The Murdoch Media: Root ‘N Branch For Marcobot

Donald Trump, Elections, Gender, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Politics, Republicans

“The Murdoch Media: Root ‘N Branch For Marcobot” is the current column, now on WND (please Like, Tweet, and generally Share column on social media). An excerpt:

“Wish fulfillment is “the satisfaction of a desire through an involuntary thought process.” This Freudian term encapsulates the coverage of the riveting 2016 primaries by the Megyn Kelly wing (or coven) of the Murdoch Media.

Yes, a news personality—a showgirl really—is running more of Roger Ailes’ show than she should. And, as Newsmax reports, not everyone in the org is pleased with Kelly’s “Trump-fueled stardom.”

Since the anchoring philosopher in Kelly’s life is Oprah Winfry’s protégé, TV pop-psychologist Dr. Phil—the anchor ought to appreciate a psychological idiom that encapsulates her coverage of the New Hampshire primary, in particular, and of Donald Trump in general.

Look, no-one is discounting the news-worthy value of good leg and hair action and some, but not much, fine couture. However, Kelly File coverage is defined by little to no analysis approximating reality, hence “wish fulfillment.”

What the likes of lightweight Dana Perinno, Mega-ego Kelly and their male friendlies have made manifest is that: 1) Navigating the shoals of reality is hard for them, and 2) They’re hoping against hope that someone will politically slay The Donald dragon.

The central question around which these Marco-Rubio enamored performers have thus framed the New Hampshire primary’s results is: Who is going to beat Mr. Trump, the Republican front runner, who’d just triumphed “bigly” in NH.

The headline on kingmaker Kelly’s Fox News website was, “What’s the anti-Trump strategy now?” (It has since vanished.) And, “Who will the lead GOP establishment?” On February 10, Kelly scolded Jeb Bush for “having his eye on the wrong guy,” and failing to take on the “quarterback who’s running with the ball.”

To the extent The Kelly File covers the Trump phenomenon, coverage is given over to plotting against the candidate and, by extension, the Americans he represents.

The desire among select members of the Murdoch Media for a Marco Rubio victory is in plain view. Kelly and her carefully selected compadres are hoping against hope that Trump will stop winning. Their focus, to the exclusion of all else, is on who’ll stop their political bête noire.

Coverage that is directed toward desired outcomes is no coverage at all.

READ the rest. “The Murdoch Media: Root ‘N Branch For Marcobot” is the current column, now on WND (Like, Tweet, and generally Share it on social media).

Chris Christie Catches Kelly In Promoting Empty Rubio Talking Points

Elections, Intelligence, Media, Propaganda, Republicans

Gov. Chris Christie is very smart. And he puts in her place someone who thinks she’s super smart, but is “just average,” as loose lips Megyn Kelly once quoted her own mother saying.

“Four times in a row” did Sen. Marco Rubio repeat the damaging lines, “in one debate, in a manner that was non-responsive to the questions he got, and as though he was drowning and grabbing for a life jacket.”

As Gov. Christie attests here, “Nobody [except for Fox News and Megyn Kelly] buys that Rubio’s replies are responsive. Rubio has no depth and no substance. There is no substance there and it shows.”

For what it’s worth, Christie is macho, forceful and smart.

Meryl Creep’s True Colors

Celebrity, Film, Hollywood, Race

Meryl Creep offered a whimsical, wacky defense of her prerogative to belong to a group in which her own kind is “over-represented,” a defense the actress would never afford to other, less privileged lily white Americans:

Actress Meryl Streep is indisputably a Hollywood icon, but her recent remarks regarding the lack of racial diversity on the Berlin International Film Festival jury are unlikely to win her many new admirers. The three-time Oscar-winning actress defended the all-white panel on Thursday, allegedly telling reporters: “We are all Africans.”

The seven-member jury, on which Streep is serving, determines the winners of the prestigious Golden Bear and is one of the most celebrated of Europe’s film festivals. In the wake of the #OscarsSoWhite controversy, where the Academy Awards failed to nominate a single actor of color for the second year in a row, Streep was questioned by an Egyptian reporter about the racial make-up of her panel.

“This jury is evidence that at least women are included and in fact dominate this jury, and that’s an unusual situation in bodies of people who make decisions,” Streep said, according to the Associated Press. “So I think the Berlinale is ahead of the game.” The festival jury does include three women in addition to Streep: French photographer Brigitte Lacombe, Italian actress Alba Rohrwacher and Polish director Malgorzata Szumowska.

Let the Hollywood house divided devour itself. Or, “Encourage Affirmative OSCARS, So Hollywood Can Go Belly-Up.”

UPDATE V (4/23): Out Of America Into South Africa The Racial Poison Flows

America, Hillary Clinton, Race, Racism, South-Africa

The poisonous racial propaganda deployed in the reeducation of South African whites about their “white privilege” comes straight out of America. As around half a million white Afrikaners languish in slums (America has its equivalent poor working-class “racists” who’re gatvol now), sanctimonious liberal South Africans are taking upon themselves to begin inculcating whites in these specious constructs about their culpability as whites.

Into the Cannibal’s Pot has a chapter devoted to the role of the Anglo-American Axis of Evil in ushering in a dispensation that permanently disenfranchised South Africa’s minorities.

The first step is to poison young minds so that they accept that “White racism is everywhere. White racism is permanent. White racism explains everything.”

AND, if you are white you have something to expiate.

READ “Time for an education on white privilege – AwakeSA”

Cape Town – As the country continues to shake off the anger caused by a series of racist comments on social media, a small group of people in the Mother City have taken it upon themselves to educate South Africans about privilege, specifically of the white variety. …

UPDATE I (2/22): It comes from the US:

UPDATE II (2/24): She’s Winning:

UPDATE III (2/28):

UPDATE IV (2/29):

UPDATE V (4/23):