On Voter Fraud (It’s Baked Into The System) And Those Not-So Stupid Trumpsters

Crime, Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Government, IMMIGRATION

“On Voter Fraud (It’s Baked Into The System) And Those Not-So Stupid Trumpsters” is the current column, now on Townhall.com.

For journalists to discourage an inquisitive stance, even distrust, toward government and the elections process is astounding. But not surprising. I’m thinking of CNN journo Brian Stelter who asserted—they never argue, do they? They only ever assert—that skepticism about voting irregularities in America is “dangerous.”

Well, a journalist decrying inquisitiveness and skepticism: Now that’s dangerous.

Stelter—he’s a danger to journalism—and the rest of the media Idiocracy like to repeat that Russian hackers (never the Stelters of the world) are undermining America’s great electoral system. I ask you: What can the Russians do to us that America’s elites have not already done?

When broadcaster Lars Larson attempted to find out whether one Arcan Cetin was a citizen of the US, ICE, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, told him, essentially, “Sorry, our obligation is to protect this migrant’s privacy.”

“Who,” you ask, “is Mr. Cetin”? Cetin is a contributor to the phenomenon I term “murder-by-Muslim-immigrant.” He murdered five innocents, north of Seattle.

Arcan Cetin voted, reports Mr. Larson. But nobody at ICE was willing to tell a good citizen like our broadcaster if Cetin voted legally or not.

As it turned out, a sigh of relief was in order. The stellar Mr. Cetin, who, like most Muslim immigrants, voted Democrat, violated the Sixth Commandment five times, but, thank G-d, did not appear to have violated the commandment against voter fraud. Rumor has it that the murderer had been awarded citizenship, although it’s impossible to ascertain.

The point I’m making here is that you can rest assured voter fraud is rampant in the US as in any banana republic—and not only because an American is barred from checking whether a Muslim murderer is a fellow-citizen. But because leftists have fought down-and-dirty to bar any proof of citizenship at the time of voting. Yes, the law requires, in my state, as in most of these United States, that you be a citizen, as well as a resident of the state in which you’re voting. But you don’t always have to provide proof of citizenship when voting.

To vote in Washington State, as in most states, what’s needed is a driver’s license or a current State ID card. Essentially, the American voting system, thanks to the triumph of left-liberalism, is based on an honor system. …

Read the rest. “On Voter Fraud (It’s Baked Into The System) And Those Not-So Stupid Trumpsters” is now on Townhall.com.

YouTube versions:

“Voter Fraud Is Baked Into The US System.”
“Who’s Stupid? Not Trump Supporters.”

Obama To Illegal: ‘When You Vote, You’re A Citizen’

Barack Obama, Crime, Elections, Ethics, IMMIGRATION

A brazen Barack Obama tells an equally brazen illegal immigrant, essentially, that the act of voting makes her a citizen.

She cannot be investigated, President Obama assures the young woman. “The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.”

As I say in “On Voter Fraud (It’s Baked Into The System) And Those Not-So Stupid Trumpsters,” voting in the US is based on the honor system. Voter fraud is thus baked into the system, for crooks will game a system designed for a moral people.

A non-citizen voting and a president encouraging her to vote are the definition of crooks.

A fish rots from the head down.

YouTube: Voter Fraud Is Baked Into The US System

Democracy, Elections, Ethics, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

Essentially, the American voting system, thanks to the triumph of left-liberalism, is based on an honor system. Rest assured voter fraud is rampant in the US as in any banana republic, because leftists have fought down-and-dirty to bar any proof of citizenship at the time of voting.