Category Archives: Criminal Injustice

NEW COLUMN: The Ongoing Insurrection Against MAGA America

Criminal Injustice, Democrats, Government, GUNS, Individual Rights, Republicans, The State

NEW COLUMN, “The Ongoing Insurrection Against MAGA America,” is on WND.COM. “Peace Through Strength Is for the State, Not the Sovereign Individual” is on The Unz Review.  And Quarterly Review.

Featured on is “The Criminal Class Now The Armed Wing Of The Democratic Party.”

And on the American Greatness: “Democratic Criminal Class’ Insurrection Against MAGA America“:


…  The Law of Rule

We live under the law of rule, not the rule of law. And the law of rule favors the criminal class. Be they illegal voters, criminal aliens, or just good old vandals, rapists and murderers—the criminal class is now the armed wing of the Democratic Party.

Duly, the Black Lives Matter and Antifa militia continue to riot in cities across the country. Their “best” work is currently being carried out in the Pacific Northwest, where the degenerate, libertine political climate is seemingly most conducive to legalized crime.     

For Americans, reality is refracted through the Fake News cartel and the Deep-Tech manipulated search engine and social media. Try using the search engines to ferret out current news about “riots”—and what these’ll yield is only news about the January 6, storming of the U.S. Capitol building. Not a thing about the Democratic Party’s proxy riots ongoing elsewhere.

Entire city blocks in downtown Seattle and Portland have been commandeered with impunity by these criminals. They face no censure. From licentious city and state leaders, the rioters get not much more than mild rebuke and permissive gestures of good will (although Ted Wheeler, mayor of Portland, outrageously pepper-sprayed a BLM nasty when his own bodily integrity was threatened).

Riots have been a nightly happening in Oregon for eight straight months, including on the inauguration of Joe Biden, when more than 150 insurrectionists besieged “the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement building in Portland’s south waterfront.”

You know by now that when Black Lives Matter dreck roam the country intimidating, bullying, killing cops and ordinary countrymen, knocking out whites; defiling and destroying public monuments, sacking state capitols and courthouses; burning and looting the property of their fellow Americans—that this insurrection against MAGA America amounts to no more than an exercise of free speech and “peaceful protest.”

Parallel events have become a feature in the City of Seattle, where the same insurrectionists, who turn on their neighbors, continue to target businesses and courthouses and assault the police. Tacoma has also been engulfed by America-hating Antifa militia, targeting police for daring to protect people and their property.

Ad nauseum have we heard TV’s ugly mugs channel MLK to rationalize and normalize violent insurrection against MAGA America (a term used here to signify decent, non-deviant, likely non-Democratic America).

“A riot is the language of the unheard,” they chanted from their walled-off, rarified zip codes. The “billions being paid out in insurance claims,” they tell us, are mostly for peaceful protests, amounting to mere “isolated instances of property destruction.” Or, so goes the farrago of misinformation spread by the lying, malpracticing media about the terrifying carnage unleashed in hundreds of cities across the U.S.A., courtesy of Black Lives Matter and their Democratic shock troops. …

READ THE NEW COLUMN. “The Ongoing Insurrection Against MAGA America” is on WND.COM. “Peace Through Strength Is for the State, Not the Sovereign Individual” is on The Unz Review.

UPDATE II (1/15/021): Make No Mistake, It Is Trump Voters Who’re Being Impeached In The House, Set Up For Persecution

Constitution, Criminal Injustice, Democrats, Donald Trump, Justice, Law

Martyred twice—take the president’s second impeachment, passed impromptu in the House (Senate still to fold) with no due process of law afforded him whatsoever—as a badge of honor, a decoration of sorts ~ilana


And never forget, Deplorables, that it is you, in the person of Donald Trump, who are being impeached—it is you who are being set up for ouster and persecution. It is you who are being maligned as a “mob.”  It is you who’re being told you’re going to be “cleansed” from the body politic. President Trump is but a symbol, a catalyst.

MAGA men and women have been dubbed “Deplorables” (courtesy of Mrs. Clinton), “lizard brains” (via TV historian Jon Meacham), and, recently, “Jerks,” by Donny Deutsch, a lefty business-cum-media man, on MSNBC, who hollered that “there are 50 million jerks in this country.”

Correction: We are 74 million strong.

And we don’t forget.


The House of Representatives Wednesday made history by voting to impeach President Trump for a second time for “incitement of insurrection” after a mob of his supporters besieged the Capitol on Jan. 6 in a failed attempt to stop the certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral college win. The House voted 232-197 to impeach the president. Ten Republicans joined with Democrats.


Dan Crenshaw: what a tool, calls Liz Cheney someone with “a lot more backbone than most and is a principled leader with a fierce intellect. She will continue to be a much needed leader in the conference, with my full support.”

screen pic of impeachment squad courtesy Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

UPDATE II (1/15/021): Revolver News: If you like the concepts generated on my sites, give me credit, please. 

On January 13, I wrote this blog post (above), “It Is Trump Voters Who’re Being Impeached In The House, Set Up For Persecution.” It’s an idea. It’s only decent to credit others’ ideas.

On January 14, Revolver News wrote their cloning post: “Republicans Aren’t Voting to Impeach Trump, They’re Voting to Impeach You.” Some of my China posts—unique in their angle—have similarly reverberated. Come on! Let our side at least act ethically and cordially toward each other.

Ta-Ta To The Totalitarian Twitter And To Facefuck

Business, Criminal Injustice, Ethics, Free Speech, Ilana Mercer,, Technology

… Twitter will sink into the black hole of intellectual conformity and banality it truly is.

I’m going to be going dormant on Twitter’s pathetic, Follower-throttling, shadow-banning forum, posting only my columns or other related notices.

