NEW COLUMN: Christine Blah-Blah Ford & Her Hippocampus

Ethics, Gender, Ilana Mercer, Pseudoscience, Psychiatry, Psychology & Pop-Psychology, Science

Christine Blah-Blah Ford & Her Hippocampus” is the current column, now on (slightly abridged).  

An excerpt:

One of many cringe-making moments in Christine Blasey Ford’s protracted complaint before the Senate Judiciary Committee—and the country—was an affectation-dripping reference to her hippocampus.

“Indelible in the hippocampus” was the memory of supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulting her, some 36 years back, asserted Ford in that scratchy, valley-girl voice of hers.

With that, the good “doctor” was making a false appeal to scientific authority. Ford had just planted a falsity in the nation’s collective consciousness. The accuser was demanding that the country believe her and her hippocampus.

All nonsense on stilts.

We want to believe that our minds record the events of our lives meticulously, and that buried in the permafrost of our brain, perfectly preserved, is the key to our woes.

Unfortunately, scientific research negates the notion that forgotten memories exist somewhere in the brain and can be accessed in pristine form.

Granted, we don’t know whether She Who Must Never Be Questioned recovered the Judge-Kavanaugh memory in therapy. That’s because, well, she must never be questioned.

Questioning the left’s latest sacred cow is forbidden. Bovine Republicans blindly obey.

I happened to have covered and thoroughly researched the “recovered memory ruse,” in 1999. Contrary to the trend, one of my own heroes is not Christine Blah-Blah Ford, but a leading world authority on memory, Elizabeth Loftus.

Professor Loftus, who straddles two professorships—one in law, the other in psychology—had come to Vancouver, British Columbia, to testify on behalf of a dedicated Richmond educator, a good man, who had endured three trials, the loss of a career and financial ruin because of the Crown’s attempts to convict him of sexual assault based on memories recovered in therapy. …

… READ THE REST.  Christine Blah-Blah Ford & Her Hippocampus” is now on

Unabridged, the column appears on other favorite sites:, The Unz Review,, and American Greatness.

A Deal Breaker Or Just An Ice-Breaker? Brett Kavanaugh Threw Ice In … 1985

Comedy & Humor, Culture, Democrats, The Courts

As if drinking beer in college were not bad enough, Brett Kavanaugh had taken student life to a whole new level: ice tossing at a bar.

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of throwing ice at a man during an altercation at a bar while in college. A report released Tuesday by police in New Haven, Connecticut, says Kavanaugh was questioned after the 1985 incident, but wasn’t arrested.

(CBS News, Your Trusted Fake-News Outlet.)

Maybe Kavanaugh was just a different kind of ice-breaker?

Swetnick Is A … Swine; Now Let’s Have The Truth About Blasey Ford

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Feminism, Gender, Morality, Sex

Finally, someone does journalism. Courtesy of Megyn Kelly comes information that Julie Swetnick, “who in a sworn declaration last week said Brett Kavanugh [sic] had attended parties in high school where gang rapes were common, had credibility issues.”

She faced her own accusations of misconduct at a Portland company years ago. That company claims she told them she graduated from Johns Hopkins but they learned the school had no record of her, she also falsely described her work experience,” Kelly said during a panel discussion on “Megyn Kelly Today.”

She engaged in unwelcome, sexually offensive misconduct herself. They said she made false and retaliatory allegations against her co-workers that they had been inappropriate with her. They said she took medical leave and simultaneously claimed unemployment benefits. At the same time in D.C., there was a restraining order filed against her by an ex-boyfriend,” the former Fox News host also stated.

UPDATED (10/1): Lindsey Graham’s “Spontaneous” Outrage

Elections, John McCain, Justice, Neoconservatism, Republicans

How Americans can believe a snake like Lindsey Graham is beyond me. It’s all about situational politics. And people fall for it—forgetting the man’s history of fecklessness. He has no principles. This is the late John McCain’s bosom buddy coming into his own, now that McCain is dead.

The man, Graham, is the foulest of politicians. But cunning. He has read the Republican base before a midterm. That’s all. Graham’s “spontaneous” outrage over the travesty against Brett Kavanaugh was so staged, likely rehearsed. What worries is that Republican voters are so desperate as to embrace the snake.

A healthy reaction to Graham should be this: “OK, you are behaving like a human being, for once. But watch it; you’re on probation. It you, Sen. Graham, agitate for wars against Iran or Syria, open borders (as has been your position hitherto), amnesty and against The Wall—you’re OUT.”


Lindsey Graham is a snake who spent his political career writhing in the pit with another viper, John McCain. Graham has realized that his time is up; that he’d better do something right—represent Americans—aside make mainstream media love him.

And about the fem yelling at Flake the Snake:

Kushners behind the scene?