Category Archives: Barack Obama

President Pinocchio’s Proboscis Honored

Barack Obama, Ethics, Morality, Politics

The Washington Post has followed in PolitiFact’s footsteps in honoring the presidential appendage not once but thrice. Earlier this week, “PolitiFact named ‘If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,’ the Lie of the Year for 2013.”

“If you like your health-care plan, you can keep it” comes in first on the WaPo too.

Does this mean that Barack Obama is liar of the year? Liberals will never go as far as to denounce the individual doing the deed.

(More here about “President Pinocchio’s Growing Proboscis.”)

Mandela Mum About Systematic Murder Of Whites

Barack Obama, Ilana On Radio & TV, Media, South-Africa

“Mandela Mum About Systematic Murder Of Whites” is the current column. It includes an RT TV clip. Both are now on WND. An excerpt:

Why would a consummate narcissist snap a “selfie” of himself at the funeral of Nelson Mandela?

How was it that a random gesticulator—and a very cool, creative guy, if you ask me—officiated as a sign-language interpreter at the Mandela memorial?

What could possibly have driven the handshake between dictator numero uno (the uncrowned king of the killer drones) and dictator No. 2 (Raul Castro)?

These are some of the weighty—evidently inexplicable—questions with which mainstream media are currently preoccupied in their ongoing Mandela monomania.

My homeland South-Africa is a dominant-party state where might makes right. However, due to the same malfunctioning media’s remedial revisionism, a “Rambo Nation” has been marketed to the world as the mythical “Rainbow Nation.”

To the American media, mining Mandela’s legacy has meant repeating the man’s fortune-cookie profundities and warmed-over wisdom.

RT TV, however—“Cross Talk,” in particular—has endeavored to dig deeper into the deceased leader’s legacy. The price I paid this week for smashing RT’s “Cross-Talk” set, so to speak, was this:

Despite twice providing producers with the necessary biographical details, my authorship of “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” chronicling “The Heart of Darkness” that is Mandela’s South Africa, was kept under-wraps. Concealed as well was my WND affiliation. (Having no make-up is plenty punishment to any woman, however, the duty to bear Christian witness trumped vanity.) The other panelists you are about to watch—Mandela hagiographers both—had their credentials, affiliations, and yet-to-be-published books advertised.

When truth is smuggled onto television, it is rationed.


Since WND has never rationed the truth, what follows is an excerpt from the book that dare not speak its name on Russia Today, much less on American Big Media.

“Mandela, Mbeki, And Mugabe Sitting In A Baobab Tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G” is the title of Chapter 4 in “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa.” It analyzes the significance of the unqualified support Mandela and his predecessors have lent to the Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe over the decades. The chapter includes a historic corrective to the glitterati-created myth that is Mandela …

“Mandela Mum About Systematic Murder Of Whites” is now on WND. Read the complete essay and watch the RT TV clip on WND.


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Obama Banana (Aka President Camacho)

Barack Obama, Business, Ethics, Law

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry will no doubt deem the word “banana” to be racist, “conceived by a group of wealthy white men who needed to . . . render [a black man] inferior and unequal and diminish his accomplishments.” This is what our unsharpened pencil thinks of the word “Obamacare.”

It can’t be helped. Under Obama, America’s banana-republic credentials are growing.

Via The US Financial Post:

It seems Attorney General Eric Holder has created a multi-million dollar backdoor kickback for activist groups in the $13 billion JP Morgan Chase subprime loan deal recently settled, WND reports.
It appears the Obama administration has a strategy for reviving subprime mortgage lending by coercing banks to fund community organizing groups that may once more put low-income families into mortgages beyond their means.
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“Annex 2? of the settlement agreement mandates that JPMorgan hand over “any unclaimed or unpaid damages to a nonprofit group that finances Acorn clones and other shakedown groups,” Investor’s Business Daily noted in a recent editorial.
The settlement agreement forces JPMorgan to hand over $4 billion in consumer relief designed to help consumers who were hurt by its packaging of subprime mortgages into securities.

Says Judge Andrew Napolitano: The federal government is extorting billions of dollars from a US bank to give to its political friends and favorite political caused. It is plain unlawful.

What are you gonna do about it?, replies President Camacho.

Turley Testifies To The Emergence Of An Über-Presidency

Barack Obama, Constitution, Founding Fathers, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism

The Anti-Federalists ought to be the nation’s heroes and not its anti-heroes. Libertarians who are with the Anti-Federalists, and who believe the Constitution is a dead letter (check)—and was doomed to so become (check, again)—will find Jonathan Turley’s testimony, Tuesday, as to the danger our “tripartite system of equal branches” finds itself, endearingly naive.

Still, Turley’s testimony before the Committee on the Judiciary is important (and certainly elegantly written). The Shapiro professor of public interest law at George Washington University is perhaps the only honest constitutional scholar on the left that I can think of, since the death of the great Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.).

Turley spoke about the chief executive’s “circumvention of Congress,” about Obama having “crossed the constitutional line between discretionary enforcement and defiance of federal legislation,” of his “use of executive orders to circumvent federal legislation”; of the increasing “shift toward the concentration of executive power” and the consolidation of the “imperial presidency.”

Obama, contends Turley, has “reduced the legislative process to a series of options for presidential selection.” By “claiming the inherent power of both legislation and enforcement, he risks becoming “a virtual government unto himself”; “the very danger that the Constitution was designed to avoid.”

“The Framers were clear that they saw such concentration of power to be a danger to liberty.”

Well, some—the Anti-Federalists—proved that the Framers were either wrong in the direction they took the country, or wrote a very vague document indeed.