UPDATED: Workers Vs. Voters (Parasites Looking for a Host)

Democracy,Elections,Labor,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Taxation,The State,Welfare


About the New Deal, H.L. Mencken quipped that it divided America into “those who work for a living and those who vote for a living.”

TIME magazine has chosen its archetype hero. He is the voter, not the worker, also known as that habitual “Protester.” The Protester sticks around for lack of anything else to do.

No wonder Tea Party America failed to make it into TIME’s pantheon of protesters. These middle-class, upstanding folks returned to “petty” duties like jobs, families and other such unworldly, provincial preoccupations.

Or in Barack Obama speak: Back they went to their guns, bibles, and bigotries.

Workers unite! You who bear the burden of taxes, unshakable yourselves. Break free from the chains with which the moochers and looters seek to imprison you (using the power of the state, naturally).

UPDATE (Dec. 25): The professional voters cost the professional workers a whole lot:

Los Angeles City Atty. Carmen Trutanich is considering a lawsuit against Occupy L.A. protesters to reimburse the city for damage caused during the occupation of the City Hall lawn. The two-month encampment cost the city at least $2.35 million, not counting repairs to the lawn and fountain outside City Hall, according to a report issued Friday.
Much of that cost — more than $1.7 million — will be added to the growing pool of red ink in this year’s city budget. The Occupy bills will increase an anticipated $72-million shortfall over the next six months, City Administrative Officer Miguel Santana said.

(LA Times)

The AG doesn’t say who she will sue and how. Parasites are like a big amorphous amoeba. This single-celled organism acts in unison because it’s so unevolved. Occupy L.A. is flopping about looking for a viable host.

Merry Xmas.

3 thoughts on “UPDATED: Workers Vs. Voters (Parasites Looking for a Host)

  1. Robert Glisson

    Americans have forgotten how to laugh; since we humans always have to have a reason for everything we do. Hanukkah, Christmas and whatever were originally times set aside to laugh and appreciate the sheer joy of living with a story to give us a reason. Not to disparage the story mind you; but not to let it get in the way of fun either. No matter if you have a reason or not, I would encourage all of the readers of this blog, including our host, to kick back and enjoy this coming weekend with abandon and joy, Jesus said “I come so that you might have life and that more abundantly.” Celebrate life with us for no reason at all. Thanks Ilana, for your contribution(s)

  2. james huggins

    Great message. “Those who work for a living and those who vote for a living.” Wish I had thought of it. Well,I have to go now so I can finish reading the book of Proverbs and then clean my Winchester so I can go out and harass some homosexuals or perhaps some members of some downtrodden racial minority. Merry Christmas all.

  3. My RON-PAUL i

    Sadly, there is a lot of “work” in this town – mostly paper from bureaucrats. It is amazing how much “work” goes into jailing drug users, bombing Pushtuns, enforcing tax codes, and numerous bureaucratic idiocies – pseudojobs, if you will.

    I try to ignore SLIME magazine. The Tea Party – a mix of some people who truly dislike our Leviathan government with just those from the Right-wing Kultur who just don’t like the Hippie – secular – “anti-Christian” Left-wing Kultur. They didn’t get very much out of all their protests other than more Republicans in government bitching about the remaining Democrats…. a reason why Congress has a 11% positive rating.

    Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, etc.

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