Category Archives: Criminal Injustice

Pardon Me, Mr. President? Et tu, Pat Robertson?


The plenary power of pardon granted to the president is extremely broad.

But so far no word about the possible pardon by Bush of incarcerated Border-Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.

The president had set a precedent in the case of Ramos and Compean. For defending their country, and in the process shooting a drug smuggler in the derriere, Bush sicced his bloodhound, U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, on these Border Patrol Agents who, absent a pardon, will remain locked up for over a decade.

Although Bush has yet to pardon Scooter Libby, you’ll recall that he commuted his sentence. Bush had spared his fall guy, Lewis Libby, but locked up these patriotic, heroic agents—Ramos and Compean—ostensibly throwing away the key. No remorse expressed from the Creep-in-Chief in their unjust conviction.

I’ve said it before: Bush would wrestle a crocodile for a criminal alien. Soon into his presidency, I also pronounced George W. Bush bad to the bone.

As have I defended evangelical leader Pat Robertson in the past. But he’s clearly just a cog in the well-oiled, oleaginous, Republican Party machine. Robertson was interviewed today by CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux, who asked him about the pardons.

Robertson put his moral might behind making the case for a Scooter-Libby pardon. Now, as I’ve written, “the ‘crime’ for which Libby was convicted was also the crime for which Martha Stewart went to jail: lying to the FBI. Not for leaking the identity of former (so-called) classified CIA operative Valerie Plame. Richard Armitage did that.”

This was yet another abuse of power by crooked outlaw, US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald.

However, given his role in taking us to war, there was some poetic justice in the conviction of Libby (not that I support such justice).

There was no justice—poetic, or other—in the conviction of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.

Updated: Amanpour Omits Genocide Of Boers By British


I watched Amanpour’s CNN’s program on genocide. No mention was made of the genocide of Boers by the British during the Second Boer War. Fifteen percent of the Afrikaner population was rounded up, interned, and starved to death–27,000 women and children.

Apparently after some controversy, Amanoour even mentioned the poor Armenians whose wholesale slaughter is usually denied because the slaughterers, our “allies” the Turks, demand the denial of that Holocaust. National interest and all that stuff.

Here is a rather common image from the annals of the Second Boer War (1899-1902). The caption follows, below.

“The young Lizzie van Zyl who died in the Bloemfontein concentration camp: She was a frail, weak little child in desperate need of good care. Yet, because her mother was one of the “undesirables” due to the fact that her father neither surrendered nor betrayed his people, Lizzie was placed on the lowest rations and so perished with hunger that, after a month in the camp, she was transferred to the new small hospital. Here she was treated harshly. The English disposed doctor and his nurses did not understand her language and, as she could not speak English, labeled her an idiot although she was mentally fit and normal. One day she dejectedly started calling for her mother, when a Mrs Botha walked over to her to console her. She was just telling the child that she would soon see her mother again, when she was brusquely interrupted by one of the nurses who told her not to interfere with the child as she was a nuisance.”

Update: JP’s heartfelt comment hereunder with respect to how Afrikaners were treated warrants mention of another aspect of genocide, salient in the plight of the Afrikaners, then as now: demonization. The British liked the Bantu; and hated the Boer. They demonized the Boers as retarded and stupid and would hang notices around the necks of Afrikaner kids caught speaking Afrikaans at school: “I am a donkey.” (Source: The White Tribe of Africa: South Africa In Perspective by David Harrison, p. 48) Need I mention the Bantu’s “Kill the Boer” slogans?

Updated: Don’t Tase Me, Big Bro


“Baron ‘Scooter’ Pikes had been confined, cuffed, and was nonconfrontational. There was no need to kill him. Nevertheless, Scott Nugent, a Louisiana police officer, stunned Pikes repeatedly with a Taser. The man was dead ‘before the last two 50,000-volt shocks were delivered,’ surmised CNN. An autopsy revealed no evidence of drug use in Pikes’ system—he had been detained for possession. Nugent was indicted this month on a charge of manslaughter.”

