Category Archives: Democracy

WATCH & SUBSCRIBE To HARD TRUTH: The Best Primer On Russia, Ukraine And NATO


With central and eastern Europe being swallowed up progressively by the NATO alliance, Russia has legitimate security concerns. Abutting its border, Russia will soon have to endure all NATO members carrying out military maneuvers. And as we know so well, NATO and its paymaster, America, would never-ever dream of regime change. It’s not like the US (which controls NATO) has done regime change before, right? David and ilana take you back to the 1990s, when it all began, except, that back then, leadership such as that of Reagan and Gorbachev understood what was at stake, and worked against Cold War and toward détente.

The best primer to what’s unfolding today between Russia, Ukraine and NATO members:

SUBSCRIBE TO HARD TRUTH With David Vance & myself HERE:

For A Fleeting Moment, Warbots On All Networks Were All Turned On


Warbots on all the cable networks were turned on, when America had bombed someone in Syria. From Fox News to CNN to MSNBC—it was all just dandy. As usual, no serious questions were asked.

According to a US official quoted by AFP and Axios, al-Qurayshi blew himself up with a suicide vest during the US raid. The blast killed him and members of his family, including women and children, the source said.

The US president’s announcement came a few hours after the Pentagon confirmed its midnight “counterterrorism operation,” which targeted a house in Atmeh. Local residents told AP that multiple helicopters were involved, and explosions and machine gun fire could be heard.

Syrian media has reported that 13 people, including six children, were killed, and that the number of victims is expected to increase since some people remain under the debris following the raid. However, there has been no word of any civilian casualties in either Biden’s or the US military’s statements.

Democrats are crashing like never before. Could they have wagged the dog? Never. It’s not like American governments have ever externalized their domestic problems, meddled in affairs not their own, murdered and waged wars for naught.

And, if and when they do, it’s always “for the children, the children; for our values, our values; for democracy, democracy.” The Sheeple stateside all know these mantras and echo them without thought.

After all, we’re the good guys. And if good guys kill and maim and wage wars — why then, those causes are just. WRONG. And by the way, reasoning backwards is an error (if B then A is wrong in logic). , we say Besides, killing is sexy. Must be awful to be an Arab or even a Russian living in Russia—knowing you could get wasted or invaded on an American whim. (Hence Putin’s resolve to not let that happen.)

According to a US official quoted by AFP and Axios, al-Qurayshi blew himself up with a suicide vest during the US raid. The blast killed him and members of his family, including women and children, the source said.

The US president’s announcement came a few hours after the Pentagon confirmed its midnight “counterterrorism operation,” which targeted a house in Atmeh. Local residents told AP that multiple helicopters were involved, and explosions and machine gun fire could be heard.

Syrian media has reported that 13 people, including six children, were killed, and that the number of victims is expected to increase since some people remain under the debris following the raid. However, there has been no word of any civilian casualties in either Biden’s or the US military’s statements.


Beware The Values Cudgel

What Ivanka Wants, Ivanka Gets

Truman Would Have Agreed With Trump On The CIA In Syria

Lies About Putin, Syria & The Alawite Alliance

Iraq Liars And Deniers: We Knew Then What We Know Now

JAPAN’S Medical Authorities Understand And Honor Individual Rights


Our bodies are our prime real estate: all rights, property rights especially, ensue from the title one has in one’s body.–ilana

The website of Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare displays the government’s COVID-19 vaccination policy.

Consent to vaccination
Although we encourage all citizens to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given only with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after the information provided. Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects. No vaccination will be given without consent. Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.

In the land of the free, Japan, the government rejects compulsory vaccination, demands CONSENT on vaccination, and forbids forcing vaccination or discriminating against those who make a legitimate choice against being vaccinated. In the West it is the opposite.

These Japanese policy makers clearly understand that they are dealing with the ultimate human right, the dominion over one’s body. Alongside a policy statement evincing respect for the people’s bodily autonomy is a link to “Human Rights Counseling in foreign languages.” In other words, correct actions regarding Covid policy follow from the use of the correct language, the language of individual right.

And that language is the language of self-ownership. Our bodies are our prime real estate: all rights, property rights especially, ensue from the title one has in one’s body.

Conversely, the pied pipers at the helm of the American Covid cartel are as malevolent and they are mediocre.

Then again, the people get the leaders they deserve. That Americans are led by self-serving degenerates—morally and intellectually, left and right—is because majorities, sometimes slim, sometimes overwhelming, have ensconced them there.

American Foreign Policy Brought The Curse Of Gadhafi On Europe; EU Rebels; Americans Retaliate


American conservatives believe they live in a country whose general sensibility is far more conservative than that of the rest of the world. As a naturalized American, I persist in telling my friends they are wrong. America is a most radical, revolutionary, Jacobin-flavored place. The Yankees have won out.

Not in dispute is that Radical America failed the Libyan state (read “Libya, A War of The Womb“)!  Failed Libya, as in supervised the removal of its leader and the ensconcing of forces of … you know the rest. Democracy.

Qaddafi kept migrants away from Europe’s shores. He, in fact, predicted that Europe’s demise would follow closely on his. (Read my “The Curse Of Col. Gadhafi“.)

European leadership has better, more conservative, instincts than America’s. The EU had adopted a ruthless system to repel migrants floating across the Mediterranean. They turn them over to “efficient and brutal” Libyan militia, euphemized as the  Libyan Coast Guard. The End.

Now that the EU must collaborate with tough Libyan militia that rose after Gadhafi’s removal, to keep migrants away—US journos and pols are furious, retaliating big time. The confluence of American interests want to pry European borders wide-open. Trust me: Most of the American Deep State and phenotypical State at the pentagon (even Republicans) are firmly behind the radicals.

READ: “Europe’s border agency under fire for aiding Libya’s brutal migrant detentions
The E.U. pays for almost every aspect of Libya’s often lethal migrant detention system, an investigation found, including the boats that fire on migrant rafts.”

There goes European immigration enforcement, courtesy of the USA.