Updated: What? Southern Rubes Aren’t Racists After All?

Journalism,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Media,Propaganda,Race,Racism


The excerpt is from my new, WND.COM column, “What? Southern Rubes Aren’t Racists After All?”:

“… It is one thing for a starlet like Janeane Garofalo to defame tea party attendees as ‘a bunch of teabagging rednecks,’ and accuse men and women she knows nothing about of ‘hating a black man in the White House,’ and harboring unadulterated racism. It’s quite another matter for cable-network anchors to parrot the loopy lady’s lines.

Nevertheless, ape they did.

So it was that thought-crime investigator Keith Olbermann broke news on his MSNBC nightly show. With his most solemn, commissar-like countenance, Keith informed his viewers, matter-of-fact, that the intensity of the animosity toward Barack Obama is based on his being a black man. …

No wonder, then, that the malign men and women of MSNBC pointedly failed to report conclusive findings to the contrary.

A progressive research group—among whose stars is Democratic political consultant and prominent clintonista (now Obamaniac) James Carville—discovered that when it comes to their assumptions about older, white, Southern Republicans, the cable quislings had been wrong all along. …”

The complete column is “What? Southern Rubes Aren’t Racists After All?” Miss the weekly column on WND.COM? Be sure to catch it on Taki’s Magazine on the weekend.

Update: (Nov. 6) HOLLYWOOD’S HATEFUL HOOEY ABOUT THE SOUTH is not limited to HOLLYWOOD’S. Many Southerners have internalized the stereotype.

15 thoughts on “Updated: What? Southern Rubes Aren’t Racists After All?

  1. M. B. Moon

    “With his most solemn, commissar-like countenance, Keith informed his viewers, matter-of-fact, that the intensity of the animosity toward Barack Obama is based on his being a black man. …” Ilana Mercer

    “Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.” Proverbs 26:12

    “Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.” Proverbs 29:20

  2. s.

    Awesome column. Once again, the cooler mind prevails over the heavy-breathing barbarians on the boob tube (thought you would appreciate the alliteration and assonance). Thank you for your reasoned approach to a world gone mad: Can we clone you?

    [THANKS, my friend.]

  3. james huggins

    I am who I am. I have never gone with hands out, palms up to some PC yutz and begged them to like me and tried to prove I’m not a racist. I certainly don’t plan to lose sleep over the opinion of obvious fools like Jimmy Carter and his ilk. Obama is still a curse on the country no matter how his minions try to spin it.

  4. Rippin' Richie

    To the tune of “That’s Amore”

    When some congressman guy
    says the chosen one lies
    That’s a racist

    When some tax payer minds
    that we’re robbing him blind
    That’s a racist

    Though they screamed
    all of the same things,
    all of the same things
    at that white Clinton fella

    We will play
    race cards everyday,
    race cards everyday
    cause we got nothing betta

    When a man won’t be fooled
    by our dump trucks of bull
    That’s a racist

    When he takes to the street
    to protest the deceit
    That’s just hate

    Wanting government lean
    not Utopian dreaming
    and statist

    Scuzza me, but you see,
    to us in the left wing
    That’s a racist

    Video on YouTube here:

  5. George Pal

    It’s a conditioned response, the result of long term Pavlovian induction of neuroses methods (self-induced in great part). They can now no more resist the ‘racist’ reflex than they can resist hyperbolizing political and policy opponents as Nazis, fascists, et al. If ever the need arises to look upon the ‘dark side’ of psychology look no further than the Left.

  6. BobSacomano

    Sorry, we all know better don’t we? I was raised in a Republican family and remained a Republican through Reagan. My large family is still Republican, they have Republican friends, and I still have friends that are Republicans. They never make racist remarks in public, nor would they ever answer a poll question with anything that would indicate they were racist in any way – in fact some of these people think they’re not racist – but let me tell you, in private conversations and when they think no one in the room disagrees, they can make the most remarkable, racist, bigoted, and sexist comments and jokes you will ever hear. Some even say things like “well it’s only because genetically their IQs are lower” thinking that this is just a fact and not racist at all….and I’m from the North! My Democrat friends are generally more intelligent, informed, and, even in private show no signs of racism or intolerance. My experience is certainly not scientific evidence by any stretch but I’ll bet anything it is not unique. This is actually one of the reasons I’m no longer a Republican.
    One note: Since I started to call them out on this I’m slowly losing those connections but, believe me, these people haven’t changed, and their hatred of Obama goes way beyond ideology. I can only imagine what simmering racism lurks in many areas of the South, and you will NEVER get a lot of them to announce it publicly, or even imply it on any questionaire.

  7. M. B. Moon

    “My Democrat friends are generally more intelligent, informed, and, even in private show no signs of racism or intolerance. “ BobSacomano

    Wait! Wasn’t Lincoln the first Republican and didn’t he free the slaves?

