Category Archives: The West

UPDATED: In The West The Inmates Run The Asylum


“In The West The Inmates Run The Asylum” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

“HEY, it’s me, Salah Abdeslam. Did you see the attacks across Paris? Bismillah, may we have many more like them. Brothers Brahim, Abaaoud, myself and others pulled it off. I’m still in Paris. I need a ride back to Brussels. Come get me.”

After executing 130 people in Paris, Nov. 13, and maiming many more, Abdeslam called his compadres in Belgium to ask for a lift home. I can’t vouch for the precise wording of the telephonic exchange between Salah Abdeslam and his contacts in Belgium. But the call took place, as BBC News reported. And it must have been quite a relaxed one, circumstances considered.

Still on the lam, Abdeslam knows he has nothing to fear. The French authorities were on heightened alert. The Kufar’s telephones had all been tapped. Yet Salah’s faith in the French fools was unshaken for a reason.

Without court orders, as The Guardian tells it, François Hollande’s socialist government taps phones and emails, hacks computers, installs “secret cameras and recording devices in private homes”; infects French Internet and phone service providers with “complex algorithms” designed to “alert the authorities to suspicious behavior.”

Yet it all—the French Surveillance State—amounts to naught.

Like gun laws, spy laws oppress only law-abiding, harmless individuals.

As in all western democracies, France’s Big Brother surveillance apparatus is as useless as it is oppressive.

France’s “protectors” knew nothing of the conversations taking place under their noses. … Yes, Salah knew all too well—still knows—that offensive speech French authorities would diligently prosecute, all the more so when uttered by a “white supremacist.” But a suspicious looking swarthy supremacist like himself, hellbent on killing his hosts, would not so much as be stopped for an inquisitive chat. …

Read the rest. “In The West The Inmates Run The Asylum” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine.

UPDATE: PLEASE, I never want to hear Michael Savage’s nonsense about liberalism being a mental illness repeated to me, not by my readers.

There must be no medicalizing of stupidity and misbehavior in this space. This is a gross error of logic. To do that, as Savage does, is the heights of leftism and confused thinking. By that logic, any erroneous thinking is rooted in misfiring neurons, except that there is ZERO evidence for the organic basis of bad thinking and bad behavior. None! A stupid, malevolent person is responsible for what he does and for what he believes. There is no disease process behind liberalism. Readers who repeat this nonsense are hereby assigned the entire Mercer works archived under psychiatry, pop-psychology, and especially “Psychiatry and The Therapeutic State.” Longtime readers who repeat this error must carry added guilt of knowing that they broke my heart today. I expect a thorough familiarity with the thinking of my beloved pal Professor Thomas Stephen Szasz, RIP, on so-called mental disease.

Emasculated West Primed For Muscular, Manly, Muslim Takeover


I can see why women—biologically programmed to like powerful men who can take care of them—would find Muslim men more attractive than the West’s soft, repulsive, liberal men. Indeed, from this Jerusalem-based imam comes excellent locution and logic to describe an emasculated, feminized West, primed for a muscular, masculine Muslim takeover. His “Europe has become old and decrepit” is three minutes and 11 seconds into the supremely reasoned sermon.

So where are the West’s manly leaders? “I have a blond wife, a blue-eyed child and a … shotgun,” said one European, residing near a refugee encampment, to InfoWars’ correspondent. But he (and his hearsay) is but one (and if he defended his fair flock; he and European males like him would be jailed). Most men just hand their women over. Yuk.

And by the way, the Imam strikes a better pose than, say, Father Michael Pfleger and the prototypical white, liberal, male preacher. Be honest: Who looks better? The ascetic-looking Muslim in his white flowing robes, speaking in that deep manly voice, or this emasculated thing (which is what the West’s religious leaders generally look and sound like):

The Western, radical liberal preacher:

The Muslim Manly Preacher:

To follow on the report of Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars’ young correspondent (some four minutes into the broadcast): Indeed, if you accept and want the growing “superstate bureaucracy,” you accept and want its imported populations. I’ve debunked the demographic argument, which is an extension of the argument from statism:

As explained in this 2010 column:

… Exemplified by Mark Steyn, Wilders’ worthy supporters in the US make sure he knows they love him for standing tall for speech, women, and individual rights—no-brainers all. Like Steyn, they generally steer clear of addressing the perils for their own country of mass, third-world immigration (legal and illegal).

