Category Archives: Donald Trump

Democrats Crack The Whip; GOPers Grovel. What’s New?


Today, Karl Rove, whose idiocy springs eternal, remarked (on TV) and wrote (on one of the GOP media organs) that Republicans and their president should “Move On From Robert Mueller.

There is a reason the Democrats have banged on about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and the “collusion delusion” for two years. It’s a winning issue FOR THEM. And rubbing Democrats’ snouts in their loss is a winning issue for the Republicans.

But, oh no. Republicans are good sports (a euphemism for losers). They want to be nice—and to hell with winning or representing their base. Mr. Establishment, Karl Rove, preaches it:

Team Trump should use the Mueller report to pivot to issues, like the economy and the opioid crisis, that matter to swing voters who will decide the 2020 presidential election. … reiterating old grievances about the investigation’s unfairness won’t materially change those ratings.  The president should focus his time, voice and tweets on the roaring economy, impressive job creation and bigger paychecks.

AND, don’t mention immigration. That’s implicit in the Rove-cum-Bush worldview.


Russiagate: Republicans Had Better Work It


Some of the spook terms the mad-hatter media had applied to President Trump, a rather provincial New Yorker, over the two plus years of Russiagate. Via Matt Taibbi:

The New Yorker asked, Was Trump “meeting his handler” in Helsinki? The Daily Beast asked why he dodged the question: “Is he a Russian asset?”

The New York Times didn’t even end this sentence with a question mark: “Trump Is Compromised by Russia,” read a not-unusual editorial in the New York Times last November.

“What Robert Mueller knows — and Isn’t Telling Us,” proclaimed Wired.

Dan Rather told us that “what Mueller knows” will make the Cohen/Manafort pleas “pale in comparison.”

Now, the mad media is hanging everything on “The report’s most-quoted line:

” … while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.’” …

Hope springs eternal.

MORE: “Taibbi: As the Mueller Probe Ends, New Russiagate Myths Begin. Donald Trump couldn’t have asked for a juicier 2020 campaign issue.”

The Worst Thing That Ever Happened To Texas Republicans


Some researcher from Rice University in Houston claims that Donald Trump is the “worst thing that ever happened to Texas Republicans”:

Mr Trump has alienated many white Republican women in Texas, and has also pushed away Hispanics, who account for around 40% of the state’s population. Long after Mr Trump leaves office, demographic change in Texas will continue to exert an influence on the fortunes of Republicans, as the Hispanic population grows, millennials vote in increasing numbers and people continue to move to Texas from other states, bringing their more liberal politics with them. According to a recent poll by the University of Texas and Texas Tribune, more Texans say they would sooner vote for a candidate running against Mr Trump than re-elect the president.

Like most women, many Republican women are liberals by any other name.

But in truth, the “worst thing that ever happened to Texas Republicans,” aside the women’s vote, is mass immigration.

See: “Twilight in Austin Political competition is moderating Texas Republicans.”

UPDATED (3/21/019): Dethroning John McCain: One Of President Trump’s Great Achievements


President Trump: “I was never a fan of John McCain and I never will be.”

One of the great things about Donald Trump is that he dethroned John McCain, who was certainly a mediocre man and not a very good man at that.

(See: “John McCain: Deeply Flawed, Unstable Man Of Limited Intelligence And Low Character.”)

What’s more, Trump’s sensibility is correct. There are plenty of principled reasons for which to dislike John McCain, other than his career warmongering.

Americans owe a debt of gratitude to a great and principled war reporter (also a war veteran) by the name of Sydney Schanberg.

Honor the late Mr. Schanberg, not John McCain, by reading his courageous, sadly futile, attempts at exposing the senator for his “POW cover-up.”

Yes, McCain was, it woudl appear, “the “war hero” and presidential candidate who “buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam.”

READ “John McCain and the POW Cover-Up.”

UPDATED (3/21/019):