Mad-As-A-Hatter Media Discovers Zimmerman Is … ‘Multiracial’

Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Media,Multiculturalism,Political Correctness,Race


How do you react to “breaking news” such as was presented by the insufferably pompous Piers Morgan of CNN: “… we [now. suddenly] see that George Zimmerman really has significant multiracial, multicultural roots.” (Emphasis added.)

What miracle aid brought about this incisive observation? How was this hopeless lot helped in arriving at the conclusion that the manifestly swarthy Mr. Zimmerman, who looks as if he has Mestizo-Amerindian heritage, is indeed of mixed heritage?

What did the trick was “an exclusive photograph,” which shows Zimmerman’s great-grandfather (a black gentleman), above whom stands Zimmerman’s grandmother (half black), holding Zimmerman’s mother.

“Talking to people that know him, I have changed my position,” revealed CNN super sleuth Mark NeJame. “People can come up with whatever conclusions they want. But from looking at the facts and the evidence, I don’t think there is a racial motive in there.”

On March 30, the article “@Twitter, Trayvon Was ‘NO_LIMIT_NIGA'” stated the facts as sane people saw them:

Martin was a 17-year-old black youth, shot dead last month by a Hispanic man with a Jewish surname. George Zimmerman—who, for the purposes of the “Racism Industrial Complex” is being considered white—was patrolling a Florida gated community, as part of his neighborhood-watch duties.

Cleaving to reality is all it takes. The cretins of cable should try it.

8 thoughts on “Mad-As-A-Hatter Media Discovers Zimmerman Is … ‘Multiracial’

  1. james huggins

    I don’t care if he’s a martian or 1/32nd Cherokee. He’s going to be railroaded to placate the black thugocracy calling for his head.

  2. Robert Glisson

    In the news media, it is a cardinal sin to let the facts get in the way of a good story.Piers managed to get at least a month of press releases stirring up hate against whites, now since Zimmerman isn’t going to roll over and this will drag on, he can get at least six months of blaming others for falsely accusing the poor mixed race man as an abominable white. That’s the way to keep the checks coming in when you play the race game.

  3. Myron Pauli

    Does this cosmological discovery of George Klansman Zimmerman’s black ancestry prove once again that most blacks are killed by blacks? Does this make him innocent? If he is part Native American (formerly known as “Indian”), does that make him related to such distinctive tribal leaders as Ward Churchill and Elizabeth Warren??


    Does Reverend Al now have to go after PURE whiteys to find the new Crime of the Millenium? Will we find that some of Travon Martin’s ancestry comes from some Hebrew descendents who came from Aaron or King Solomon and thus George Zimmerman was a self-hating Jew?

    Or perhaps George Zimmerman and Travon Martin were gay lovers having a lover’s quarrel about their upcoming wedding? Frankly, the whole thing shows a Universal Stupidity where truth and fiction is shaped by idiotic racial narratives forming some Grand Unified Theory of Social Interactions. I can’t imagine how some District Attorney can prove 2nd degree murder beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury with an IQ beyond 90 but then who says that such a jury can be empanelled?

    If Klansman Zimmerman gets exonerated, do angry blacks only riot 87% as much as if Zimmerman was pure white?

  4. sunny black

    …and at the very moment it became clear that Zimmerman is a multiracial Democrat, NOT a Caucasian Tea Partier, the big media’s interest in the story suddenly went flaccid.

    Meanwhile, it turns out a Liberal Working Class Hero from Harvard intentionally lied about being a member of an oppressed minority group (you know, the one with those high cheek bones) so that she could take advantage of Liberalism’s weak spot for white guilt. This is an issue only for Leftists: a liberal took advantage of blind spots in bad liberal policies. But does the media care?

    No. They’re more interested in doing exposes on teenage bully Mitt who may or may not have been a prep school jerk 50 years ago. I’m surprised the gays don’t charge Romney retroactively with a hate crime for bullying a supposed gay kid. Perhaps someone from Axelrod’s apartment building in Chicago can provide the damning first person testimonial that will secure an Obama reelection.

    By the way, anyone know how many Americans are out of a job these days? Yeah, me neither. Who cares?! Let’s more Forward and talk about Barack’s magnificent smile some more.

  5. Rebel Without a Clause

    Given the time-gap between the Trayvon extinction and the MSM’s decision to run with the story, I think “they” (the NY crowd) were well aware it had holes. They simply thought they could defeat the ‘net…and got proved wrong again. Hardly anyone reads the urban newspapers any more, or pays any attention to MSNBC/CNN et al. The principle function of the Old Media is provide neo-conz with a false opposition. Romney? Already pulling ahead in the polls. As Roger Hedgcock put it, do you believe gubmint economic stats…or the evidence of your own senses? ‘Net wins again. No wonder the pols are desperate to shut it down.

  6. David

    One must therefor ask oneself some serious questions;
    Does the media not seem to collaborating on a venture?
    What is the perceived outcome desired?
    The media does what’s its told by the owner
    Who is the owner and what is their agenda, and how does this affect you personally?

  7. james huggins

    As I said Zimmerman is in for a railroad job. I see this morning that the FBI is going to make this a “hate crime”. The government can’t pass up an opportunity like this to suck up to the black vote. It’s golng to be like O.J. all over again, only maybe worse. O.J. walked and Zimmerman is going to hang. Both for the same reason.

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