UPDATE II: War Games: Smash ‘Em & Put Them Together Again

Criminal Injustice,Ethics,Middle East,Military,Morality,Natural Law,Terrorism,The State,War


Look; isn’t Uncle Sam wonderful? This little Pakistani girl below “was burned beyond recognition by a U.S. drone and left for dead in a trashcan. … She was found by a medical mission team two years ago and was described as ‘lucky’ by staff as two other children found with her were killed by the military attack.”

The child was “brought to the U.S. from her home in Pakistan,” where American surgeons patched her up, sort of. That’s the least we Americans can do. One of her new caregivers named the child Shakira, which means thankful. Evidently some dolt thinks little Shakira should be grateful that all the king’s horses and all the king’s men COULD put little Shakira together again.

UPDATE I (Dec. 23): FROM “JUST WAR FOR DUMMIES” (March 12, 2003):

I’m no pacifist. While I don’t condone the lingering American presence in Afghanistan, and while I doubt the abilities of the U.S. military to contain al-Qaida there, I supported going after bin Laden’s group in that country. That was a legitimate act of retaliation and defense, accommodated within St. Augustine’s teachings, whereby a just war is one “that avenges wrongs, when a nation or state has to be punished, for refusing to make amends for the wrongs inflicted by its subjects.”
Al-Qaida was responsible for the murder of 3,000 Americans. The Taliban openly succored the organization and its masterminding leadership. Mr. Bush had asked the hosting Taliban to surrender bin Laden and his gang. The Taliban refused, insisting on defending their murderous guests.

UPDATE II (Dec. 24): In reply to Theodor Lauppert below: And this writer “isn’t generally considered a source for” the strengthening of the positive law, international or other.

12 thoughts on “UPDATE II: War Games: Smash ‘Em & Put Them Together Again

  1. Stephen Bernier

    As an U. S. Air Force veteran, what was done to this little girl was barbaric. I am ashamed of my country.

  2. Abelard Lindsey

    This is why we are hated around the world so much, and rightly so. I really wish more Americans understood this.

  3. My RON-PAUL i

    America was attacked by 19 Moslem goons – presumably Osama bin Laden had a role but we killed him deliberately rather than capture him and put him on trial (like the Allies did with Nazi mass murderers). Certainly going after those who attacked us is a legitimate use of force.

    American decided on a 10 + year war with the Taliban which did NOT attack us but did allow Al Queda to stay in Afghanistan until we kicked them out, exapanding to the Pushtun tribesmen allied with the Taliban and since they roam into Pakistan, then onto Pakistan itself. We attacked Iraq over imaginary ties to Al Queda.

    What started with 100 hardcore terrorists and 1000 supporters became a war on Talibans, Pushtuns, Pakistan, Iraq expanding to Sudan, Uganda, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Phillipines and threatening Iran and Syria.

    Shakira’s burns is the price of OUR FREEDOM – for $ 1 Trillion per year! The widows and orphans we burn and exile makes us that more free. Hallelujah.

    Even Israel makes accommodations with Moslems (the Shah, the Turks, King Hussein, Mubarak) rather than just make war on the entire world of Islam. The US, however, knows no limitations and has ZERO common sense.

  4. derek

    America was attacked by 19 Moslem goons – …

    American decided on a 10 + year war with the Taliban…

    And all the while it was really an immigration issue that allowed those 19 goons into the country. To the best of my knowledge, we’ve spent 10 years fighting overseas and haven’t altered our immigration policy at all.

  5. Frank Brady

    “American decided on a 10 + year war with the Taliban which did NOT attack us but did allow Al Queda to stay in Afghanistan until we kicked them out…”

    Actually, even this isn’t quite right. After 9-11, Bush demanded that the Taliban hand over bin Laden. The Taliban did what any government would do. It asked for evidence of bin Laden’s involvement, agreeing to turn him over if it was provided. This Bush refused to do, launching the invasion instead.

    [Wrong. See post update.]

  6. Roy Bleckert

    This demonstrates why if you need to use Military force in most any situation , you follow the Constitution get a Declaration of War from Congress , go in fight & defeat the enemy as quickly as possible & get out

    This minimizes as much as possible the above picture that just breaks your heart to look at

    Our Founding Fathers had it Right a Strong National Defense & not a penny or Human Life sacrificed for Nation Building, Foreign Entanglements or for the betterment of the establishment at the expense of the People

    Thomas Jefferson

    “I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us that the less we use our power the greater it will be.”

    Sounds like Ron Paul doesn’t it ?

  7. Rebel Without A Clause

    The whole point of this bogus “War on Terror” is to take down the Constitution and Bill of Rights via the “National Security State”. Nothing, nothing grows government like War. It is a globalist racket, and always has been. Ron Paul, for all his warts, understands this. The others don’t, or do not care.

  8. Myron Pauli

    Once Al Queda left Afghanistan (not to mention that a large amount of the 2001 Taliban have been killed), the US had no particular interest in who governs every little nook and cranny of Afghanistn/Pakistan including Pustuns, Talibans, or whatever tribal/political organizations.

    The reason to send some special ops forces into Afhanistan in 2001 to get Al Queda is not applicable in 2012.

  9. Robert Glisson

    Recently, I received a description of the folding flags ceremony held at military funerals. I have no idea of what the original thirteen folds meant; this was a after 1950 version. In it, the fifth fold represents a toast by Commodore Stephen Decatur.”The 5th fold is a tribute to the country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, ‘Our Country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong.” The Commodore fought battles defending this country in the early eighteen hundreds. If he saw what Americans in 2000 are doing in the name of the United States he would in all probability say the same as Mr. Stephen Bernier did in the first post, I know I certainly do.

  10. Robert Glisson

    Post script to my previous post. I sent a copy of the newspaper article, complete with pictures, Ilana references to the person who sent me the email. Hopefully, I ruined Christmas.

  11. Nebojsa Malic

    Arguendo, let’s say the Bush government was right to invade Afghanistan in reprisal for 9/11. They ousted the Taliban. Mission accomplished. But that was 10 years ago… why did U.S. troops stay? To build schools for girls and teach the Pashtuns democracy – by bombing their weddings? That is the part I don’t understand. Taliban is out, OBL is dead, mission bloody accomplished. So why are the troops still there?

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