Malia Obama’s Birthright Privilege

Barack Obama, Education, Family, Race

Malia Obama is a beautiful girl, but she’s not going to Harvard because of her superior smarts—not that the media celebrating her plans have asked about her SAT scores. Malia’s pedigree got her into Harvard. Her path in life will be strewn with rose petals because of her parents and her status as First Child.

Malia needn’t worry. Media didn’t ask for the academic scores of her parents; they won’t ask for hers.

Birthright privilege such as Malia enjoys is one of the reasons one alum launched a “Free Harvard Fair Harvard” Campaign.

Seattle’s May Day Morons Should Depart For North Korea

Capitalism, Communism, Free Markets, Socialism

Molotov cocktails are the only things used by Seattle May Day marchers that bear the name of a communist, a monster of a man called Vyacheslav Molotov. For the rest, the clothes they wear, the devices they use to transmit their sub-intelligent message; the food they buy on the way, likely with welfare dollars—these are all produced, or brought to market by the productive-sector, by the capitalists these anti-capitalists dream of destroying.

Even Bernie Sanders is made in America. In North Korea, Sanders would be in a labor camp learning the ropes, which is where these dumb and dangerous protesters should be.

The Seattle Police Department is trying more vigorously than years past to prevent wanton destruction of private property by this most stupid, dispensable segment of society.

This being the Age of the Idiot, our mindless media are providing giving wall-to-wall coverage.

UPDATED: Larry Wilmore Roasted The Reporters

Barack Obama, Celebrity, Journalism, Media, Race

Actually, I was wrong to dismiss comic Larry Wilmore; he had his moments at the White House Correspondent Dinner, 2016. When those came, they were good. Did you see all the sourpuss faces, Wolf Blitzer and the females, especially? (Wilmore was easy on Donald Trump, for some reason.)

My favorite lines:

“It’s nice to match the names (in this room) to the faces in the Panama Papers.”

Apropos the president’s drone dropping, “Obama can’t be killing print journalism tonight, that industry has been dead for a while.”

“Speaking of drones how is Wolf Blitzer still on TV?”

“I used to watch CNN back when it was a news network.”

“Beyoncé is not anti-cop, at the most, she’s anti-pants.”

“MSNBC put Chris Hayes on probation because they thought he was related to Isaac Hayes.”

“MSNBC got rid of so many black people I thought Boko Haram was running it.”

Lincoln Chafee is back to doing what he does best, manning the pottery booth at the craft fair.”

“In less than a year, Mr. president, you’ll be playing golf every day. Some things won’t be that different.”

“After eight years in the White House, Mr. president, we are really going to miss Michelle.”

UPDATE (5/1): No good jokes from Obama, who used to turn in good performances at the DC Sycophants’Dinner.

Week’s Tweets (4/30): Trump’s Security.Gov, Mobs ‘R’ Us, Schama Shamed, Cruz ‘N Carly, Maligning Melania, FP

Canada, Celebrity, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Government, IMMIGRATION, Technology

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