Category Archives: Democracy

Bernie Sanders’ Degenerate Democracy

Crime, Democracy, Democrats, Egalitarianism, Ethics, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Morality

Killers who’ve conspired to kill, or have killed, “fellow” citizens forfeit their right to partake in the community they seek to destroy. If you think that statement is a given—you’re wrong.

Not according to Bernie Sanders’ degenerate democracy:

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he thinks everyone should have the right to vote — even the Boston Marathon bomber.
Asked at a CNN town hall Monday night if he thought felons should be allowed to vote — even while they’re incarcerated, not just after they’re released — Sanders said the country needs more people to vote.
“This is a democracy and we have got to expand that democracy, and I believe every single person does have the right to vote,” he said.
Sanders started his answer by pointing out the low rate of voter turnout in the United States when compared to other major democracies around the world. He said one of the primary priorities of his campaign is to make the US a “vibrant” democracy with a much higher voter turnout.
And, Sanders said, enfranchising people like Dzhokhar Tsarnaev — the US citizen who helped bomb the Boston Marathon in 2013, killing three and injuring hundreds of others — is a part of that.
“Yes, even for terrible people, because once you start chipping away and you say, ‘Well, that guy committed a terrible crime, not going to let him vote. Well, that person did that. Not going to let that person vote,’ you’re running down a slippery slope,” Sanders said when asked by a student if sex offenders, the Boston Marathon bomber, terrorists and murderers should have voting rights.

Via CNN.

As it stands, today, there are almost no moral or ethical obligations attached to citizenship in a Democracy.

Illegal immigrants are seriously considered as candidates for the vote.

Their right to be shielded from telling the truth on the Census is solemnly debated. As is their right to “welfare”—benefits that come from the work of others—no longer disputed.

The rights of all individuals to an income derived from the labor of some: that too is a debate in democracy.

But then moral degeneracy is inherent in democracy. The best political thinkers warned a long time ago that mass, egalitarian society would so degenerate.

* Image via “The Right Nerve Place.”


‘Soviet States Democratized Better When They Had A Deep-Rooted Nationalist Movement’

Communism, Democracy, Fascism, Nationhood, Populism, Russia, Socialism, The West

We are propagandized daily about the dangers of nationalism (only among Western nations, mind you).

Nationalism, the statists tell us, is fascism by any other name. It’s certainly never a benign force.

A scholar from “the University of Toronto … argues,” however, that former Soviet states democratized better when they had a deep-rooted nationalist movement.”

Estonia is thriving. Lo and behold, nationalism “was stronger in Estonia, which was independent from 1918 to 1940, than in Moldova, which was ruled by Romania or Russia for centuries.”

It’s so intuitive that national cohesion and nationalism would enhance the willingness to submit to mass society, namely, democracy.

MORE: “Moldova and Estonia show how different democracies can be: One post-Soviet country defeated corruption, the other is still battling it.”

Global Support For Globalism As Opposed To Populism

Democracy, Globalism, IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Political Economy, The West, UN

The Economist has cause to celebrate:

“Majority of World Population Supports Globalism, Survey Finds.”

It would appear that, “The global public favors cooperation between nations, thinks immigration is a good thing and believes climate scientists, according to a poll of 10,000 people in every region of the world.”

The key likely lies in the term “global public.”

These policies mentioned benefit the world’s poor and the poor are in a majority of billions.

Democratic governments are meant to advance the welfare of their citizens, chiefly, but they don’t.

Created by democratic governments, globalist organizations give billions of poor a lien on the assets (including the patrimony) of their citizens. These globalist orgs do so through unrepresentative global organizations-–UN, EU, WTO, IMF, WB, OECD, UN-Habitat, on and on.

In democracies (and their international offshoots), everything is up for grabs. In exchange for power, wealth is forcibly distributed by taking from one and giving to the other—from rich to poor; from North to South.

Democracy is when everything is up for grabs without constitutional limits. Globalism is an extension of that—what can we smart citizens of the world do with your funds and patrimony, little peon. Globalism is democracy on a global scale.


What Women & Minority Majority Transformations Do To Elections

Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Feminism, Gender, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Republicans

The area “in or near Orange County, the densely-populated suburbs between Los Angeles and San Diego … were once an unassailable Republican fortress.” (“Orange Is The New Purple,” The Economist, Oct 20th 2018.)

“The OC” incubated Barry Goldwater’s conservatism and was home to Richard Nixon. Until 2016, its voters had last backed a Democratic presidential candidate in 1936, when they voted for FDR.

But the fortress has fallen to shifts in the population. Orange County, which used to be the colour of pith, is now minority majority with 34% of its population Hispanic and 21% Asian. Its voter registration reflects the change. It is 35% Republican, 34% Democrat and 27% independent, the definition of a competitive district.

The change that has most salience, though, is the rise in the number of university-educated people, especially women. In four of the five closest-fought districts in the county, graduates make up 28-34% of voters. Fully three-quarters of California’s female college graduates disapprove of Mr Trump (compared with 58% of male graduates and 61% of women who did not graduate). More than two-thirds [said] they [would] vote Democratic.

Orange Is The New Purple,” The Economist, Oct 20th 2018.