UPDATED (4/23/016): Giving Voice (& A Little Advice) To Voiceless South Africans

IMMIGRATION, Justice, Law, South-Africa

The West is unenlightened when it comes to life in South Africa, in general; for whites, in particular. Accompanied by a picture of a gorgeous little girl, a young South African dad—he’d make a magnificent contribution to the US—wrote to me the other day for a plan of escape. He has little chance of getting into the US legally. US immigration laws privilege—and select for—Third Wold scofflaws. To understand how US immigration policies penalize law-abiding, white, middle-class migrants bereft of the H-1B or O-1 Visa requirements, read “Please, Can My Sister Become An Illegal Immigrant?” (boy, did G. Bush compound the problem while in office).

Suffice it to say that this man would never consider entering the country illegally without his beloved family. And even if he did; there is no militant identity group agitating on his behalf. In fact, in researching my book, “Into The Cannibal’s Pot,” I was unable to find a case of a judge affording a sympathetic hearing to a white, migrant, South-African family. The one family, having overstayed its visa and built a wonderful life, bolstered as it was by affidavits from church and community—they were sent packing by an American rogue in judicial robes.

Here’s the note received. It’s heavily redacted for his own protection. My reply follows. The following points were not brought up in the original reply:

* The dangers of couples like this falling prey to ruthless hoaxes and exploitation. The best sources for lawful immigration possibilities are reputable immigration lawyers, consulates and attendant websites.
* Canada does have a more rational, flexible immigration system, taking into account age, facility with French and English, and qualifications with respect to the changing needs of the country’s economy.

Dear Ilana,

I don’t know where to start, so I will begin with what is most important in my life, the reason for me writing this: my beautiful, 4-year-old blond baby girl.

The other day she asked me, “Daddy… will the bad man come to hurt me?” I said no they won’t because daddy will always protect you, but I knew that it’s a promise I cannot keep if she remains in South Africa.

She is stuck here surrounded by rapists, torturers and murderers. Every day I fear for her safety, every day I am reminded that she has no future here in South Africa.

I desperately need to get my family out, but we simply do not have the means to emigrate. We own very little …

We don’t want charity. What I am hoping for is that you perhaps know businessmen in the US who would be willing to employ me (or both of us).

I am 33, Afrikaans, but fully bilingual. I have 11 years of experience in the office automation industry …, technical and sales. For the last 6 years I have been running a small business from home … . I am willing to do any kind of work as long as I can support my family with it. …

… My wife is English speaking. She has extensive experience in banking and office administration.

We are both honest and hardworking people. We will be productive members of our community, wherever that may be.

We just want a normal life and to live in a country where my daughter can grow up in relative safety.

I pray that you can assist us, but even if you cannot I am eternally grateful that you are enlightening the world about what is going on in SA.

God bless you and your family
Yours Sincerely

My reply:

Dear Anon,

My heart breaks at your plight. I know it’s pervasive. As you know, my book speaks to this.

Legal immigration into the US is hard. Especially for whites. For South Africans US law has no compassion, unless non-white.

Immigration lawyers are expensive.

The criteria to enter the US have not changed; it’s still near impossible legally and while white.

Go online and investigate Australia, New Zealand and Canada. (See my opening comment about Canada. This may be the case with the other two countries.)

I’m thinking Eastern European countries like Hungary and Poland might be a good bet. That’s just me reading the tea leaves. These are places desperate to keep their heritage and national sanity. Having emerged from communism; they’re not as collectively dumb as the Anglo-American Fabians.

South American countries like Chile, too.

Sadly, all I can do is write. I will certainly write about your plight, taking care to keep your info private, of course.

I have family in SA, so …

I do hope you can carry a fire arm, although I know the right to defend your life is now heavily circumscribed. It wasn’t that way when I lived near Vereeniging.

Let me know how you and your lovely family (little one is gorgeous) are doing.


