Category Archives: Classical Liberalism

NEW COLUMN: ‘It’s Murder-By-Muslim Immigrant, Stupid’

Classical Liberalism, Conservatism, Constitution, IMMIGRATION, Islam

“It’s Murder-By-Muslim Immigrant, Stupid” is the current column, now on An excerpt:

Can we cut the cr-p, kids? Forgive my language, but, as Ecclesiastes teaches, there’s a time for everything. The time to cuss is now.

“Radical Islamic terrorism”: He has to be able to say it! This, preach conservative talking heads, is the acid test for electing the next American president.

Is this convoluted concept one you can even remember?

“Radical Islamic terrorism” is like the LGBTQ acronym, it’s a mouthful. It’s unmemorable, unintuitive and does not accurately describe the vile men and women who menace us in our American, English and European homelands.

“Radical Islamic terrorist” is, very plainly, wrong.

Language mediates behavior. In order to properly respond to these vipers among us who elect to kill us despite our kindness toward them, stateside, we do indeed need to properly describe them.

To be vested in linguistic accuracy is to be vested in the truth. The closer language cleaves to reality, the greater the likelihood that correct, and corrective, action will follow.

Certainly the term of choice must reflect reality, not ideology, Right or Left. Why so? If we don’t describe exactly who these killers are, we’ll be unable to eject them from our midst.

“ISIS” is not attacking us; certain Muslim immigrants are. The Islamic State simply inspires them the way progressive rock guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen might move me.

The more abstract the expert Idiocracy gets in defining our problems, the more removed will be their solutions—removed from solutions that are the legitimate purview of limited government. You and I will be forced to pay for their elaborate schemes.

So don’t be fooled.

ISIS and an abstract ideology called “radical Islamic terrorism”—a redundancy, if ever there was one, since Islam is radical—are not attacking us. Men and women upon whom we’ve conferred the right to live among us are.

These are individuals who are part of us, not part of ISIS. ISIS is happy they kill us. It’s pleased to continue providing inspiration, even training. But the ephemeral ISIS did not send them to kill us. We invited them here in the idiotic believe that they were like us.

These Muslim killers are Americans, Europeans and Englishmen. We’ve made them so. …

… Read the rest. “It’s Murder-By-Muslim Immigrant, Stupid” is now on

“It’s Murder-By-Muslim Immigrant, Stupid” is on YouTube. Subscribe. This shy and retiring writer promises to get better at it..

We Love Prostitutes, Hate Presstitutes (Yes, You, CNN)

Classical Liberalism, Donald Trump, Ethics, Feminism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Morality

There’s a lot to admire about practitioners of the oldest profession in the world. A lot of sympathy is in order for those who choose, or must resort to, prostitution. None such considerations are in order for America’s presstitutes: There is nothing redeeming or remotely forgivable about the malfunctioning media’s simplistic, silly, nuance-bereft, sentimentality oozing, strictly left-liberal angle and approach (as opposed to our classical liberalism). Nothing.

The news media these days is a thoroughly feminized endeavor, with a penchant for, mostly, soft news stories. Duly, the network girls—a definition that includes boys—have been banging on about one thing since Donald Trump delivered three or four inspiring, certainly substantive, addresses. The discussion around Trump’s speeches has focused not on the multilayered issues covered by Trump, but on the “Trump ‘Regrets’ Comment,” as CNN called the stupidest part of what were otherwise spectacular speeches. This is how a feminized media steers the focus of its captive audience to frivolity.

The comment:

“Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that. And believe it or not, I regret it. And I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain. Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues,” Trump told supporters here.
He added: “But one thing I can promise you is this: I will always tell you the truth.”

The commentary, if you can stomach it.

The Libertarian Book Of TRUMP by ilana mercer

Classical Liberalism, Conservatism, Constitution, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

The latest column, “The Libertarian Book Of TRUMP,” is now on, America’s “top source for conservative … commentary.” An excerpt:

In a new book, “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed,” I argue that Donald J. Trump is the quintessential post-constitutional candidate.