Likewise on the lowbrow Facef-ck, which has long since banned the content from my highbrow sites.

My blog—you’re on it—sports a Comments section and will continue to hum. When patriots all do the same, Twitter will sink into the black hole of intellectual conformity and banality it truly is.

I’m on Parler, as are very many other patriots, but—what do you know?—Parler is nowhere to be found in the land of life, liberty, private property and endless opportunity, having been dealt a financial knee-capping by the evil aggressors of Deep Tech.

You know how bad it is in America when countries who have anti-free-speech legislation and attendant tribunals and show-trials (coming here soon) express alarm at the US speech-related purges. These are statements that other, relatively liberal leaders—Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron—in other liberal countries, made in defense of free speech in the US. Our own “leaders” are silent, ineffectual, worried about their own book deals (should be illegal for a political parasite, whose fame is a function of the office, to publish books while in office. It’s unethical and constitutes a conflict of interest).

So, until complete freedom is restored—and if our intellectual products survive—it’sFUCK YOU. WAR.”

The Future of Medicine in America: Whites Go To The Back Of The Proverbial Bus

America, Britain, COVID-19, Criminal Injustice, Ethics, Morality, Race, Racism, The West

In Britain, where the image appended originates, “authorities are getting the vaccine to their elderly as quickly as they can.” As dysfunctional and perfidious as Albion certainly is, there doesn’t seem to be any debate over the urgent need to protect the vulnerable elderly. It’s what a civilized society does.

The future of medicine in America is somewhat different. The “idea” is not to get too fixated on the old, who are dying of the China Virus. After all, America’s elderly are overwhelmingly white and hence privileged.

That is the immoral non sequitur coming from the nation’s ethicists. Non sequitur why? Because, from the fact that one is old, it doesn’t follow that one is white and privileged. Moreover, from the moral point of view, determining who shall live and who shall die based on race is indeed eugenics. Tucker Carlson called it out courageously .

Apparently, in America, eugenics practiced against whites by other whites emulating God is morally redeemable.

In America The Radical, those chosen to apply ethics to questions of public policy are morally and intellectually bankrupt. Profoundly so. One Harald Schmidt (whatever happened to the spelling of “Harold”? Too white, as in grammatical?) has advised the CDC that,

“Older populations are whiter. [sic] Society is structured in a way that enables them to live longer. Instead of giving additional health benefits to those who already have more of them, we can start to level the playing field a bit.”

As others have pointed out, the discrimination is not even based on empirical evidence (see “Essential workers should get coronavirus vaccine before the elderly, experts tell NYT“):

“…he’s wrong—Asians and Hispanics have greatest life expectancy in US,” wrote Christina Hoff Sommers. According to data compiled by from the CDC and NIH, Asian Americans have a life expectancy of 86.67 and Hispanic Americans, 82.89. White Americans have a life expectancy of 79.12.

Writes Tucker Carlson:

But in this country, a panel of ideologues at the CDC has decided that the elderly should not be at the front of the line. The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has made a different determination, and the reasoning is simple: Old people in this country are too White to save. They even put it in writing.

Last month, the CDC’s Vaccine Advisory Committee unanimously approved recommendations from a doctor called Kathleen Dooling. According to her presentation, it is true that more lives would be saved if the elderly receive priority access to the vaccine. But here’s the problem: “Racial and ethnic minority groups [are] under-represented [sic] among adults” age 65 and older. Therefore, the elderly should not be a top priority.

According to the CDC panel, another group, those officially classified as “non-healthcare essential workers”, should get the vaccine first. Why is that? Because “racial and ethnic minority groups [are] disproportionately represented in many essential industries.”

In other words, it’s entirely racial. They’re making the decision based on race. Kathleen Dooling’s presentation concluded that doling out life-saving medicine on the basis of skin color would “mitigate health inequities.” Of course it would kill people, and she effectively concedes that. But the people it would kill come from a disfavored race, so it’s not a big deal.

It’s been a very long time since anyone close to what we would consider the mainstream has endorsed eugenics, but that’s exactly what this is. Earlier this month, The New York Times, supposedly our greatest newspaper, interviewed Harald Schmidt, a leading expert on medical ethics and vaccination at the University of Pennsylvania.

Here’s how Harald Schmidt advised the CDC: “Older populations are whiter. [sic] Society is structured in a way that enables them to live longer. Instead of giving additional health benefits to those who already have more of them, we can start to level the playing field a bit.”

This anti-white pathology emanates from American academics. The dishonorable Harald Schmidt should be stripped of his “ethicist” honorific. Institutions that teach such ethics as Harald espouses ought to be discredited, certainly not attended.

Schmidt is an anti-white activist. And, I’d urge Mr. Carlson to vaporize less about the “identity politics that divides us.” For, as I’ve argued, “It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics”:

Every time a manifestly racist, anti-white event goes down, which is frequently, conservative media call it “identity politics.” “The left is playing identity politics.”
Whatever is convulsing the country, it’s not identity politics. For, blacks are not being pitted against Hispanics. Hispanics are not being sicced on Asians, and Ameri-Indians aren’t being urged to attack the groups just mentioned. Rather, they’re all piling on honky. Hence, anti-white politics or animus.

Having exposed this horror, a logical extension of the institutionalization of progressivism and the Critical Race Theory rot, it would be immensely helpful if the courageous Mr. Carlson and the timid conservative commentariat dropped the “identity politics” fig-leaf in favor of “anti-white politics”:

Undergirding the factional identity politics so roundly condemned is a practiced anti-whiteness.  Hispanic, LGBT, plutocrat and feminist: All would concur. The road to their political salvation is in collaborating to extinguish “white dominant culture.” —ilana mercer