UPDATE 4/23):

UPDATE II: Making America Great Means Exposing ‘W’ (Readers Get IT)

Bush, Donald Trump, Federal Reserve Bank, Iraq, Neoconservatism, Politics, War

“Making America Great Means Exposing ‘W’” is the current column, now on WND (please Like, Tweet, and generally Share column on social media). An excerpt:.

Making America great again, the theme of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, depends on dispelling the myths and myth-making that made America bad.

Beginning with George W. Bush.

Said Saint Augustine: “The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works.”

The Republican Party under Bush did the devil’s work. Bar the sainted Ron Paul, not a dog of a Republican lifted his leg in protest of the unjust war on Iraq.

To embark on the good, the GOP must come clean about the bad. To that end, Donald Trump has begun a vital process of expiation.

The 43rd president is categorized as “bad” and ranked 37th by Ivan Eland, author of “Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty.” Having undermined the republic at home and peace abroad, “Bush’s presidency,” avers Eland, “was one of the worst of all time.”

Coming to terms with the Bush legacy, moreover, ought to prevent the rise of another Bush. For the bogus Bush Doctrine is alive and well-exploited in the words and promises of each of the Republican candidates, other than Donald Trump.

The Bush dictum of fighting them over there so they don’t come here —as if Islamic State can’t, won’t and hasn’t attacked there and here—is alive and well-exploited by almost every fork-tongued politician in the Republican and Democratic races.

Other than Trump and Bernie Sanders, there’s a potatoes vs. spuds quality to the foreign policy articulated by both sides.

Each time the interchangeable John Kasich or Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush are asked about death by Muslim in the United States; they whip out that dumb “W” Doctrine, tethering attacks like San Bernardino in the US to wars the US should be waging over in the Middle East, and will be waging if these candidates have their way.

If you liked Bush’s willful and criminal war on Iraq; if you enjoyed watching aw-shucks “W” “Shock and Awe” Iraq to kingdom come with BLU-82s—boy, do you have a treat in store.

If you took pleasure in Bush unseating and executing law-and-order leader Saddam Hussein; you’ll love the plans Rubio, Kasich and Brother Jeb have for Bashar Assad and his family. As for Vladimir Putin, the not-so-comical three stooges have practically diarized conflagration with Russia.

I almost forgot: If you licked your chops when Bush disarmed dem little Iraqi boys by littering their playgrounds with cluster bomblets; your vampiric urges will be sated. In Bush’s Baghdad, hospitals teamed with limbless kids successfully disarmed. The Rubio-Kasich-Bush bandidos will similarly oblige their supporters. Happy times are ahead for their acolytes. …

… Read the rest. “Making America Great Means Exposing ‘W’” can be read in full on WND (please Like, Tweet, and generally Share column on social media).


Hi Ilana,

I loved your article reminding all the deaf, dumb and blind, card-carrying Republicans that their asshole (excuse my French) summa cum laude remains, GW Bush.

Jeb, to even mention W’s name let alone appear with him campaigning, shows the guy has no sense of history. W’s Presidency was a total train wreck from his Supreme Court handed Presidency to his final months in office, when the wheels came off the American economy and financial system.

The Republicans running for President are dangerous war mongers with zero understanding of what the Federal Reserve has been allowed to do to this country and the irreversible, unfixable nature of the problem. Clinton and Sanders, it goes without saying, are also clueless!

Hope this finds you well!

All the best,

Barry Downs

UPDATE II: Writes Ron S:

Please accept my heart-felt gratitude for this article. I have been struggling with my own concept of objective reality and the contradictory BS I see all around me. I have long believed that G.W. Bush was not only a horrible president, he may have been the worst in American history. When he was received warmly in SC it made me wonder if I was missing something.

