UPDATED: Ron Paul Rising (Stand Up for Middle America!)

Democrats,Ilana On Radio & TV,libertarianism,Liberty,Media,Political Correctness,Political Philosophy,Propaganda,Race,Racism,Republicans,Ron Paul,Russia


As of this writing, Rep. Ron Paul—the ultimate outsider and quintessential anti-establishment presidential candidate—is the favorite to win the Iowa caucuses, scheduled to take place on January 3, 2012.

Polls such as Insider Advantage and Public Policy Polling place Paul in the lead, at 23 and 24 percent respectively, to Mitt Romney’s 20 percent and Newt Gingrich’s 14 percent. From ignoring Congressman Paul, the Republican Party establishment and mainstream media have moved to strategizing on how to discount his lead, and likely win, in Iowa.

Especially exercised is the Republican Party of Iowa. Its functionaries seem willing to delegitimize Iowa poll results—and the importance of the Iowa caucuses as harbingers of things to come in the national convention—if these don’t fall in line with the Party line. Apparently, caucus-goers who dare to “reward” candidates “who are unrepresentative of the broader party” deserve to be discredited.

What Grand Old Party apparatchiks cannot accept is that voters are coming around to reality dictated truths. And when “[t]hings fall apart; the center cannot hold.”

Against this backdrop, I was interviewed, on December 15, by the Russia Today (RT) television network, a broadcaster that does not abide herd behavior. Topics covered: The rise of Ron Paul, his rivals, and the Representative’s chances of parlaying his accomplishments in Iowa (to be repeated, we hope, in the Granite State and South Carolina) into a national win.


My book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” is available from Amazon. (Don’t forget those reviews; they help this cause.)

A Kindle copy is also on sale.

Still better, shipping is free and prompt if you purchase Into the Cannibal’s Pot from The Publisher. Inquire about Xmas and New Year specials.

UPDATE ((Dec. 23): STAND UP FOR MIDDLE AMERICA. In reply to Jeff’s comment, here: You are right about Pat Buchanan’s mind. The man is brilliant. However, as for your recommendation to Ron Paul; it is mainstream and wrong. Utterly wrong. Paul should do the exact opposite of what you advocate. He should stand up for middle America. White America is not racist. That is pure propaganda. If anything, America is dangerously stupid about the reality of demographic differences on the ground.

You need to read my book, especially the section about the “Pathos of the Puritan.” (Look Inside the book.) Your argument is of the Left but has been adopted by the so-called Right. This waffle about low expectations is also the in-vogue leftist argument, conjured by the “Right” so as to both come across as politically palatable, and make excuses for 1) the militant anti-white sentiments blacks have adopted voluntarily, albeit with the encouragement of race huckster Democratic leaders. 2) Give credence to the leftist explanation for underachievement in this racial cohort: racism. All you have to do is expect more, and racial differences on the achievement variable will disappear. Hardly. Enough of this dangerous utopian day-dreaming.

Should Paul quit the obsequious apologetics and stand up for Americans—he would succeed mightily in galvanizing mainstream Republicans, heartland America. They are still a majority, if a waning one. The idiot Republicans will never win over the Left in this country with which most minorities identify. The GOP’s libertarian faction needs to veer Right and stand up for its base.

Granted, it is fashionable among the feminist Republican media bimbos and their beaus to castigate the GOP for being the party of Anglo-American males. Where’s the shame in that? That’s an acquired Mark of Cain; acquired through PC brainwashing. Who founded this country? The ancestors of this much-maligned majority. Were they so bad? Be a man. Stand up for America.

If Ron Paul proves unable to reject the racism accusations and stand up for an America that is defended as good and non-racist—he will be political toast.

5 thoughts on “UPDATED: Ron Paul Rising (Stand Up for Middle America!)

  1. Greg

    I don’t think it matters how well he does in the Iowa caucuses because the political establishment and the msm is out to destroy him for good. It is being reported that 20 years ago, in solicitation for Pauls newsletters, there was a prediction of a coming race war and a federal-homosexual cover up to downplay the impact of AIDS. There were other other statements in these solicitations that the media will be able to sink their teeth into as well. The remark about the AIDS cover up is true, I believe. Now that there is a perceived criticism of homosexuals, this will be used to hammer the final nail in the coffin for Paul. In the USA today you do not say anything that can be perceived as negative about the sodomites. If you violate this unwritten law you will pay!

  2. Daniel

    Mark Steyn and Hugh Hewitt, neither who has spent much time talking about Ron Paul, have raised the issue of Paul’s non-answers on the “9/11 Truth” item. I do think it is fair to point out that Dr. Paul does cast his credibility in doubt by indulging the 9/11-was-an-inside-job crowd.

    On the other hand, Mark Steyn and Hugh Hewitt never seem to weary of the conspiracy theories of the neocons.

  3. My RON-PAUL i

    RON PAUL DOES NOT EXIST. If he finishes 3rd, then ONLY the front two will get mentioned. If he finishes 2nd, only the winner gets mentioned, and if Paul finishes first, then only the second place candidate counts!



    Bush and Dole and others of the ESTABLISHMENT are circling the wagons for Mitt:


    Woodrow Wilson would probably want to send in the troops to invade Iowa in order to teach them “how to elect good men”


    Unfortunately, the troops also support Ron Paul:


    By the way, here is Ron Paul’s RACIST ranting from 2008:


    since he would deny poor black men free room and board courtesy of the Federal Prison system:


  4. derek

    I saw this comment on another blog and thought it might resonate with the readers here.

    In response to an assertion that the so-called fringe was pushing Paul and endangering the GOP, a commenter replied with this:

    That’s interesting.

    We are at this point where the Republic and Constitution are in crisis because the not-fringe Republicans have chosen Nixon, Ford, Bushes, Bob Dole and McCain as their candidates.

    So, of course, blame those crazy libertarians.

  5. Roy Bleckert

    The media spin masters/big gov. party are becoming more irrelevant every day

    Ron has lead in 5 of 6 polls in Iowa since the last debate & has steady risen in the gallup national tracking poll

    The message is resonating in Iowa & the Country & instead of trying to snatch defeat from victory

    If you dig in the cross tabs in the polls Ron is pulling in indys & dems far greater than any other rep. & is probably why PPP polling said You can make the statistical case that Ron is the only one that can beat the big O PERIOD !

    I am going to enjoy helping Ron KICK the media spin masters/big gov. party’s ASS !!!!!!!

    Do not get mad or discouraged just use the opportunity to examine the media spin masters/big gov. party’s own words & use it as a counter to their tactics


    Do not get mad …get even lolll !!!!!

    Dr Ron Paul The Next President of the United States !

    Totally Awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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