Media Really Are Deplorable

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Political Correctness, Pop-Culture, Technology

Hillary’s surrogate’s sex tape exists. #Trump, yr. "Deplorables" agree: #AliciaMachado & #Hillary are deplorable. More a/b this new citizen for… — Ilana Mercer (@IlanaMercer) October 1, 2016 Et tu, Fox News?! Always, and of course. Why's Fox so popular? As biased, on the #OreillyFactor, odious #MarkCuban carries on against #Trump uninterrupted. — Ilana […Read On]

How Self-Styled Fem ‘Strategists’ Of Failed Campaigns Flourish On Tard TV

Affirmative Action, Donald Trump, Feminism, Gender, Republicans

“Longtime political operative and outspoken Donald Trump supporter Roger Stone” had this to say about one Ana Navaro (who has a dossier on my blog). “My problem really is the same, whether it’s Roland Martin or Ana Navarro: why do we have people who have no qualification whatsoever to opine on political matters being asked […Read On]

Obama Is Reminded Of His Eunuch-In-Chief Responsibilities

Conservatism, Feminism, Gender, libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Sex

Like any good Democrat, gaseous ANA NAVARRO REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST and her GOP sister strategists were upfront and in your face on the matter of Barack Obama’s comments about California Attorney General Kamala Harris, whom the president had described as “brilliant, dedicated, and tough,” but also “the best-looking attorney general in the country.” ANA NAVARRO, REPUBLICAN […Read On]

CNN Moves Into Campaign Mode

Barack Obama, Celebrity, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Military

Have you noticed how desperate the Obama heads on CNN are becoming, as the election approaches? Although not quite as blatant as MSNBC, CNN’s John King, Jessica Yellin, Dona Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Soledad O’Brien, Piers Morgan, are, nevertheless, sounding positively shrill. Expect the BHO “bitch pitch,” coming from likes of CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux and her […Read On]