Category Archives: War

Does McCain Owe A Mea Culpa To POWS & MIAS?

Criminal Injustice, Foreign Policy, John McCain, Media, War

“Does McCain Owe Mea Culpa To POWS & MIAS?” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

“It’s the beginning of the end for Donald Trump.” “It disqualifies him as a presidential candidate.” “This is the end of his run.” So crowed the political operatives looking to take down Mr. Trump, and by so doing, protect the political status quo and ease themselves into positions of greater power. The egos in the anchor’s chair and the pundits opposite chimed in: “He’ll make the more serious candidates look more serious,” predicted the next Michael Oakeshott and favorite imbecile, S. E. Cupp.

The Donald is in the dock for desecrating one of the political establishment’s most sacred cows: Sen. John McCain. Speaking at a forum in Iowa, the popular presidential hopeful said these sagacious things about the Republican from Arizona:

“[McCain’s] not a war hero. He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, okay?” (On the same occasion, Trump ventured that he was not particularly for the Vietnam War, a position that should endear him to principled libertarians.)

Not only does Donald Trump not owe Sen. McCain an apology; McCain likely owes mea culpa to Trump—and to the very many Vietnam veterans and their families whom he is alleged to have betrayed.

Yes, the heroic prisoner-of-war pedigree upon which McCain has established his career and credibility is probably a myth.

For our purposes, the story begins with Sydney Schanberg, back in the days before American journalism became a circle jerk of power brokers.

Mr. Schanberg is one of “America’s most eminent journalists.” “For his accounts of the fall of Cambodia to the Khmer Rouge in 1975,” Schanberg “was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting ‘at great risk.’ He is also the recipient of many other awards–including two George Polk awards, two Overseas Press Club awards and the Sigma Delta Chi prize for distinguished journalism.” Schanberg’s byline at The Nation magazine further reveals that:

The 1984 movie, The Killing Fields [watch it!], which won several Academy Awards, was based on his book ‘The Death and Life of Dith Pran’–a memoir of his experiences covering the war in Cambodia for the New York Times and of his relationship with his Cambodian colleague, Dith Pran.

Schanberg is also the author of a “remarkable 8,000-word exposé”: “McCain and the POW Cover-Up.” Here follow the opening paragraphs. They provide a précis of the forensic evidence collected by Schanberg against McCain as ally of Vietnam War POWs and men missing inaction …

Read on. “Does McCain Owe A Mea Culpa To POWS & MIAS?” is now on The Unz Review.

A REMINDER (9/21/017): Some Shin Bet Veterans Not Against Iran Deal

Foreign Policy, Iran, Israel, War

Ami Ayalon, former head of Shin Bet, the Israeli internal security service, and a former chief of the Israeli Navy, said this about the US deal with Iran:

“… when it comes to Iran’s nuclear capability, this [deal] is the best option.”

“When negotiations began, Iran was two months away from acquiring enough material for a [nuclear] bomb. Now it will be 12 months,” Ayalon says, and the difference is significant to anyone with a background in intelligence. “Israelis are failing to distinguish between reducing Iran’s nuclear capability and Iran being the biggest devil in the Middle East,” he says.

“Ayalon and several of the other Israeli war heroes who appeared in The Gatekeepers, an acclaimed 2012 documentary about Shin Bet, endorsed Obama’s best argument for the agreement—that the alternative is much worse.”


Donald Trump Makes The War Street Journal Foam. Excellent.

Elections, John McCain, Neoconservatism, War

Now The War Street Journal is furious. And no, that’s not a typo. Like a drama queen would, the neocon mouthpiece has declared that by attacking “McMussolini,” Donald Trump has finally crossed some uncrossable threshold and is destined to self-immolate. The unhinged headline: “Trump and His Apologists: The conservative media who applaud him are hurting the cause.” The War Street Journal’s cause is certainly not mine.

Keep rattling the War Party, Donald Trump. The people have no particular love for John McCain. And veterans will get over it. Stay as irreverent as you are, Mr. Trump.

RELATED: “Don’t Apologize To McMussolini, Donald Trump”

UPDATE II: Don’t Apologize To McMussolini, Donald Trump

John McCain, Military, Neoconservatism, War

The neoconservative warmongering John McCain finished 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy and lost five jets. As IQ ace Steve Sailer once quipped, “To lose one plane over Vietnam may be regarded as a heroic tragedy; to lose five planes here and there looks like carelessness.”

Now, his equally dim daughter, whose mental prowess I exposed in “A Cow Is Born,” is defending him against the impolitic Donald Trump, who called out her sacred cow of a father for being worshiped for naught.

To bring you up-to-date: The Donald said, while speaking at a forum in Iowa:

“[McCain’s] not a war hero. He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, okay?”

Take down John “McMussolini,” and you begin to take down the neoconservative cabal.

UPDATED I: Ann Coulter, who worships every military sacred cow—one has to in order to please Republicans and conservatives—concedes Donald said a dumb thing about McCain. Nonsense. Donald spoke the truth. It is also true—OMG!—that those men of the military who died invading Iraq did not die for our freedoms. Ditto those murdered by marauding Muslims on American soil. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news and simple reason.

UPDATED II: As for Donald Trump’s stand against wars, so far, Vietnam included: It’s good and very libertarian of him.