In the “Opening Statement,” titled “Welcome To The Post-Constitutional Jungle,” oldies will recognize a nod to the Guns N’ Roses classic, “Welcome to the Jungle,” as well as to broadcaster Mark Levin’s coinage.

We inhabit what Levin has termed a post-constitutional America. The libertarian (and classical conservative) ideal—where the chains that tether us to an increasingly tyrannical national government are loosened and power is devolved once again to the smaller units of society—is a long way away.

Where the law of the jungle prevails, the options are limited: Do Americans get a benevolent authoritarian to undo the legacies of Barack Obama, George W. Bush and those who went before? Or, does the ill-defined entity called The People continue to submit to Demopublican diktats, past and present?

The quintessential post-constitutional candidate, Trump’s candidacy is for the age when the Constitution itself is unconstitutional. Like it or not, the original Constitution is a dead letter, having suffered decades of legislative, executive and judicial usurpation. The natural- and common law traditions, once loadstars for lawmakers, have been buried under the rubble of legislation and statute. However much one shovels the muck of lawmaking aside, natural justice and the Founders’ original intent remain buried too deep to exhume. The Constitution has become just another thing on the list of items presidential candidates check when they con constituents.

The dissembling words of many a Republican presidential candidate notwithstanding—for most promise constitutionalism—a liberty-lover’s best hope is to see the legacy of the dictator who went before overturned for a period of time. The toss-up in the 2016 election is therefore between submitting to the Democrats’ war on whites, the wealthy and Wal-Mart, or being bedeviled by mainstream Republicans’ wars on the world: Russia, China, Assad and The Ayatollahs.

Or, suffering all the depredations listed and more if Candidate Clinton is victorious.

Thus the endorsement over the pages of “The Trump Revolution” is not necessarily for the policies of Trump, but for The Process of Trump.

Until such time when the individual is king again, and a decentralized Constitution that guarantees regional and individual autonomy has been restored—this process of creative destruction begun by Donald Trump is likely the best Americans can hope for. Put differently, in this age of unconstitutional government—Democratic and Republican—the best liberty lovers can look to is action and counteraction, force and counterforce in the service of liberty

… Read the rest. The complete column, “The Libertarian Book Of TRUMP,” is now on

Trump’s America First Policy: Remarkably Sophisticated

Classical Liberalism, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Neoconservatism, Political Economy, Political Philosophy

“Trump’s America First Policy: Remarkably Sophisticated” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

Unsophisticated rambling,” “simplistic,” “reckless.”

The verdict about Donald J. Trump’s foreign policy, unveiled after his five-for-five victory in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island and Connecticut, was handed down by vested interests: Members of the military-media-think tank complex.

People like Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. People Dwight Eisenhower counseled against, in his farewell address to the nation:

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”

Naturally, Albright wants U.S. foreign policy to remain complex, convoluted; based not on bedrock American principles, but on bureaucratically friendly talking points, imbibed in the “best” schools of government, put to practice by the likes of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Like so many D.C. insiders who move seamlessly between government and the flush-with-funds think-tank industry, Albright has worked for CFR. (Yearly revenue: $61.0 million. Mission: Not America First.)

Neo-Wilsonian foreign policy is big business.

Wait for the Brookings Institution, RAND Corporation and the Center for American Progress to pile on Trump’s “unsophisticated,” America-centric foreign policy.

Like an invasive, foreign Kudzu, these anti-American forces are everywhere. What Trump’s advocating translates into a reduced profile for them: less demand for their neo-Wilsonian schemes, promulgated in focused blindness by think tank types and by most tele-tarts.

Reduced demand for American agitation abroad will mean fewer “media references per year,” less “monthly traffic” to monetize on websites, less influence in the halls of power and, ultimately, reduced revenues.

We might even see fewer color-coded revolutions around the world.

Trump’s promised change to American foreign policy can’t sit well with the International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and Freedom House. These have been described by the press as “Washington-based group[s] that promote democracy and open elections.”

More like Alinskyite agitators. …

…Read the rest. “Trump’s America First Policy: Remarkably Sophisticated” is the current column, now on WND.