I am told that I don’t understand Mr. Steyn of the dooms-day demographics. So I listened to his “End of Europe” lectures, in which he vividly describes the multitudes of Muslims going forth to North America and Western Europe to be fruitful and multiply and push for Islam. Their Pan-Islamist identity trumps their new assumed identity. Because of numbers, Mark asserts, History is on the march in the Muslim direction. By 2030 much of what we think of as the developed world will be part of the Muslim world.

Here Steyn hits a brick wall. Other than making babies at home and total war abroad, Steyn used to propose nothing much at all. Oh yes, if you’re not already fighting (futilely, in my opinion) in Iraq and Afghanistan, you can show your marbles by publishing offensive cartoons, making rightwing movies, and writing right-wing text.

The “One-Man Global Content Provider” is wrong. Demographics need not be destiny. The waning West became what it is not by out-breeding the undeveloped world. We were once great not because of huge numbers, but due to human capital — people of superior ideas and abilities, capable of innovation, exploration, science, philosophy.

Declining birth rates—and their antidote; the mass immigration imperative—are the excuses statists make for persevering with immigration policies that are guaranteed to destroy western civil society and shore up the State.

It would be productive if Steyn were to also demand, asap, as this writer has, the implementation of an immediate, defensive, libertarian, negative-rights, leave-me-alone strategy: don’t let the homie Jiahdis who hold western passports back in. Government-issued papers do not a natural right confer. Citizenship is no natural right; staying alive is.

UPDATED: ‘ET Analyzes Paris Attacks & Weeps For The West’ Affects The Heartland


“ET Analyzes Paris Attacks & Weeps For The West” continues to draw intense reactions from the few sentient readers one can hope to reach, so often in the American Heartland:

Dear Ms. Mercer,

OMG!!!!!!! This is almost surreal, that is if it wasn’t so true. You, my dear respected lady/writer, are absolutely fantastic in the way you display your thoughts and purpose. I don’t know about the rest of America, but for sure I’m your biggest fan in the Heartland! Very few writers cause my heart to beat with purpose in such dark days. …

… Today, you have given me purpose, breaking this ice of despair. I once again feel like going on the attack against those who would destroy our civilization, our need, our want to live and be productive with liberty in a free society.

How often do I have to say, “You have just out-done yourself?”
And you also excite me with a passion for right ideals – not every writer can do this.


UPDATE (11/29): More notes:

Since we can’t elect Ilana or ET, let’s at least elect Trump. Fantastic article.

UPDATED: Great Historian Of Liberty On ‘ET Analyzes Paris Attacks & Weeps For The West’


It’s not easy to admit, but writing “ET Analyzes Paris Attacks & Weeps for the West,” now on The Unz Review, was very emotional. Enough said. Therefore, it means a great deal when liberty’s historian, the great Dr. Ralph Raico, says this about my ET:

November 27, 2015 at 5:04 pm GMT • 100 Words

An excellent, courageous article. The author demonstrates her unwavering commitment to individual rights, including freedom of expression, by criticizing the Federal Republic’s prosecution of an elderly woman for the heinous thought crime of “Holocaust denial.” Such prosecution is a common occurrence in the soft authoritarian regimes of western Europe which the First Amendment has thankfully spared us in America–so far.

Dr. Raico’s Articles Archive at

About Ralph Raico, PhD.

Raico Books.

READ “ET Analyzes Paris Attacks & Weeps for the West,” now on The Unz Review.

UPDATE: Clyde Wilson, another great historian (quoted just the other day), this time of the South, sent commendations. It means a lot, because, as I said, this piece took a lot out of me.