privileged, Pope Francis has strict prescriptions for the Little People: Open-border globalism with all the attendant problems that spells for host populations.

Pope Francis Suggests Donald Trump Is ‘Not Christian’:

Inserting himself into the Republican presidential race, Pope Francis on Wednesday suggested that Donald J. Trump “is not Christian” because of the harshness of his campaign promises to deport more immigrants and force Mexico to pay for a wall along the border.

“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” Francis said when a reporter asked him about Mr. Trump on the papal airliner as he returned to Rome after his six-day visit to Mexico.

Pope Francis has continued to pay tribute to authoritarian left-liberal regimes, while he heaps contempt on the West.

Farook Family Lawyers In Masterful Display Of Taqqiya (Deception In Furtherance Of Islam)


From the slimy, slick performance put on by Farook family members and lawyers, it is clear that the family is deceptive and is paying its reps to be deceptive, and I’m being charitable. The family’s proxies are practicing taqiyya, namely, deception is furtherance of Islam. They even profess to speak on behalf of “the Muslim community,” and not solely their clients.

“According to Dr. Sami Mukaram, an Islamic studies professor specializing in taqiyya,” and author of the only academic book exclusively devoted to it, “Taqiyya [dissimulation, deception, duplicity] in order to deceive the enemy is permissible.” (Gatestone Institute).

From describing the two San Bernardino shooters as “the alleged shooters,” as the two lawyers diligently did, to speaking of the Farook couple’s mere “involvement in this incident,” when in fact the two had instigated a massacre; to asserting that we don’t “know that anybody was involved”—the lawyers, DAVID S. CHELSEY and MOHAMMAD ABUERSHAD, behaved disgracefully. At one point, the uglier mug’s lips even curled up in a bemused snicker, which he quickly brought under control.

And the media is being mild about this pair’s conduct. In their dhimmitude, Westerners can’t even tell the truth about lying.

Sounding a lot like the Council on American–Islamic Relations, the shysters

“repeatedly emphasized how Islam had nothing to do with the shooting, how we should replace “intolerance” with “forgiveness,” and how “as a primarily Christian nation” [suddenly the US is Christian] the United States should be a place of compassion, not “bigotry and stereotyping.” (Mediaite.)

“Never saw any warning signs”? Nothing out of the ordinary? Lies. Your American son, nephew, brother travels to Saudi to import a bride whose face you seldom see, who stuffs the garage with ammo and the kid’s closet with gun cleaners—and granny, residing with evil in law, never noticed anything unusual?

Welcome to the new norm in tolerant America.

How stupid are we going to be?

Supremely stupid, judging from the enabling interview CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR, conducted with the taqiyya two: We are live from San Bernardino, California. We do have new information this morning. Let’s get right to the breaking news.

Attorneys for the shooters family are speaking out. The family saying that Farook and Malik, the male and female suspect, gave them no indication that they would do something like this. They say they are in shock like everybody else.

But there is more information and context about what they’re going through right now, what it means to the investigation. Here’s more of the interview.


CUOMO: How does the family explain the developments about their son and brother, the activities in the house, the activities with the murders? How do they explain what’s been learned about him?

DAVID S. CHELSEY, SHOOTERS’ FAMILY’S ATTORNEY: It’s really challenging, because they never saw any warning signs or any real characteristics that would let them know that any of this was going to take place.

So, for them, they’ve alluded to the fact that sometimes co- workers have done silly things, made fun of Syed’s beard, for example. It’s like there’s so little there to understand or explain what happened or why it happened. And that’s kind of what makes this fascinating. There’s no — there’s no connection to anything having to do with religion, although that’s tried to have been connected to. It’s just — there’s no evidence of anything, really.

CUOMO: You know, federal authorities are saying they believe there is proof that he had become radicalized. You say that’s not true?

CHELSEY: We haven’t seen anything. Believe me, we’ve met with the FBI and, you know, someone has alluded to the fact that they found something on the his computer that he may have talked to somebody who talked to — or spoken with somebody on the computer who viewed something about ISIS but it’s like, it’s so tenuous, there’s nothing really there. No one has been able to find anything.

We were in interviews with the FBI for three hours today. And there was — there was nothing found. As much as they asked the family, they couldn’t pinpoint any warning signs, any aggressiveness on the part of them.

CUOMO: They’re also flagging the travel abroad. Does the family have any insight into the trips to Saudi Arabia and who he met there and what he was doing there. Clearly, it’s raised the suspicions of the authorities.

MOHAMMAD ABUERSHAD, SHOOTERS’ FAMILY’S ATTORNEY: Well, Syed Farook traveled to Saudi as part of his pilgrimage. He went to Hajj. That was the first time he went there. The next time he went there was to get married. He met his wife online through an online dating Web site, and he traveled over there to get married to her.

He never travelled to Pakistan. He travelled to Saudi.

CUOMO: You say Pakistan, because that’s where his wife was born.

ABUERSHAD: His wife was born in Pakistan. She was born and raised in Pakistan. At the age of 18 to 20, she moved to Riyadh.

CUOMO: What do they know about her? This is highly unusual for a woman not just be involved in the planning but the actual execution of these kinds of murders.

ABUERSHAD: Well, they don’t know that anybody was involved and that she was involved in the planning of this. She was very conservative. She was a stay-at-home mom. She was helping to raise the children. She helped take care of the mother at the house.

They were a very close-knit family. Not too many people knew anything about them.

And back to your original question, the family was in shock, as everybody else was when they heard out about this. This wasn’t something that they saw overtime developing or occurring.

CUOMO: The nature of the relationship with him and his wife, it is always hard in a tight-knit family to not understand how you don’t know everything about each other. You’re saying that is the case, that there was a loner aspect to him, there was a change with him when he got married.

How so?

ABUERSHAD: He was always conservative. He always kept to himself. His wife, compared to the rest of the family, she was — they were on their own little planet. They weren’t married that long. They were kind of like newlyweds. They kind of kept themselves in the whole situation.

The families, the sisters would talk to her and they see her once in a while. It wasn’t something they would be getting together every single day, every single week. It was just — they see her at family events, they talk to her, that would be it.

CUOMO: Was she known to have different views on faith or on the world than they did?

ABUERSHAD: She was Muslim and so are they. It’s the same view.


Even cretin Alice CAMEROTA is skeptical: I don’t know, Chris. I mean, it’s just hard to digest what the attorneys are saying where they’re saying, you know, how can they be connected when authorities say that their house was like a bomb-making factory. I mean, why — is this willful blindness that these attorneys are exercising?

But CUOMO will have none of his colleague’s skepticism: Well, two things. One, he says that once the guy got married, they didn’t see him as often. They saw him at family meetings, not necessarily at the house. Second, it has to be noted, the family is not under any umbrella of suspicion so far as we know from the investigators. All of their dealings with them have been voluntary. That is since the mother was first detained by authorities. And that was a little bit of a difficult process.

So, we don’t have any reason to point finger beyond what we’re hearing right now, certainly the investigators haven’t given any proof for it.