Category Archives: Critique

Letters: From A Grieving Father & Friend As Well As From An Ann Coulter Fan

Ann Coulter, Critique, English, Government, GUNS, Ilana Mercer

He’s a former military man, an accomplished test pilot, a novelist, and, sadly, a grieving father. “‘Gun Violence’? No! Goon Violence” mentions my friend William B. Scott:

“… As to the former catalyst: In 2014 alone, attests activist William B. Scott, police ‘gun-violence’ dispatched 1,100 people, an average of three every day of the year. Scott’s son, Erik, a decorated ex-Army officer, West-Point graduate, and Duke Univ. MBA, was shot to death by a slob of a cop in Las Vegas. Erik’s BlackBerry was mistaken for a firearm. (Excellence runs in this family. Senior is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School.)”

William weighed in at WND’s Comments (I’ve linked to his important novel):

“Superb commentary, as always, Ilana! ‘Goons’ include a large number of bad/rogue/outlaw cops, such as the scared, low-IQ officer who killed my son, Erik Scott. Thanks for reminding your readers that Erik WAS murdered…and that the Las Vegas Cartel of Corruption covered up the crime, employing the same well-worn tactics that have buried more than 300 officer-involved fatalities attributed to shootings, beatings, etc. in Sin City. In more than 40 years, not a single Vegas cop has been found at fault for killing a citizen. Always ruled ‘Justified’ by the Cartel’s lap dogs.

As you may recall, Ilana, Chapter 10 of a novel based on Erik’s murder-by-cop, The Permit, warned of a deadly backlash, if police officers continued to kill three Americans a day, every day of the year. Now, good cops are dying for the murders committed by their corrupt brethren-in-blue and -brown.”

So sad. Such a fine family (see you soon, my friend).

On a more cheerful note, this arrived from an Ann Coulter fan:

Ms. Mercer,

Being a fan of Ann Coulter and a frequent visitor to your site I felt the need to send a quick note. You have just surpassed Ann Coulter as my favorite commentator. The reason is this sentence [from “Motormouth Megyn Kelly & the Mad Matriarchy”]:

“Kelly herself has fast succumbed to the female instinct to show-off, bare skin, flirt and wink. She now also regularly motormouths it over the occasional smart guest she entertains (correction: the one smart guest, Ann Coulter). At the same time, Kelly has dignified the tinnitus named Dana Perino with a daily slot as Delphic-oracle.”

Now I have to go buy your books.


This is high-praise indeed. I love and appreciate my readers. Although not a libertarian, Ann Coulter is extremely smart and unarguably an excellent writer. “Just Another Mouth in the Republican Fellatio Machine” explains why Ann doesn’t have a show of her own.

Trump Restoring Truth To Language

Critique, English, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness

Here, paraphrased, is a collection of Trumpian straight-talk on the Zeitgeist. (Or, Donald’s “most notable insults,” as The Hill would have it):

We are led by stupid people. Media are dishonest. Talking to Anderson Cooper is a waste of time. War-all-the-time Charles Krauthhammer is an overrated, clueless clown. Anthony Weiner is the definition of a perv (or, as one very good Jewish writer put it, the “Weiner Worm is a Poster Boy for Anti-Semitism”). Elizabeth Beck is disgusting (read about her pukeness in “Motormouth Megyn Kelly & The Mad Matriarchy”). The once-great National Review … (the point: NR is no longer great). “George Bush sends our soldiers into combat, they are severely wounded, and then he wants $120,000 to make a boring speech to them?” (Superb insight, shared by the aforementioned excellent columnist, who put it even more bluntly: “G. Bush Screws Soldiers … Again.”) Penn Jillette’s show is terrible. And on the conflict-of-interest riddled, corrupt press: “Shouldn’t George Will have to give a disclaimer every time he is on Fox that his wife works for Scott Walker?”

Donald Trump’s tone is unhelpful, intoned Jeb Bush, one of the deserved targets of Trump’s derision. As someone who’s vested in linguistic accuracy, I think that Trump’s blunt, in-artful language is immensely helpful. The closer the language we use approximates reality—and, by extension, the truth—the greater the likelihood that our actions will follow.

UPDATED: American Hate Group (SPLC) Issues Hit List Of Conservative Women

Ann Coulter, Critique, Fascism, Islam, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

America’s premier hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, has drawn up a hit list of conservative women, clearly meant to intimidate and endanger these ladies should they continue to speak their minds.


Shamelessly masquerades as a hate-groups monitor, the SPLC is actually a radical, left-liberal, conformity enforcer, operating with state-imprimatur. One of the SPLC’s mandates has been “to ‘educate’ police on the ‘dangers’ posed by all of us critics of unlimited government interventionism,” explained Tom DiLorenzo in his expose, “Racial Racketeering for Fun and Profit: The Southern Poverty Law Center Scam.”

Note how the women have been caricatured to look demonic. And even Diana West, described “charitably” as “a relatively calm critic of Islam, at least compared to some of her fellow travelers,” makes this list.

Dr. DiLorenzo has exposed the revenue-rich, “racial racketeering” of the SPLC, by going to the source of its funding, “The Department of Fatherland Security, and probably other parts of the [state] bureaucracy.”

The responses to the SPLC’s despicable stunt are overwhelmingly in defense of the ladies. Writes “Liberal News,” 4 days ago:

Thank you for this great list of patriots. I will follow the ones I didn’t know before. Funny how [author] Mark Potok thinks he knows more about Islam than those whose grew up in it, like Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Brigitte Gabrielle.

Check out the comments.

UPDATE: Oh, I almost forgot: The clincher as to the depravity and lack of credibility of the SPLC is the fact that the org listed pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson as a hater; an extraordinary man who had dedicated his life to healing babies.

Waiting To Exhale In Baltimore

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Critique, Race

After waiting on the signal from Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Maryland’s Republican governor, Larry Hogan, finally called up the National Guard, late Monday, to deal with the “Black Lives Matter” riot that is “convulsing” the city. This time, on account of the murder of Freddie Gray, earlier this month.

Had he failed to wait that period of grace for an OK from the black mayor, the white governor would have probably been called a rrrrrrrrrracist.

Officials like the governor continue to renounce the connection between the ubiquitous gangs—on this occasion, the Black Gorilla Family, Bloods and Crips—and rioters who put the finishing touches to each “Black Lives Matter” protest. The protest is 95 percent peaceful, promised the governor of Maryland, today. The looting, arson, rock-lobbing, robberies and assaults are executed by an element separate from the peace lovers.

Whatever you say, Gov.


One suggestion to liven things up a bit more: When addressing the media, Baltimore officials should consider hiring the sign-language guy who rocked Nelson Mandela’s funeral, instead of the stuffy woman who currently gesticulates for them. The South African was the coolest, most creative and original act at the funeral. All the more so considering he didn’t even know sign-language.