“In the same time period as the Trayvon Martin incident,” documents VDARE’s Peter Bradley, “a multitude of anti-white attacks by blacks occurred that remained strictly local news.” One of them, was detailed in “Treatment of Trayvon Travesty Masks Brutal Realities Of Crime”: “The name of the black rapist and killer of an 85-year-old lady: Tyrone Dale David.”
In 2006, a black Long Island man, John White, shot an unarmed white teen, Daniel Cicciaro, 17, who had come to his house to fight his son. But in December 2010, black New York Governor David Patterson commuted the sentence of White, who had served a mere 5 months for the killing.
None other than Al Sharpton who came to the defense if his co-racialist and applauded Gov. Patterson for letting White off
The rest of Bradley’s tally:
* In Kansas City, a 13-year-old white boy named Allen Coon was doused with gasoline and set on fire by two older blacks saying, “This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.” [Was Boy in K.C. Fire Attack a Victim of His School’s Racist Teaching?, By Selwyn Duke, American Thinker, March 7, 2012 ]
* Haley Pettersen, a 15-year-old white girl in a leg cast in O’Fallon, Illinois was out walking her dog when she was attacked by two black girls who said, ‘this is our territory white girl.” One girl grabbed Haley by the hair, and the other one started hitting her in the face. The blacks ran off only when some neighbors came out but the attack left Haley with a swollen left eye. [O’Fallon teen attacked near her home, By Jamie Forsythe, BND.com, March 19, 2012]
* In Kansas City, an unnamed 50-year-old white man was left with a fractured hip and other injuries after being beaten by a group of blacks shouting racial epithets. [Man Says Youths Beat Him as Part of Racially Motivated Attack, kctv5.com, March 16, 2012]
* Gary Allder, a white man in San Antonio, came home to find that his house had been burglarized, ransacked and tagged with racial slurs such as “Die Whitey.” Home tagged with racial slurs, profanity; victim offers reward, by Mayra Moreno, KENS 5, March 7, 2012
* Travis Eugene Winemiller, 16, a white Polk County, Florida inmate, was beaten, choked and strangled until he was unconscious by three black inmates. They then hogtied Winemiller and said, “this is how you slave a real cracker” and threatened to kill him. 3 teens charged in jailhouse inmate attack , WTSP.com, February 29, 2012
* Jacob Appel, a 15-year-old autistic white boy, was attacked by three blacks at his bus stop in Palm Bay, Florida. The blacks taunted, used racial slurs, and chased the victim into the street where he was nearly struck by a car. The only reason the blacks were caught is that one of the attackers posted the video on his Facebook page. Police: 3 charged with hate crime after video shows bullying of autistic teen, wftv.com, February 12, 2012
“…there were clear and obvious signs of racial motivations—for example, racial slurs—in most of these attacks. Almost all of the black-on-white attacks involved multiple black attackers against white children, the elderly or the handicapped.”
This salient feature of the black-on-white onslaught in South Africa is amply documented in Into the Cannibal’s Pot as well.
UPDATE: The “Racism Industrial Complex (RIC).” Jack Kerwick implicates Barack Obama as the captain of the RIC industry, writing at Belief.Net:
Obama is a black racialist.
Obama asserts that his son would look like Trayvon Martin. He just as easily—and truthfully—could have said that had he a son, his son would have looked like George Zimmerman, for Zimmerman, as his photo readily attests, isn’t much lighter, if he is lighter at all, than Obama. But he would rather latch his political and ideological fortunes to this case by identifying with the black youth whose fate is now at the center of national controversy.
This is what we should expect from a man who, in spite of his biracial parentage, has spent his life laboring to forge for himself an explicitly racial identity. Judged not just by our standards, but those of the world, both present and past, there are few people who have had it as well as Obama has had it. For this, he has his mother and her family—not his African father who abandoned him when he was but two years-old—to thank. Yet Obama chooses to regard himself as black. As his memoir, Dreams from my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, makes abundantly clear, from the time he was an adolescent, Obama had been on a quest to achieve racial “authenticity.” He wanted to become “authentically” black.
His understanding of what this authenticity entails we can, if we would only summon the will to do so, piece together from what we now know of him. Obama is a hard leftist who, as such, endorses the conventional political narrative of unrelenting White Oppression and perpetual Black Suffering.
UPDATE II: In response to a smart-Alec quip on the Facebook Wall (“which stereotype is which?”): I am not sure what the poster means by the quip above. Is the poster saying that a tally of the “white” body count and the attendant brutality inflicted on the victims in this group—all of which speak to unadulterated racial hatred—amounts to mere stereotype? If this is what JW is implying, I would suggest that his mind has turned to mush: He is incapable of distinguishing the semantics used in propaganda from raw reality.
UPDATE III: To the list of atrocities born “of the anti-white animus that consumes legions of blacks—and, evidently, whites as well,” Kerwick adds the Wichita, Kansass case. Among mainstream media, only Michele Malkin doggedly covered this sadistic slaughter:
In Wichita,Kansas, on December 14, 2000, at about 11:00 P.M, the Carr brothers brought their months-long crime spree to a climax that resulted in the deaths of four young white adults.
Upon invading the home of Jason Befort, a science teacher and football coach, they beat him and his two male friends, Brad Heyka, a director of finance at Koch Financial Services, and Aaron Sander, a former employee with Koch who had decided to change course in careers by entering the priesthood. In addition to Heyka and Sander, two women were also at Befort’s house: Heather Muller, a pre-school teacher who aspired to become a nun, and an unnamed woman to whom Befort planned on becoming engaged.
This last woman remains anonymous because she is the lone survivor of the unspeakable acts of savagery that unfolded over the next several hours.
The Carr brothers not only beat Befort and his male friends; they repeatedly raped and sodomized the two women and made them engage sexually with one another as well as with the other men. This nightmare of an ordeal was punctuated with multiple visits to the victims’ ATM accounts. At night’s end, Reginald and Jonathan Carr drove the five victims to a snow covered field where they had them kneel before shooting them, execution-style, in the backs of their heads. While fleeing this massacre, the Carr brothers drove over the naked, scarred bodies of their victims with a pick up truck.
Incredibly, one of the victims managed to survive. In subzero temperatures, in snow and ice, half-naked, tormented, injured, and traumatized, one brave, resilient soul trekked nearly a mile to get help. Had she been black and her tormenters white, rather than the reverse, there isn’t a person in America who wouldn’t know of her—or her story—by now. In any case, because of her Herculean efforts, these two predators were captured, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death.