Category Archives: Etiquette

Did Hillary’s Recklessness Lead To The Execution Of An American Asset In Iran?

Ethics, Etiquette, Hillary Clinton, Intelligence, Iran

In August of 2016, when it came to light that Hillary Clinton had flouted state secrecy laws, Iran executed an American asset. The execution of “Shahram Amiri appeared linked as effect to cause to Hillary’s infamous emails. Poor Shahram Amiri had the misfortune of being discussed by the secretary of state’s staff on her insecure server. The correlation between Amiri’s demise might not be as strong as the Iran ransom-release cause-and-effect; but it deserves serious consideration.” Still does. (“The Clinton Media’s Manufactured Reality.”)

All the more so now that the extent of Hillary Clinton’s wayward recklessness with lives entrusted to her has been exposed.

One official said the total number of emails recovered in the investigation into Weiner is close to 650,000, although that reflects many emails that are not related to the Clinton investigation. But officials familiar with the case said that the messages include a significant amount of correspondence associated with Clinton and Abedin. (WaPo)


“The F.B.I. on Monday began loading a trove of emails belonging to a top aide to Hillary Clinton into a special computer program that would allow bureau analysts to determine whether they contain classified information, law enforcement officials said. …(WaPo)

In Which I Show My Inner ‘Illuminati’ To Some Zombie Readers

Anti-Semitism, Etiquette, Gender, Ilana Mercer

About Comments to “Trump’s Not Yet President, But Nieto Is Already Saying, ‘Si Se Puede,’” on The Unz Review:

Read them. Some are pretty disgusting. No matter. I usually ignore them, but sometimes you have to whack a worm or two. No problem. Anti-Semitism, small-man syndrome, and the impulse to belittle me qua woman—this has been part of the territory for as long as I remember. It’s all in a day’s work. (Written in 2006, “How Sexist Are Libertarian Men?” attests to this.)

I appreciate Dr. Ralph Raico’s valiant defense. You won’t get that from most other libertarians.


I, too, am amazed that some readers have inserted Israel into the discussion of Ilana’s excellent article. The next president of the United States will be either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton (if her precarious health doesn’t collapse). If you’re worried about the one-sided American support for the Zionist state, then again Trump is your candidate. No one has been a more slavish excuser and enabler of Israeli misdeeds than Hillary, probably a major cause of the millions pouring into her campaign from Hollywood and Wall Street. But all that is besides the point. The election of Hillary would be a catastrophe for our country. Her appointment of two or three new Supreme Court justices, gutting the First and Second Amendments; her intensification of the surveillance state to a hardly imaginable degree; and, in her arrogance and recklessness, Hillary even risking a nuclear confrontation with Russia and World War III–these are the reasons to hope and pray that the Queen of Chaos never becomes president.

Since The Unz Review Comments are not working, I’ve posted a reply here to Ralph Raico’s comment, in which, among other things, he expresses amazement “that some readers have inserted Israel into the discussion of Ilana’s excellent article.”

Dear Ralph Raico,

Whenever readers at the Unz Review see my name, like zombies tied to a psychiatric chaise longue they blurt out, “Israel, Zionist,” and worse. It’s not their fault. The Jews made them congenitally stupid.

Published by the Illuminati, “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” recounts how Trump was “subjected to loud booing when he told a Jewish-Republican crowd he couldn’t be bought. If anything, Trump’s promise to be a ‘neutral guy’ in attempting to broker an Israel-Palestinian peace agreement [had] given ‘hawkish candidates room to pounce,'” during the primaries.

Best regards,

UPDATED: Rotten Journalism On Fox News About Ugly Americans Abroad

America, Crime, Ethics, Etiquette, Journalism, Sport

The TV had been on for an hour, and Fox News journalist Martha McCullum had yet to recount the “The Five Ws” of journalism vis-a-vis the case of “American swimmer Ryan Lochte being robbed at gunpoint in Rio de Janeiro.”

What happened?
Who did that?
When did it take place?
Where did it take place?
Why did that happen?

Then McCullum, (still infinitely superior to the put-upon Gretchen Carlson) and her Fox New friends, proceeded to make light of the alleged behavior engaged in by US athletes while representing their country abroad, at the Olympic games in Rio.

Boys will be boys was the angle. At 32, Lochte is considered a boy.

How libertine.

The alleged facts via the AP:

A Brazilian police official told The Associated Press that American swimmer Ryan Lochte fabricated a story about being robbed at gunpoint in Rio de Janeiro.

The official, who has direct knowledge of the investigation, spoke on the condition of anonymity Thursday because he was not authorized to speak about an ongoing probe.

He said that around 6 a.m. on Sunday, Lochte, along with fellow swimmers Jack Conger, Gunnar Bentz and Jimmy Feigen, stopped at a gas station in Barra da Tijuca, a suburb of Rio where many Olympic venues are located. One of the swimmers tried but failed to open the door of an outside bathroom.

A few of the swimmers then pushed on the door and broke it. A security guard appeared and confronted them, the official said.

The official says the guard was armed with a pistol, but he never took it out or pointed it at the swimmers.

According to the official, the gas station manager then arrived. Using a customer to translate, the manager asked the swimmers to pay for the broken door. After a discussion, they did pay him an unknown amount of money and then left.

The official says that swimmers Conger and Bentz, who were pulled off a plane going back to the United States late Wednesday, told police that the robbery story had been fabricated.

Lochte first lied about the robbery to his mother, Ileana Lochte, who spoke with reporters, the police official said. That led to news coverage of the incident and prompted police attention. …

UPDATE (8/18): The New York Post catches up with me:

Ryan Lochte open his mouth. And when you hear what comes tumbling out, it all makes perfect sense. … That’s the worst part of what Lochte and his stable of stumble-bumbling swimmer pals have done the past few days, now that it’s apparent that whatever might have happened to them late one night — actually, early one morning — in Rio, it wasn’t exactly the way Lochte described it the first time around. In fact, it seems apparent that Lochte and his cohorts in chaos — Jack Conger, Gunnar Bentz and Jimmy Feigen, all swimmers representing the US in a decidedly different way than Katie Ledecky and Michael Phelps did — were using the old “robbed-at-gunpoint” chestnut as cover for what was apparently a gas station encounter with a security guard and, quite hilariously, a bathroom door. …

Trump Owes Loyalty To Melania, Not To Pipsqueak Plagiarizer. Fire Her.

Donald Trump, English, Ethics, Etiquette, Media, Morality

Donald Trump landed in Cleveland with Mike Pence at his side. The candidate thanked family members by name for their contribution and/or speeches on his behalf, so far. He did not mention his wife Melania by name, a woman who did a spectacular job and to whom an enormous dissever has been done by a staff member who should be fired.

If a class act such as Corey Lewandowski, a man so eloquent in his loyalty to Trump, was escorted out of Trump Tower like a criminal—so too should a two-bit plagiarizer.

As the consummate writer who is wedded to her prose, I detest plagiarizers. I detest people so low as to refuse to acknowledge their sources, or place these apart from the main text in quotation marks.

Invalid here is the tit-for-tat argument that the foul Dems do it, too, and the media utter not a squeak when liberal lie and cheat. That’s no justification; it’s a non sequitur.

All writers should make a big fuss over plagiarism and settle down only when the plagiarizer is dealt what’s coming to her.

RELATED: “Fareed Zakaria Plagiarizer.”