Hammering Holder



Pat Buchanan calls on Attorney General Holder, of the “nation of cowards” fame, to show some real courage and come to grips with the following:

“A 70 percent illegitimacy rate in black America, an incarceration and crime rate seven times that of white America, a 50 percent dropout rate in many urban high schools, African-American graduates reading and computing on average at eighth-grade levels.”

“According to the Center for Immigration Studies, among African-Americans 18 to 29 with only a high-school diploma, unemployment is now 20 percent. Among black adults who do not have a high-school diploma, it is 24 percent. Among teenagers under 18, black unemployment is 30 percent.”

“Among native-born Hispanics with only a high-school diploma, the unemployment rate is 13.6 percent. Among high-school dropouts, 16 percent. Among Hispanic 16- and 17-year-olds, the jobless figure is 40 percent. … And with both black and Hispanic dropout rates now reaching 50 percent in major cities, the social dynamite is piling up.”

“Who is getting the jobs for which these native-born black and Hispanic young could quality? Illegal aliens hold literally millions of them.”

“Last week, the CIS reported, ‘An estimated 6 to 7 million illegal immigrants are currently holding jobs. Prior research indicates they are overwhelmingly employed in lower-skilled and lower-paid jobs.’”

Exactly what sort of jobs?

“Illegals are primarily employed in construction, building cleaning and maintenance, food preparation, service and processing, transportation and moving occupations and agriculture.”

“With the exception of agriculture, a majority of the workers in these occupations are native-born Americans. Thus, illegal aliens are taking jobs Americans are not only willing to do, but are doing, and taking 7 million of these jobs from young Americans now out of work.”

“By failing to enforce U.S. immigration laws, the government of the United States is selling America’s working class down the river.”
“In addition to the 7 million illegals holding jobs, legal immigrants have another 15 million. In 2008, when Americans lost 3.5 million jobs, 144,000 immigrants were admitted every month.”

“According to the census, as reported in the New York Times on Saturday, 97 percent of immigrants from Mexico do not speak English at home. They are less skilled and less educated than the average American.”

Asks Pat: “Why do we have an open-borders immigration policy that annually allows in millions, legal and illegal, to compete for jobs, when 10 million Americans are out of work and half a million are losing their jobs every month?”

He concludes: “By failing to enforce U.S. immigration laws, the government of the United States is selling America’s working class down the river.”

3 thoughts on “Hammering Holder

  1. Myron Pauli

    Is Pat implying that our Attorney General should ENFORCE THE LAWS of the United States!? Doesn’t Pat understand that if a black child doesn’t do his homework, it is because his granduncle had to stand on the back of a bus or that his great-great-grandmother was a slave? Or Jose will join a Salvadoran gang because he didn’t go to the Kiddush last Shabbos at the Chabad house (is this what Holden is implying!)? {Thus, if Bernie Madoff is a disgusting crook, it can be blamed on the Spanish Inquisition.} Statist politicians want a nation of “helpless” native-born dependents plus foreigners doing cheap labor while their 23 cousins enter Gringoland to go on public assistance as well. The ultimate goal of statism is to make everyone (poor, middle-class, wealthy, white, black, Chicano,…) into a dependency on political Saviors such as Messiah Obama, Decider Bush, and Courageous Holden. Statists deny individual responsibility and initiative. The welfare state has numerous incentives (medical care, free housing, food stamps, guaranteed steady “income”) favoring dependency over performing “coolie” work like mowing lawns and cleaning gutters. A pool of resentful wallowing underclass natives and illegal aliens further Holden’s statist aims.

  2. Mickelton

    Ilana, I just came across the video on your blog, where Pat Buchanan and that Black gentleman “debate” Holder’s statement concerning the issue of racial cowardice. This video perfectly illustrates what “open and honest debate” about race really amounts to, and: the expectation that Whites will keep silent while being lectured to that everything done in the last 50 years to bring Blacks into the mainstream counts for nothing, and that so much more accomodation and handouts are required; that slavery still has to be atoned for; that Whites must still face up to and admit their inherent racism; that bringing up the prevalence of Black crime (including Black-on-White crime), illegitimacy and Black cultural meltdown, and holding Blacks and their own leadership responsible for all this is beyond the bounds of “open and honest” discussion. The Black gentleman is intelligent and a fast talker, can’t keep his mouth shut for more than a few seconds, and literally dominates at least 7 of those 9 minutes, demanding to speak without interruption while continually interrupting Buchanan. Buchanan, being the gentleman he is even in debate, graciously allowed the man to make his points until the final minute or so (a courtesy that wasn’t returned), when it somewhat broke down and both men attempted to speak over the other.

    It was, typically, a diatribe, not a dialogue. The discussion will never be two-way.

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