The excerpt is from my new column,Don’t Tase Me, Big Bro,” where I point out that “The Taser X26 has become a fixture in the increasingly fractious interactions between the police and the people.” And that, “Something has gotten into the country’s lymphatic system—and the infection becomes most apparent in these street-level scuffles between the State and its subjects.”

You can read the complete column, “Don’t Tase Me, Big Bro,” on

Updated (August 18): This story about a couple tasered on their wedding day was sent by Sam Karnick, with the following fine comment:

“Note that the article does NOT say, nor do the police say, what the real or implied contract was between the couple and the art gallery owner. It seems the couple did nothing illegal but the owner called the cops on them because he was afraid they might break something, which is not a valid use of the police nor an excuse for their use of force.”

Update IV: Bus Beheading


A shaken witness, who’ll probably never exorcise the horror from his head, dilates on a beheading on a bus in Canada.

My daughter travels on the Greyhound; lots of young people do. I do too, although not lately. The thought of this 22-year-old youngster hooked up to headphones suddenly being assailed by an evil individual—how horrifying and sad. Rural Canada is so safe and peaceful; who allowed evil to enter? Must I now issue a warning to my daughter; “Don’t sit near ‘foreign’-looking men on the bus; if one sits near you, get up and stand near the old lady at the rear end”? Is this the misery that multiculturalism has wrought?

Would that guns were allowed in Canada. The poor slain man, a mere boy, might be alive, because some good soul would have dropped the assassin on the spot.

I’d like to think that the American authorities would not have engaged in a stand-off, but would have stormed the bus right away, filling the monster with lead. Wishful thinking?

The initial official silence about the killer’s identity: Canadian authorities would have extended similar cordiality to all foreign killers of their population, but also to “native Canadians” or Indians. Had the barbarian been a honky, well, you know the drill.

Canada doesn’t have the death penalty. I hope that once Vince Weiguang Li is incarcerated, that the inmates take care of business. The same criminal injustice system is charging Li with second degree murder–unpremeditated murder–rather than First.

Update I: As you listen to the accounts, note how the victim, Tim McLean Jr., is depersonalized–how little sympathy is expressed for this innocent young man’s awful demise (but empathy is oozed for those who had to stomach the scene); how his name is never uttered; how attempts are made to turn passengers into heroes, when frankly, from the available accounts, there seem little evidence of heroism. Where is the passenger who took a crowbar (one of those implements available on buses to pry windows open) to the perp?

Update II: Away from the malpracticing media, on Facebook, there is sadness and grief for a young friend. And better, intelligent reporting from CTV. A lot of talk about the bogus “mental disorder” exculpation. Expect more of the same. Prepare yourself with a refresher: read “EVIL, NOT ILL.”

Update III (August 2): The killer, Vince Weiguang Li, looks decidedly as though he might be from Muslim-populated western China. If Muslim, there isn’t a ghost of a chance Canadian authorities will admit it–not if they can avoid it. This from Lawrence Auster’s “View From the Right”:

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation at one point said the following:

‘RCMP announced Friday morning that they have charged Vince Weiguang Li, 40, of Edmonton with second-degree murder. He is scheduled to appear at the Manitoba provincial court in Portage la Prairie. A Chinese Muslim, Li expressed to investigators that his actions were motivated by the Koran.’

That has since been deleted from the site. Canadian blogs have made copies of it for posterity. Here is the sanitized version of the CBC story without the Muslim reference.

Update IV (August 3): Jihad is a corner stone of Islam. If indeed Li is Muslim, then his actions, smiting at the neck of an infidel, are perfectly compatible with Muslim martyrdom.

From “For the Love of Islam“:

“The Call to Jihad” instructs Muslims that, “When you meet those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them.” “Holy war, which is demanded in Islamic law, is not defensive war as the Western students of Islam would like to tell us…”

Recommended reading from my Islam Archive:

“For The Love Of Islam”
‘Obsession’ By Muhammad”
“Benedict The Brave”
“Islamikazes in Our Midst”

If Muslim, the Canadians will opt for the mental-disorder mantle to cloak Li with. The American traitor class would do no different