Category Archives: Donald Trump

UPDATED (7/22/019): NEW COLUMN: The Donald’s Peculiar Problem: Ivanka

Donald Trump, Ethics, Family, Feminism, Intelligence, Kids, The Zeitgeist

NEW COLUMN is on the Unz Review, exclusively. It’s “The Donald’s Peculiar Problem: Ivanka.”

An excerpt:

It’s obvious who the odd one out is in this embarrassing clip of Ivanka at the G20 Summit.

Allow me to set the scene:

Two mature women are in the thick of a policy discussion. The two heavy hitters are British Prime Minister Theresa May and International Monetary Fund Director Christine Lagarde.

Their buttoned-up, officious attire fits the occasion. It’s how Theresa May and Christine Lagarde, both born in 1956, have always dressed. The pearls, the tweed and gingham suits: These are as old-school and as dear as Margaret Thatcher’s made-in-Britain, “ten-a-penny” “humble handbag.”

Whether you like their politics or you don’t—and I don’t—Theresa May and Christine Lagarde are sharpshooting, politically hefty women.

May graduated from Oxford, which has a “jealously-guarded admissions process.” In other words, May was not admitted to that elite school for being a woman, and she did not make her way in the word of politics because she was the daughter of a celebrity.

While the French, foolishly, have begun to dabble in American-style affirmative action, France’s constitution disallows such discrimination. Its people won’t tolerate quotas and set-asides for dummies with a perceived genital or pigmental burden.

“Any kind of discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity [and, presumably, gender] in French higher education would be contrary to all French tradition.” The French speak as one on this typically American preoccupation.

Rest assured. Unlike American lightweights Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the sibilant Kirsten Gillibrand, and first daughter Ivanka Trump—Christine Lagarde, a former anti-trust and labor lawyer who now heads the IMF, has risen to her position because she’s able; she’s an impressive woman.

Again, I have no Fabian fondness for the economic planning and centralization that defines the European supra-state. But you don’t have to like the office (I dislike it) and the office-holder’s role in it (ditto) to appreciate her cerebral ability and drive: Lagarde holds 4 masters degrees. (Yet, these still failed to give her admission to France’s elite university!)

So, who elbows her way into the orbit of these high IQ, distinguished ladies? Why, Ivanka does! The grey-haired, unadorned women form part of circle deep in discussion, when a big-bosomed, lanky woman, in a floral frock butts in, silicone appendages first.

Ivanka has elbowed her way into the May-Lagarde tight circle of interlocutors. She is dressed like an overgrown Lolita. During the G20 Summit she could be seen constantly smoothing her rigid hair down vainly. Now, she is gesticulating affectatiously, as do all America’s tele-twits.  …

… READ THE REST. The Donald’s Peculiar Problem: Ivanka” is now exclusively on the Unz Review.

* Image courtesy of The Unz review.

UPDATE (7/22/019): Not again.

OBAMA: ‘Migrant’ Kids ‘Who Do Not Have Proper Claims Will Be Repatriated’

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Kids, Taxation

So glad my main 2020 election issues are being addressed, and that campaign promises are being fulfilled so splendidly. These are two snacks a day for illegal migrant children (whom Obama instructed to go home.) Plus recreation, education and other stuff to the tune $4.5 billion.

My tongue is firmly in my cheek when I say these are tax dollars well-spent. After all, Americans pay taxes so that their government may look after The World.

Listen to what Barack Obama had to say about putting in place deterrents against kids sent here illegally, as well as returning THEM TO SENDER when they do come here uninvited.

“Obama: Migrant children without claims will be sent home.”

Is Delay In Rare Removal Of Illegal Aliens Due To Jarvanka’s Agenda?

Donald Trump, Family, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Middle East

The president has delayed the deportation of a small group of illegal immigrants.

These illegal aliens have had due process of law and are now, like millions more, in violation of U.S. law. President Trump is delaying enforcement of the law for the Democrats.

One tongue-in-cheek question is why deportation, suddenly, when the administration’s default position has been to give illegals safe passage and facilitate their stay in the U.S.A. Trump is deporting fewer immigrants than Obama.

The other is why the delay. The president says the reason for the delay in the rare removal of this targeted group of illegal migrants is

… to see if the Democrats and Republicans can get together and work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border. If not, Deportations start!

Via The New York Times:

Immigration agents had been planning to sweep into several immigrant communities in 10 major cities — including Miami, Los Angeles, Baltimore and Chicago — beginning on Sunday. Officials said on Friday that they had targeted about 2,000 families in a show of force intended to demonstrate their strict enforcement of immigration laws. Children of immigrants — some of whom were born in the United States — had faced the prospect of being forcibly separated from their undocumented parents.

Mark Morgan, the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, had announced this month that his agency would begin the raids at some point in the future. But on Monday, Mr. Trump revealed on Twitter that they would start the following week, claiming that officials would deport millions of people and sending panic through cities across the country.

My guess is that this is not the real reason.

The president delayed this rare deportation event likely because Ivanka kicked up a fuss. After all, the declaration of deportation coincided with toy-boy Jared Kushner’s introduction of his “Marshall Plan” for the Middle East—“the most ambitious and comprehensive international effort for the Palestinian people to date,” Jared calls his Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. That’s when Jared’s not claiming he has outlined “the “opportunity of the century” for the feuding sides. What a modest bloke is our Jared.

This was Trump’s time to keep campaign promises to Ivanka and Jared, not to the Deplorables.


UPDATED (7/2/019): About Those ‘Brilliant’ Imported Workers: Americans Are SIGNIFICANTLY Better. Proven.

Business, Donald Trump, Family, Human Accomplishment, IMMIGRATION, Labor, Outsourcing

Doff of the hat to reader JM, who sent this, after reading “Visas for ‘The Brilliant’ Is Kushner Code For Replacing You“:

Here is a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:


“We assess and compare computer science skills among final-year computer science undergraduates (seniors) in four major economic and political powers that produce approximately half of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics graduates in the world. We find that seniors in the United States substantially outperform seniors in China, India, and Russia by 0.76–0.88 SDs and score comparably with seniors in elite institutions in these countries. Seniors in elite institutions in the United States further outperform seniors in elite institutions in China, India, and Russia by 0.85 SDs. The skills advantage of the United States is not because it has a large proportion of high-scoring international students. Finally, males score consistently but only moderately higher (0.16–0.41 SDs) than females within all four countries.”

As JM distills it,

This study found that American computer science student greatly outperform those from India and China (the biggest source of H-1B). It also found that the average American student outperforms students in elite school in those countries. The talent is in the United States; in in India or China.
The very purpose of the H-1B program is to replace American workers with cheap, foreign labor. No other description of the program fits what Congress has enacted.
The line that H-1B is for high-skilled workers to fill jobs that Americans cannot fill is entirely spin that has no basis in the H-1B statutes. In 1998, Congress explicitly made it legal to replace Americans with H-1B workers.

UPDATED (7/2/019):

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