On Fox News They’re Reducing Those Toxic ‘Admissions’

Conservatism, English, Pop-Culture

Fox News’ Kimberely GUILFOYLE agrees that the US has already reduced its “admissions” enough:

So, we can keep doing what we’re doing. We can keep reducing our admissions. Why would we, in fact, put ourselves at an economic disadvantage, giving and subsidizing an economic windfall to other countries and sort of a climate redistribution of wealth scheme? It makes no sense to me.

You reduce EMISSIONS, not “admissions.”

Please Make English Great Again.

UPDATED (6/1): ‘Sovereign Multilateralism: It’s DC Speak for Servitude Through International Treaties

Conservatism, Constitution, Donald Trump, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, EU, Europe, UN

“Sovereign multilateralism” is how a GOPer described the “benefits” to ordinary Americans from international agreements and treaties.

This MSNBC Republican (flogging a book) was incredulous that President Trump would dare to be so offish to NATO members. Did he miss last year’s election? We wanted out of NATO.

Candidate Trump got considerable support for his promises to violate this or the other agreement between the U.S. government and various supranational systems. Successive U.S. governments have ceded the rights of Americans to these supra-state systems. Deplorables wanted much less of it.

As I pointed out in “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (June 29, 2016), international treaties are not holy writ.

Granted, radical libertarians will contend that the Constitution itself is the thin edge of the wedge that has allowed successive U.S. governments to cede the rights of Americans to these supra-state systems. Specifically, the “Supremacy Clause” in Article VI states that all treaties made by the national government shall be “the supreme Law of the Land,” and shall usurp the laws of the states.

Either way, all libertarian-minded conservatives who yearn to breathe free should want the chains with which others have bound Americans dissolved. Johnson and Weld object to Trump renegotiating agreements or optimizing them for Americans, on the statist grounds that to so do would violate agreements that by their nature sideline the American people. Smashing or refashioning these agreements and reclaiming national, state and individual sovereignty, as Trump proposes, is certainly more libertarian than the Johnson-Weld worldview allows.

The Scarlet Letter E Establishmentarians keep overruling Trump voters.

As for Trump “Leaning Toward Withdrawing U.S. From Landmark Paris Climate Deal:” We have very strong environmental protections, including emission controls, in-house.

The Paris scheme is a wealth grab. Barack Obama and others before him were always selling out Americans for their own legacy.

UPDATE (6/1):
We’re out of the Paris Accord!

Pittsburgh before Paris:

UPDATE (5/31): Left-Liberal Faculty Deserve Every Racial Indignity Inflicted On Them By Feral Students

Education, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Race, Racism, Reason

You teach college students to reject logic, reason and argument as evil extensions of western white thinking (instead of great achievements). You teach them that even the laws of nature that govern science are forms of white aggression. Anything a dumb-ass, politicized, pleb of a student can’t grasp or fails at it is due to white standards that discount The Other. Or so you, the teachers, tell them. (Rather than because not everyone is able to grapple with certain material.) That’s what you fill empty heads with. What do you get when you stuff empty minds with hubris, unwarranted self-esteem, and ignorance affirmed over and over again (unless they’re white)?

What do you get when you fail to teach your students how to be civil, civilized, and respectful to their elders (yes, it’s called hierarchy)?

White faculty spend their days virtue signalling their racially pure intentions. Now our enlightened pale faces, left-liberals faculty, are upset that the atavistic feral creatures, their students, are displaying their “learning.” A teacher at Evergreen State College in Washington State tries to reason with the feral creatures he has helped hot-house.

No sympathy from these quarters.

Evergreen State College [is] a school notable for its far-left politics and its preference for measuring students’ performance with “narrative evaluations” instead of grades – have seized control of their campus and are reportedly seeking hostages following a confrontation with a biology professor who objected to a planned demonstration that asked white students and faculty to voluntarily leave campus for a day, the Washington Times reports.

Secede from such a miseducation system if you’re a decent teacher and human being.

UPDATE (5/31):
Third World schools; unhinged sisters. Who promoted these sub-intelligent individuals to professorship?

President Trump Channeling Hillary On Syria

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Middle East, Neoconservatism

The conflict in Syria is regional, ancient and, when all is said and done, impervious to outside, top-down reordering and interventions.
Doug Bandow in Chronicles:

Donald Trump campaigned on an “America First” foreign policy. But he hasn’t been immune to the vapors of the Swamp. Not even three months after his inauguration, administration officials were praising NATO; affirming commitments to Japan and South Korea; discussing troop surges for Afghanistan; talking about permanently stationing forces in Iraq, increasing aid for Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen, and effecting regime change in Syria. It was as if Hillary Clinton occupied the President’s body.
Trump’s flip-flop on Syria was particularly shocking. Before the dawn of the Neoconservative Age no sane American would have suggested intervening in the horror that this ancient land has become.

… The Syrian conflict quickly turned into a proxy war: The U.S., Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf states pushed for Assad’s ouster, while Iran (including Afghan and Iraqi militias under Tehran’s command), Lebanon’s Hezbollah, and Russia supported the Damascus government. Turks and Saudis were pleased to work with the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra (the Support Front), which was the local Al Qaeda affiliate; meanwhile, Washington actively battled ISIS while tolerating al-Nusra. True to form, Ankara viewed Kurdish militias (allied with Washington) as the most dangerous faction and focused its malign military attention on them….

Remind me:

Islam in early America: