Updated: ‘The Shangri-La of Socratic Disinterest’

Canada,English,Intelligence,Media,Neoconservatism,Political Philosophy


Rex Murphy, easily Canada’s finest political writer, has furnished us with the best description of the Bill O’Reilly Show: the Shangri-La of Socratic disinterest.

I would imagine that to practice the Socratic Method, a man must possess a curious mind and be less of an egotist, attributes the intellectually incurious Mr. O’Reilly lacks.

In any case, “the Shangri-La of Socratic disinterest” is a wonderful turn of phrase.

Update: I see we’ve been visited by one of the many fans of the big-government, interventionist neoconservative Bill O’Reilly. Did I miss that lot! This from “DUMB AND DIRTY NEOCON ARTISTS”:

Like any leftist, neocons support the meddlesome expansion of the “Managerial State” at home. Somewhat at odds with many liberals, the neocons want to take the same intrusive crusade abroad. This is what defines Bush’s neoconservative administration: social engineering both at home and abroad.

3 thoughts on “Updated: ‘The Shangri-La of Socratic Disinterest’

  1. Paul

    Imagine…you and Rex have a great monikor for O’reilly. I bet you never even watch the show.

    What liberal BS.

    [You’re calling me “liberal” or O’Reilly? For your sake, I hope the latter.]

  2. sunny black

    The problem with “Paul On” and folks like O’Reilly is that they take you at your word when you call yourself a classical liberal. I’m surprised he didn’t write “What classic liberal BS”..

    [Also; they are too intellectually lazy to make up for what they don’t know by reading.–IM]

  3. Robert Glisson

    “I’m surprised he didn’t write “What classic liberal BS”

    That would require knowing what “classical liberalism” is.

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