American Rabbis Practice Pop Judaism, For The Most

Christianity, Etiquette, Judaism & Jews, Pop-Culture, Religion

America’s rabbis are mostly dumb, eschatologically and generally. I wouldn’t take seriously anything they say about President Donald Trump.

Not unlike their Christian compatriots in the ministry and the priesthood—rabbis are generally an unscholarly lot, more inclined to pop-religion and social justice.

Like their Christian friends, rabbis aim to bring religion in line with self-help literature and common leftist spiritual and political hobbyhorses and quests.

Thus, you have this silly “‘Rabbi,” who, “At a Mike Pence Rally, Thinks Jews Who Deny Christ Go To Hell.”

It’s simply untrue, from the perspective of Judaism. Judaism considers Yehoshua, aka Yeshu, aka Jesus Christ, a prophet, not part of a Godhead (which we don’t have). Thus, there is no punishment of hell for giving the cold shoulder to a prophet.

On the other hand, other Jewish leaders acted ungraciously, even disgracefully, in snubbing President Trump, on his visit to grieving Pittsburgh on Tuesday afternoon:

Shameful. You don’t reject a show of mercy and compassion.

A mourning family doesn’t want to meet him. Leaders of his own party declined to join him. The mayor has explicitly asked him not to come. Protesters have mobilized. And yet President Trump visited this grief-stricken city Tuesday, amid accusations that he and his administration continue to fuel the anti-Semitism that inspired Saturday’s massacre inside a synagogue. …

SEE: “Shooting victim’s family shuns President Trump in Pittsburgh as top officials decline to join him.”

UPDATES (10/30): Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre

Anti-Semitism, GUNS, IMMIGRATION, Judaism & Jews, Terrorism

The words and tone of Pittsburgh officials, police officers and governor, in response to the Pittsburgh-synagogue shooting, were so emotional, so full of genuine love and sadness. America is Judaeo-Christian.

The anguish is visible on the face of a SWAT team member. The image (by Jared Wickerham for The New York Times) is for the ages. Once upon a time it would have landed on the cover of Life Magazine.

  • The day before the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, I told my mom, whose synagogue in Europe is protected by armed soldiers (oh yeah!), that I would not be going to synagogue in the US, where nothing is protected and people still live in la-la land.
  • Following this heartbreaking murder of the 11 Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in Squirrel Hill, by gunman Robert Bowers, you’re likely to hear another mantra—people are bound to start regurgitating that “authentic” worship requires complete freedom of access, open spaces and indiscriminate inclusivity. All cardinal lies and illogic. Wake up:

Fortresses are facts of history. … since antiquity, fortification has protected and facilitated civilization.  … [worshiping] requires peace of mind. If fortress conditions are a prerequisite for survival—if fortification keeps the barbarians at bay—then the rational mind will find tranquility in security.

Adapted from “The Teachers’ Pets Of Douglas High Can’t Think Straight.”

UPDATES (10/30):

Fortunately, President Trump Doesn’t Listen To A Fellow Called Karl Rove

Bush, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Politics, Republicans

Four minutes and 25 seconds into the segment with Martha MacCallum, Karl Rove, forever ubiquitous in the establishment and thus a fixture on Fox News—can be heard preaching to Trump to take the high-ground and not attack Democrats for blaming the president for Cesar Sayoc’s actions.

The opportunistic Rove was once a vocal Never Trumper who has never been particularly politically astute.

Fortunately, Donald Trump doesn’t listen to establishmentarians and continues to make moron the media furious. See the Atlantic’s long gripe, here:

Trump’s Incoherent Rally in Charlotte: The president calls for harmony, then attacks. He demands honesty, then lies. He insists on an end to personal attacks, then insults his opponents.

UPDATE II (10/30): The Caravans Cometh, Making America Great No More

Crime, Culture, Donald Trump, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, South-Africa

NEW COLUMN is “The Caravans Cometh, Making America Great No More.” It’s currently on,, the Unz Review, and American Greatness

An excerpt:

The latest “caravan” community planning to crash borderless America is not part of Latin America’s problems; it’s escaping them. So say America’s low-IQ media.

And Latin America’s problems are legion.

The region, “which boasts just eight percent of the world’s population, accounts for 38 percent of its criminal killing.” Last year, the “butcher’s bill … came to around 140,000 people … more than have been lost in wars around the world in almost all of the years this century. And the crime is becoming ever more common.”

So writes the Economist earlier this year, in an exposé aimed at “shining light on Latin America’s homicide epidemic.”

As is generally the case with this august magazine, the shoe-leather journalism is high-IQ, but the deductions drawn therefrom positively retarded.

Tucked into these frightening facts about a killer culture is a timid admission: The Problem—Latin America’s murder trends—could be exported to the neighbors.

How? Do tell. By osmosis? Perhaps by “caravan”? Liberal louts never say.

By the by—and just so you know—Latin America’s crisis of crime “has been mounting.” El Salvador, for instance, had the highest murder rate in the world: 81 to 100,000. By the early 2010s, “the bloodshed in some cities had reached a pitch.”

Referred to by demographers also as a “youth bulge,” this “demographic bulge” is the crème de la crème comprising the caravans. Their exodus is from the slum-dog cities of Latin American, where the crime is heavily concentrated, and where “people are crowded into … shantytowns and favelas.

Our young, strong caravanners hail from a culture of “extortion gangs,” “drug-trafficking,” badly trained, “often corrupt” police and prosecutors, marred by general “institutional weaknesses.”

War-like conditions in their countries force “Latin American governments [to] spend an average of five percent of their budgets on internal security—twice as much as developed countries.”

Since I reported on El Salvador’s murder rate … a paragraph or two back, the murder rate in that country has “rocketed to 104 per 100,000 people.”

Such is the power of the war lords there, that stationing “soldiers on the streets” and throwing “thousands of gang members into prison” only served to increase crime.

Only— and only—when government offered bribes to “El Salvador’s three main gangs” did murders halve “almost overnight.” The government gave “imprisoned leaders luxuries like flat-screen televisions and fried chicken if they would tell their subordinates to stop killing each other.”

But then “the gangs began to see violence as a bargaining tool,” and the peace died. …

READ THE RESTNEW COLUMN, “The Caravans Cometh, Making America Great No More,” is on, and the Unz Review.

UPDATE II (10/30.018):

Writes Steven Green, reader:

I haven’t seen such honesty in one article in a long time. I am also delighted that the author did not take a cheap shot at President Trump simply to claim the non existent high ground of most commentators even some conservative ones. ?