Category Archives: Donald Trump

Jared Kushner In The Flesh


Jared Kushner interviewed at the 2019 TIME 100 Summit is like a wax doll out of London’s Madame Tussauds wax museum. Sexually intersectional, he’s neither man or woman.

NEW COLUMN: Mueller Inquisition: ‘Collusion’ Pushers Must Pay


NEW COLUMN IS “Mueller Inquisition: ‘Collusion’ Pushers Must Pay.” It’s now on WND, the Unz Review and


… In the course of defending his reputation against silly, but gravely serious, smears—that he was a “Russian asset,” in the words of former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe—the president forcefully and publicly berated the Mueller proceedings and his turncoat attorney, Michael Cohen (who, though a hostile witness, testified that there was no collusion).

To Mueller, that paragon of virtue, the dilemma revolved around whether to indict Trump for the fighting words he spoke in defense of his now-proven innocence. Free speech, some might call it. (Remember that quaint thing?)

For in the legal penumbra in which the U.S. Office of Special Counsel operates, aggressively professing your innocence can amount to obstructing “justice.”

Fight an unjust conviction with everything you’ve—and you risk being convicted of a crime.

This is the Kafkaesque, circular reasoning that animates the workings of the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC): It can criminalize conduct—worse, it can criminalize speech—that is perfectly licit in natural law, such as verbally defending oneself against spurious accusations.

Or, as Attorney-General William Barr put it, “Mr. Trump could not have obstructed justice because HE DID NOT COLLUDE WITH RUSSIA.”

As a scrupulously honest broadcaster, Tucker Carlson recently confessed to “looking back in shame” for having originally supported Kenneth Starr’s independent counsel investigation of President Clinton. (Good libertarians have always opposed the very existence of the OSC. This writer certainly has.)

Another honest man, Democrat Mark Penn, former chief strategist to Hillary Clinton and a frequent guest of the Tucker Carlson show, had “spent a year working with President Clinton” to fend off Special Counsel Ken Starr’s extrajudicial onslaught. Penn had recently remarked candidly that the Starr investigation “was child’s play” compared to the infractions of the Mueller investigation.

Yet, few have been willing to concede that the Mueller inquisition was the Kenneth Starr Chamber by any other name.

The origin of the Star[r] Chamber sobriquet is in 15th-century England.

Meant to remedy injustice in the times of Henry VIII, the “Court of Star Chamber,” as it was known, was soon co-opted and corrupted, becoming “a symbol of oppression” during the times of Charles I.

For reasons obvious, the “Starr Chamber” designation stuck to the outfit run by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, in1998.

Likewise, there was, seemingly, no limit to the broad remit of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Other than some accused Russians, nobody stateside dared challenge—from the vantage point of first principles—this draconian medieval inquisition …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN IS “Mueller Inquisition: ‘Collusion’ Pushers Must Pay.” It’s now on WND, the Unz Review and

UPDATE II (4/28/019): Nielsen Tried To Stop The Invasion By Separating ‘Families.’ Then Ivanka Cried & Trump Crumbled.


I’ve followed Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen closely. I disagree with those badmouthing her. They have historical Alzheimer’s. Nielsen is best known for separating “families” (a commendable thing when this is the only legal tool with which to stop an invasion of the country). She eloquently defended the separation of families. Nielsen, in fact, was fully committed to a zero-tolerance policy and the resultant family separations.

The policy called for all suspected border crossers — including parents and asylum seekers — to be prosecuted for illegal entry. As a result, thousands of children were separated from their parents, with children classified as “unaccompanied.“ …

Then, Ivanka and The Familia intervened.  Trump, whose  loyalties are with his daughter’s ambitions, crumbled.  And subsequently, the president solicited Nielsen’s help in “drafting an executive order barring family separations.” Again, Nielsen had been down with separating “families” to stop the invasion.

Now, Kirstjen Nielsen is being blamed for legislative inaction in the first 2 years of the presidency, when the Republicans controlled both houses and The Executive .

UPDATE I (4/8/019):

Trump signed an executive order to END HIS OWN family-separation policy. Now he’s angry with Secretary Nielsen for being unable to reverse his OWN decision.

UPDATE II (4/28/019):

US is able to keep a Russian waif, Maria Butina, in solitary for months, then sentence and deport her. But we allow hundreds of thousands of the great unwashed to cross the Southern border and stay in the US for good. MAGA?

UPDATED (4/7/019): How To Lose To The Left On Immigration


If Tucker Carlson’s producers were serious about immigration—they would not continue to give such a formidable platform to Enrique Acevedo. Enough with the Left’s facile case for eradicating America. By definition, that position lacks seriousness.

Patience with puerile nonsense is not a serious meta-perspective.

To answer the contention that TV hosts “have to show the opposing view”—Yes and no. There comes a time when you have to quit congratulating yourself sanctimoniously on your perfect impartiality. “Jolly good old chap. Don’t forget, when your ship is sinking, the band must play on. And the conductor must conduct.”

There comes a time to fight evil with the best of minds. Acevedo is nothing but a pretty face.

Puhleeze. Give me a break.

UPDATE (4/7/019): Blue Texas

Going, going, gone! Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo is a 28-year-old immigrant; a progressive, whose victory in November put her in charge of governing Texas’ most populous county.