UPDATED: Little America At The Tip Of Africa

Affirmative Action,IMMIGRATION,Multiculturalism,Nationhood,Political Correctness,Race,South-Africa


In “Little America At The Tip Of Africa,” I continue my conversation with South African philosopher Dan Roodt, Ph.D., a noted Afrikaner activist, author of the polemical essay “The Scourge of the ANC,” literary critic and director of PRAAG. (Previously on WND: “The Elephant In The Pistorius Courtroom.”) An excerpt:

ILANA MERCER: The dominant-party state that is South Africa is steeped not in an African creed but in an American one. One of your most astute observations has been that post-apartheid South Africa is very much a creature of the Anglosphere. In the U.S., centrally planned and enforced multiculturalism is twinned with open borders for Third-World peoples. How has South Africa fallen in line?

DAN ROODT: Many people see South Africa as an experiment in multiculturalism and open-borders. Almost robotically, we’ve adopted most of the American liberal precepts in a very naïve, knee-jerk fashion. Some people are even urging that we abolish borders completely, to allow any of the billion Africans north of our country to come and settle in South Africa, much like your government is doing vis-à-vis Central-American dependents. However, our experience of the massive illegal immigration we have had since 1994 is that it increases intolerance, especially among the poor and the unemployed. Locals regularly kill foreigners and we have had so-called xenophobic riots.

In some towns close to the border, the foreign population is about 80 percent. Foreigners have access to public health-care facilities, so many are “obstetrical tourists” who come here to have babies. “Anchor babies,” as you call them in the U.S. Generally speaking, state hospitals are getting worse and worse, also as a result of being overburdened with foreign Africans. …

Read the rest of the interview with Dr. Roodt. “Little America at the tip of Africa” is now on WND.

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Myron Robert Pauli: While it seems anti-intuitive, the “beneficiaries” of affirmative action are really. in the long haul, the main victims. Consider among other things” (a) you and everyone are told that you are effectively born with a inherent disability by virtue of your parents, (b) you are eventually given phony credentials and phony expectations for which you are vastly inferior to most others with the same real credentials, (c) everyone inherently knows it but like the”Emperor’s New Clothes” remain goofy and silent … – not necessarily something to be proud of.
3 hours ago · Like · 1

Ilana Mercer: Myron, I believe you are echoing Demopublican orthodoxy. What Dan Roodt says is the real deal: some do double duty for others. As far as I can see, and contra to Jason Riley of WSJ, affirmative action recipients do quite well in the make-believe universe propped up by the money and labor of others.