    “I can only imagine what simmering racism lurks in many areas of the South, and you will NEVER get a lot of them to announce it publicly, or even imply it on any questionaire.” BobSacomano

    You went from racist Republican to racist South even though you live in the North?! What? Is the North automatically less racist than the South? What kinda of logic is this? Have you ever lived in the South?

    You conceited Yankees bug me. The smartest people I ever met were Southerners. The most conceited and most likely to cheat in any situation were Northerners.

    But the Republican Party is evil, make no mistake. But don’t lump the traditionally (until recently) Democratic South in there with them.

    Your comment is facetious, isn’t it? For your sake, I hope so.

  8. Terry

    I grew up in Oklahoma but have spent several years living in the North. Many people have talked to me as though I’m a so called southerner yet Oklahoma was not a State during the War between the States. Over the years the media has hammered the people to believe that if you are from the South you are automatically a racist and not very smart or educated. I do consider myself a southerner but have come to recognize how little most people from the North know about that era of our nations history or about southerners. If you are a southerner but have never lived up north you cannot understand what I am talking about. The attitudes of northerners towards southerners is very engrained in their minds. Once they get to know you it changes but it takes awhile.

  9. Brett Gerasim

    I, too, find it very difficult to take BobSacomano’s comments seriously. I grew up in the Northeast, but have spent ample time in the South and now make my home in Arizona. There is no rational excuse for the negativity that many Yankees, particularly those along the East Coast, harbor toward the South and, to a lesser extent, the West. Do they feel they need to continuously refight the Civil War? Perhaps they fear the growing influence these regions have, to the detriment of their own? Maybe they are just insecure, and need to constantly reinforce the notion that they are somehow superior. I have no idea, but I am glad to be out of that scene for the most part.

    It strikes me as highly contradictory to cast Republicans as unintelligent and unlettered, only to credit them with pulling off a conspiracy to rig opinion polls. The Beverly Hillbillies cannot become the Boys from Brazil at the snap of the fingers. A similar exercise in silliness occurs when describing the so-called Religious Right, which is supposedly a bunch of barely literate dopes, supposedly plotting a theocratic coup.

    I’m no Republican, but modernizing the old Crypto-Nazi argument is silly.

  10. Brett Gerasim

    I would like to indulge in another thought, if I could. The fact that we are even talking about this alleged racism is itself a victory for the PC crowd and their statist affiliates. It drags us down and keeps our eyes off the ball. Worse yet, I am not sure it is relevant. Outside of the ridiculous context of PC, there is no such thing as an invalid opinion. A criticism of, say, the current monetary policy, would be just as valid if it were uttered by a Quaker or a Klansman, I would think.

  11. Max

    Once upon the time the word “racist” meant something. (Such as, “hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.” or “The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others”.
    Today, unfortunately, it’s generally used as an invective against people of good will to offend, shut them up or obtain something from them.
    Even the waitress at Denny’s can be categorized as such if she is too slow getting to her table to take an order.
    I’ve lived all over the United States and never encountered what I and the dictionary agree to be true racists. Sorry, telling an ethnic joke doesn’t qualify. But, promoting special privileges based upon a person’s race because one believes the person is not able or smart enough to accomplish things through his own merit does qualify. There is a certain segment of the political spectrum that believes that; they’re the same ones who throw the “racist” word around to discredit others.

  12. The Spirit of '76

    No, southerns are not racists.

    One need only walk through any less-than-elite shopping facility in the former Dixie to see flagrant miscegenation, always a black man with a pretty southern blond and all too frequently their children who are neither hot nor cold, if I might quote only a little out of context. Of course, the elite live in perfect racial segregation. White liberals prefer other White liberals, Kumbaya be damned. Except for their servants, of course, who span the rainbow of cheap labor sources.

    No, southerns are not racists.

    But they are dying as a race, replaced en masse with their former slaves, imported Indians, and others of the metrosexual New Class that seems to have come, ex mare as it were, fully formed and functional in every institution in this land.

    It is ironic. The American south was populated by the “distressed cavaliers” — penniless second sons of second sons of England’s noble class. They imported African slaves, Scots-Irish indentured servants (aka “rednecks”) and all manner of rabble to complete their New World vision of Life on the Manor Green with themselves as the local landlords.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  13. Myron Pauli

    I loved Rippin’ Richie’s song – will have to listen to it on my computer at work which gets Youtube.

  14. Roger Chaillet

    Racism is part of the vernacular of the Left. It’s no different than xenophobia, or homophobia, or bigotry or hate. It’s used because the self-anointed masters of the universe wish to prove they are morally superior to other tribes.

    You dislike illegal immigration.

    Ipso facto you a xenophobe.

    You find gay marriage (sic) to be wrong for many different reasons.

    You must be a hater or homophobe.

    Of course such terms are always used in the context of Who/Whom. Another way to think of it is victim class versus oppressor class.

  15. james huggins

    To Roger Chaillet: When some self important weenie accuses you of one of the PC boogey words such as “racist” or “hompophobe” or whatever, just look them in the eye and ask “So, what’s your point?

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