Helping The Sharpton And Obama Afrocentrism ‘Fade to Black’ (Part I)

Africa, Ancient History, Education, Propaganda, Pseudo-history, Race, Racism

“Helping The Sharpton And Obama Afrocentrism ‘Fade to Black’” (Part I) is the current column, now on, or The Daily Caller, if your browser gets spooked by (because of the Russians, of course). An excerpt:


Boy, have whites done hard time under Barack Hussein Obama! To deliver his inauguration benediction, eight accursed years back, Obama commissioned one Rev. Joseph Lowery.

Lowery is to poetry what Beyoncé is to music. Both were greatly elevated by the outgoing, déclassé first couple. Lowery’s anti-white inaugural jingle beseeched the Lord to finally make “white embrace what is right,” allow “brown to stick around,” “yellow to be mellow,” and “the red man to get ahead.”

High art.

Indeed, on day one, Obama and his bitter and twisted better half hammered home that to be white in their America was never to be right. To be black was to have an eternal claim against whites, for no other reason than that they’re white.

Although America is the land of quotas, set-asides and affirmative action—a country that privileges minorities—the majority is, nevertheless, subjected to non-stop, relentless propaganda. Enforced by the tyranny of political correctness, this agitprop has led white Americans, most of whom harbor no racial animus, to believe racism saturates their society. So, whites say nothing when they’re roped into a Sisyphean struggle to appease the unappeasable.

Unappeasable is the job description of Rev. Al Sharpton, with whom Obama had made common cause. (Later, Black Lives Matter stole Sharpton’s thunder.)

With the election of Donald Trump, white America has essentially told these race pimps to talk to the hand (‘cause the face ain’t listening). They’ve had enough of the pigment burden. Besides, as a pragmatist and a doer, Trump is constitutionally indifferent to the racial-grievance industry.

So march Sharpton must.

Ahead of President-elect Trump’s inauguration, Sharpton’s “We Shall Not be Moved March” will take place on January 14. The reverend and his foot soldiers at CNN will meander to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. There, they will say stuff as memorable and meaningful as the ectoplasm that tumbled from Obama’s mouth, during his farewell address.

Let us hope that President-elect Trump “shall not be moved,” and that Al’s presence in the People’s House will be greatly reduced under a Trump administration. For as of June 2016, the White House Visitor Records logged 57 Obama-Sharpton love-ins.

Before he fades to black, in the memorable words of a Metallica ballad, an aspect of Sharpton’s lying persona should be exposed. It has been omitted from the tit-for-tat that goes for debate between Republicans and Democrats. …

… The complete column is “Helping The Sharpton And Obama Afrocentrism ‘Fade to Black’” (Part I), now on, or The Daily Caller. Please Like, Share on social media, and comment at the respective sites. Watch out for the follow-up (part II), “Faking History To Make The Black Kids Feel Good.”

UPDATE II (1/15): Spooks Are NOT Us; They’re Government

Donald Trump, Government, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Military, The State

Julian Assange is one of us; working for the good of the people. Conversely, the “intelligence community” is an arm of The State, working to keep its enormous sphere of influence in tact (to say nothing of the perks and pensions of its members, going in perpetuity). There are good people among them, like Philip Haney. But they are often fired if they don’t get with the program.

UPDATE I (1/15): The “intelligence community” is trying to cow President-elect Donald Trump into submission. Keep fighting, Mr. Trump. “Trump slams outgoing CIA director Brennan after criticism over Russia threat.”

UPDATE II: What’s Fox News’ Bret Baier up to?

Far more reliable is Glenn Greenwald’s “The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer.” Trump has taken on every aspect of a corrupt political system. It’s time for the Deep State, affectionately and deceptively called the Intelligence Community.

‘Why Smart People Don’t Multitask’

Intelligence, Reason, Technology

The spouse and I don’t use smart phones or mobile devices. We have a dedicated cell phone each. That’s it. Although the spouse has been involved in the design of these systems for a long time; he, like myself, considers mobile devices to be toys for the distracted. White noise.

When I’m out and about, I’m away from my email. Nobody can text me. I don’t text (although it’s useful, I am told, in an emergency because the signal is available). You have to want to engage with something.

I have no interest in acquiring a mobile operating system. (Of course I use a cell phone, a computer, etc.) However, it’s hard to explain to people that you’re uninterested in staring at,  fixating on, of fiddling with a small device that yields little useful data.

Now it looks like those who cut out superfluous noise might not be as deficient as I feared:

“Why Smart People Don’t Multitask.”

The Fate Of Wild Life In The New, ‘Improved’ South Africa

America, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, South-Africa

There’s a chapter in “Into The Cannibal’s Pot” about the fate of animals in the new, “improved” South Africa. It’s titled “Killing God’s Creatures.”

In the local vernacular, “witchcraft potions” are known as “muti.”

“Three lions poisoned, beheaded and chopped up ‘for witchcraft potions.’”

We’re importing animal abusers.