Mainstream Celebrates Trump’s Debate Defeat

Donald Trump, Elections, Media, Politics, Republicans

I’ve been brutal about Donald Trump’s debates; the repetitious mantras, especially (all while he does much better and provides more meat in townhalls). But last night, at the CNN-Telemundo Republican debate in Houston, Trump did quite well. Quick repartee is important. And The Donald had the quick quips coming.

Not according to the transparent wish-fulfillment media, which saw only what they wanted to see. Hence the headlines:

“Donald Trump’s Terrible Night at the Republican Debate in …”

“Luntz [aka Kelly File] Focus Group: Rubio Wins But Trump Dominates the …”

“GOP Debate: Rubio Trashes Trump for Repeating Scripted Talking Points.”

“Marco Rubio Does a Withering Takedown of Donald Trump” is a headline on the NYT, article inaccessible.

The Guardian, a British rag, messed with the truth (lied): “Trump has built a populist movement of discontented blue collar,” it claimed.

In reality, Trump’s demographics are all-encompassing.

Trump Called Bush A Liar & Won South Carolina (Nevada, Too)

Bush, Donald Trump, Iraq, Neoconservatism

“Trump Called Bush A Liar & He Won South Carolina (Nevada, too)” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

Donald Trump has buried George W. Bush, for good. Or so we hope.

This might not be “Morning in America,” but it is a moral victory for values in America. Somewhere in those Judeo-Christian values touted by “values voters” is an injunction against mass murder.

Before the February 20 South Carolina primary, it looked as though G. Bush might just make a comeback.

After the South Carolina primary, where Donald Trump won with 32.2 percent of the Republican vote, it seems certain that nothing will resuscitate the legacy of “one of the nation’s worst presidents.”

Notwithstanding his war crimes and unprecedented intervention in the financial system and the private economy, “W” also happened to preside over the largest domestic spending since Lyndon Johnson. As chronicled in Ivan Eland’s “Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty,” “[Bush] advocated bad policies and demonstrated horrendous operational incompetence.”

The disastrous and expensive (in casualties and money) nation-building project in Iraq and Afghanistan were only exceeded in catastrophic results by Bush’s expansion of executive power and theft of the civil liberties that make the United States unique. Bush had almost no accomplishments to offset such foibles.

Trump addressed the war: “They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.”

The chattering class, Left and Right, was—still is—gobsmacked. A political Samson was bringing down the pillars of their world.

Desperate to restore equilibrium before the crucial SC vote was CNN’s Anderson Cooper: “You would not say again that George W. Bush lied?”

Trump obliged. He backpedaled before the primary, going with non-committal: “I don’t know. I can’t tell you. I mean, I’d have to look at documents.”

So America has some unfinished business. Because we do know. We can say for sure. And we have all the documents.

George W. Bush lied America into war.

Bush began his ballyhooed presidency by lying during his campaign. He promised America a humble foreign policy, but came into office with the express purpose of using his plenary powers to unseat Saddam Hussein. …

“Trump Called Bush A Liar & He Won South Carolina (Nevada, too)” is the current column, now on WND.

UPDATED: Republican Debate Round-Up, Houston, Texas (The Aftershocks)

Donald Trump, Elections, Healthcare, IMMIGRATION, Political Economy, Politics, Republicans

UPDATE (2/26):


UPDATED: ‘All In’ Tartlet’s Distaste For ‘The Trump Coalition’

America, Donald Trump, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media

Just as I was starting to tune in to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes more frequently—I realize this is not saying much, but these days, MSNBC’s daytime news programming is better than Fox’s—when on came a self-important creature named Olivia Nuzzi (three minutes and 45 seconds into the clip titled “The Trump Coalition”).

This affectatious Millennial cut her journalistic teeth by going public with a salacious tell-all starring … herself, of course, as the perspicacious Democratic intern. (Please don’t make me read this girl’s diarrheic, mushy, thinking-averse, pop-politics. I do enough penance for you, my reader.)

The Nuzzi tart’s attitude to Trump’s thumping majorities was that of calculated contempt. Donald Trump addresses them, she psychologized, at the level with which they are comfortable. He connects with them on a visceral, not intellectual plain (it goes without saying that Nuzzi thinks Trump supporters are truly stupid).

Nuzzi speak: “What defines these people … ” “They” [the silly people] don’t like politicians because of the way [politicians] speak. [After all, stupid people can’t grasp wonk talk like me, Nuzzi.] “Trump talks at a lower level.” That’s what these people like about him.”

Arrogant girl.

Left and right, Trump has broad support among Americans. “Journalists” as young as Nuzzi ought to treat their subjects with dignity. The people she writes about know a thing or two Nuzzi doesn’t yet know and probably will never know.

If anything, Trump’s army is reciprocating; returning The Love. Donald Trump, unlike this little Lena Dunham of journalism, truly loves the Common American.

For his part, Chris Hayes, at least, thanked his pro-Trump interviewees who seemed hip to his bias, but were ever so gracious. What I heard from them was: “I like businessmen,” “I like bold,” he might fix things in D.C., “I voted for Obama twice.”

Wow, do Hayes and his hussy guest have a handle on this complex and oddly marvelous uprising (not)!

UPDATE 2/25: