Spontaneous Black Supremacy Syndrome, Again

Crime,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Media,Political Correctness,Propaganda,Race,Racism


“You probably want to know the reason why I shot this place up,” said the latest murderer-while-black supremacist, after he went on a rampage against his (presumably) white co-workers, to the 911 dispatcher.” “They treat me bad over here, and they treat all the other black employees bad over here too. So I just took it into my own hands and I handled the problem.” he said.

There were eight bodies at Omar Thornton’s feet, two more individuals were bleeding, and dozens of co-workers cowered in terror. They probably had no inkling as to this black heart’s capabilities. My guess is that this lucky sod—fortunate to have a job in this economy—got Xmas gifts from the people he murdered, was probably listened to and sympathized with when he ranted about his love life and his various misfortunes. That’s how Americans are; kindly and naive. Now they are dead.

“You don’t need to calm me down, I’m already calmed down,” Thornton replied. “I’m not gonna kill nobody else. I just want to tell my story so that you can play it back. “You’re gonna play something on the news. You know I’m gonna be popular.”

It’s as if Thornton knew that CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, the Agony Aunt of minorities in liberal America, would audition him posthumously for her biased “Black In America” series.

For this mass murder, I blame the culprit, of course. But, also, I blame America’s many Ministries of Truth. The educrats, the bureaucrats, the god men, the “intellectuals,” the ruling duopoly, their braying bobbleheads—they have authored the narrative about this country being a racist country.

The Ministries of Truth perpetuate the lie that the dwindling honky majority is racist. The Ministries (Repbulicans are in the lead with race obsessed Beck and stupid sorts like Elizabeth Hasselbeck, who agitated against Imus) dignify and debate race baiters such as Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as the nation’s moral arbiter.

Simpletons like Thornton are not capable of reasoning based on reality. They construct a reality based on the fantasy that the Ministries of Truth weave. Then, they act on this reality.

I accuse any and all members of the media who seconds the lie of white America’s racism of inciting to commit murder!

(Here’s the reason for the “Again” in the title.)

5 thoughts on “Spontaneous Black Supremacy Syndrome, Again

  1. Van Wijk

    As a commenter at another blog recently stated, labeling your victims racist is like killing them twice. Thornton knew exactly what he was doing. The good names of the victims have been besmirched forever, and the media is essentially sympathetic to the murderer. We live in a nightmare world.

    The Ministries (Repbulicans are in the lead with race obsessed Beck and stupid sorts like Elizabeth Hasselbeck, who agitated against Imus) dignify and debate race baiters such as Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as the nation’s moral arbiter.

    I’m sure Sun Tzu said something about allowing the enemy to define the terms of the engagement. Beck and his ilk are quite simply not interested in any lasting victory over the enemies of this country. Rather, they believe in the enemy’s virtue. It remains to be seen whether or not Beck will become in the end a genuine patriot or another turncoat.

  2. james huggins

    This situation is only going to go on and on. It will never let up. Whites have been so conditioned to accept the body blows of “Racism and bigotry” accusations that they will never put a stop to this foolishness. The enablers like Beck and Keith Olberman are either billious belivers or opportunistic leaches sucking up to the normally accepted premise of white racism. The older Blacks are using this farce to their advantage because they’ve found a way to the upper hand in the game of race relatins and the younger Blacks just take it as fact and accept genuflecting whites as their due.

  3. George Pal

    Nor can we fail to include the NAACP (no surprise they’ve weathered the storm of their recent fifteen-minute share of the news cycle) as racial inciter of violence. If whites blanch at pointing an accusatory finger at the organization that thrives on stirring racial animosities and fostering black malcontents then it’s game, set, match.

  4. Roger Chaillet

    It happened in Connecticut.

    Here in Texas there is concealed carry.

    Any wonders why it happened in a “liberal” state and not here in “redneck” country?

    Because here in Texas elected officials listened to their constituents, and not to the jabbering elites. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luby%27s_massacre

  5. Robert Glisson

    I’ve got this theory, Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto, blamed societies ills on the separation of classes. The ultra-wealthy grasped the truth of that matter immediately. Hence the pot gets constantly stirred with race, Catholic-Protestant-Jew and with the importation of Hispanics and Muslims the heat will stay off the well to do for a long time yet.

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