A small list of faux pas by our first semi-literate president:
1. 2 unnecessary wars, fought simultaneously on different fronts
2. approximately $3 trillion thrown to the winds
3. Claims of WMDs that don’t exist
4. violations of any number of international treaties, the Geneva Accords, the Nuremberg principles, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, etc. on war crimes.
5. Lies by his administration include “America does not torture”; “The war (Iraq) will last weeks or months, certainly not years”; “The insurgency is on its last legs; “We will be greeted as liberators”; “Deficits don’t matter”; and, of course, WMD.
6. Bush plunged the economy into a near world wide crisis by allowing the banksters and market thieves to operate with virtually no oversight, then passed the bill onto the people.
7. Bush granted a huge tax break to the 1% who didn’t need it.
8. Bush doubled the national debt.
9. He refused to control our borders.

One foolish man was enough to plunge the entire Middle East into chaos and plunge the West into confusion and disarray. God deliver us from another like him. We cannot afford such a fool in the office of the President of the United States..

Pope Francis, The Scold From Fort Vatican, Is At It Again

Christianity, Donald Trump, Religion, The West

The “Vatican is surrounded by walls.” The Holy See’s holy city “has the most restrictive immigration, citizenship policies of any nation in world.”

But like all the filthy rich and the privileged, Pope Francis has strict prescriptions for the Little People: Open-border globalism with all the attendant problems that spells for host populations.

Pope Francis Suggests Donald Trump Is ‘Not Christian’:

Inserting himself into the Republican presidential race, Pope Francis on Wednesday suggested that Donald J. Trump “is not Christian” because of the harshness of his campaign promises to deport more immigrants and force Mexico to pay for a wall along the border.

“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” Francis said when a reporter asked him about Mr. Trump on the papal airliner as he returned to Rome after his six-day visit to Mexico.

Pope Francis has continued to pay tribute to authoritarian left-liberal regimes, while he heaps contempt on the West.

UPDATED: Obama Will Likely Use The Equivalent Of An Executive Order To Fill SCOTUS Vacancy

Barack Obama, Federalism, Justice, Law, The Courts

It’s called a recess appointment, and we know enough about President Barack Obama to know he’ll use it to fill the Supreme Court vacancy (left by Antonin Scalia’s death), in the teeth of Republican opposition.

Over to professor Jonathan Turley:

… Faced with a refusal of the Republican senators to move forward with a nominee for the court in the last year of the Obama Administration, President Obama could use the nuclear option: a recess appointment to the Supreme Court.

Under Article II of the U.S. Constitution a president is allowed to temporarily fill vacancies that “may happen during the Recess of the Senate.” I have long been a critic of recess appointments to the judiciary. While far less common than appointments to the Executive Branch, such appointments have occurred historically (including 12 to the Supreme Court).Yet judicial recess appointments undermine the integrity of the courts by using the equivalent of a judicial temp for a position that was meant to be held by a jurist with lifetime tenure.

The framers wanted a president and the Senate to come to an accord on such appointments, including the need to compromise to achieve such goals. Obama, however, made it clear years ago that he was willing to go it alone when Congress failed to give him legislation or confirmations that he demanded. His unilateral actions have already produced a constitutional crisis over the fundamental guarantees of the separation of powers. This includes a unanimous 2014 decision of the Supreme Court that Obama violated the recess appointments clause in his circumvention of the Senate. …

More Turley.

Meanwhile, Republicans prepare to cave:



Jeff Deist:

More debunking of the “Obama is brilliant” narrative. He was never a constitutional scholar, a con law professor, or even a top law student.
And his vaunted aloofness is not due to being intelligent and bored- it’s due to being out of his league.
He is, and was, an empty suit. A complete cipher in 2008, thanks to a compliant media in the tank for him.
Note also Obama’s pseudo-intellectual interest in phony theories like Alinsky’s “Power Analysis.”

“Chicago Law Prof on Obama: The Professors Hated Him because he was Lazy, Unqualified & Never Attended any of the Faculty Meetings.”

UPDATE (2/24):

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