Category Archives: Foreign Policy


Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Foreign Policy, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Middle East

Just when the need for real journalism intensifies, the great Seymour Hersh returns to the headlines. Military Officials: There Was NO Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria; Trump Bombed Syria DESPITE Advice From Military:

They advanced starvation and cholera in Yemen by bombing it. Now the Saudis, POTUS’s BFFs, donate relief and get praise. So why is Trump green-lighting Saudi aggression against Qatar?

Ridiculous: On the West’s ability to grapple with Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali shows she is FULL OF IT, and has adopted her adopted countries’ habit of babbling about a mystical ideology, instead of a brute religion (Islam). Ali has come out against a man who was once a friend to her: Geert Wilders.

We got some comic relief when a CNN “reporter,” having covered nothing but the no-news Russia non-story, moaned about the lack of attention to torture and murder ongoing in Venezuela. Fake News doesn’t even know it’s fake news.

Sean Hannity may have once promised to keep Trump honest, but as illustrated in the column “THE WAR ON TRUMP: The Big Picture for Conservatives, Libertarians & Liberals,” the two party apparatchiks simply move into the same firing positions when their men are in power. Hannity censors Ann Coulter’s criticism.

Deplorables supported the Trump who ran on diplomacy with Islam-fighting Russia. Sanctions & hostility don’t MAGA. But apparently Deplorables adapt once their guy is in the White House. Sanctions on Russia and on Cuba: Bad.

Suffer the helpless dogs: Animals, too, are in danger because America imports people with monstrous morals. Germany is no better.

I don’t know about you, but I no longer believed Trump In Iowa. He said immigrants were to enter only if they love us. Like Australia’s unwanted refugees, which POTUS has welcomed?

There was no excuse for North Korea’s mistreatment of poor Otto Warmbier, and no excuse for Obama indifference to Otto. Maybe if Otto, RIP, had looked more like Trayvon Martin? Remeber Obama’s “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin”?

Finally, Democrat Jon Ossoff lost his race in Atlanta, but, oh how like Jared Kushner he looked: Both are in gender limbo, not quite man, not quite woman. (See “What Ivanka Wants, Ivanka Gets.”)

Iranians Killed ZERO Americans In Terrorist Attacks In U.S. Between 1975 -2015

Foreign Policy, Iran, Islam, Terrorism

Zero Americans have been killed by Iranians in terrorist attacks, on US soil, between 1975 and 2015.

So go ahead and intone the mindless mantra, “Iran is a state-sponsor of terrorism.” But when it comes to American lives, the sole responsibility of the American government, the Saudis (Trump’s new BFFs) have the blood of American civilians on their hands, not the Iranians.

The rest is all local in the Middle-East, squabbling between the more aggressive, murderous Sunni and the Shia, squabbling in which the US has no business meddling.

Witness the recent ISIS perpetrated murder of Iranians.

US Interferes With Hungary’s Sovereignty. Pot. Kettle. Black.

America, Democracy, Donald Trump, EU, Europe, Foreign Policy

“I hope and pray Poland is not invaded by “our NATO allies” (read the US) for attempting to stay Polish, not Muslim.” So I tweeted following a report that “Poland has shut its border to Islamic migrants to keep potential terrorists Out.”

Hyperbole? Hardly. Donald Trump’s State Department has warned Hungary that its anti-Soros law is another step away from NATO.

… Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s spokesperson urged Hungarian leaders to scrap legislation mandating that Hungarian nonprofits supported by foreign contributors identify their donors. The bill is the latest development in nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s ongoing campaign against Soros …

As we carry on about Russia running interference with the DNC, America interferes with the sovereignty of nations daily, through government and through democracy enforcing NGOs and party affiliated organizations. It’s beyond corruption. It’s beyond a double standards.

Your guide to this corrupt conduct is here: THE WAR ON TRUMP: The Big Picture for Conservatives, Libertarians & Liberals.

UPDATE II (6/22): THE WAR ON TRUMP: The Big Picture for Conservatives, Libertarians & Liberals

Bush, Business, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Iraq, Psychiatry, Psychology & Pop-Psychology, Russia

THE WAR ON TRUMP: The Big Picture for Conservatives, Libertarians & Liberals” is the current column, now on Daily Caller. It connects the atavistic dynamic undergirding two wars waged by the American establishment. An excerpt:

Periodically, America experiences episodes of mass, hysterical contagion.

What is “hysterical contagion”? A sociologist explains it as the spread of symptoms of an illness among a group, absent any physiological disease. It provides a way of coping with a situation that cannot be handled with the usual coping mechanism.

For example, in 1983, girls in the West Bank fell ill, one after the other. Soon, all the schools and finally the entire community was engulfed, affected with the same symptoms. Arab doctors implicated the Israelis. But of course. The Israeli Occupation had poisoned the girls by gas to reduce their fertility. When real doctors arrived on the scene to examine the neurotics; the girls were pronounced physically healthy.

The frenzied behavior known as mass hysteria or hysterical contagion is well documented. The Trump-Russia “collusion,” “obstruction of justice” probe qualifies, with an exception: This particular form of mass madness involves a meme, a story-line, rather than the physical symptoms observed in the West Bank.

Rumor recounted as fact for which no evidence can possibly be adduced: Indeed, the Establishment and opposition elites have poisoned the country’s collective consciousness. However, it’s the emotional pitch with which the Trump-Russia collusion group-think is delivered, day in and day out, that has gripped and inflamed irrational, febrile minds.

What sociology terms “a collective preoccupation” is fueled by organizational- and communication networks. Friendship networks (the liberal kind) and work organizations (government departments infested with like-minded individuals) serve as nodes in a system that transmits faulty signals across the synapses of this collective, damaged brain.

The storyline du jour is manufactured by America’s gilded elites. During the era of Bush II, DC operative Karl Rove put it plainly: “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.”

When you’re the most powerful entity in the world, as the US government certainly is—the only government to have dropped nuclear bombs on civilian populations (“good” bombs, because dropped by the US)—you get to manufacture your own parallel universe with its unique rules of evidence and standards of proof. What’s more, as the mightiest rule-maker, you can coerce other earthlings into “sharing” your alternate reality. Or else.

The manufacturing of Fake News by the Deep State, circa 2017, is of a piece with the anatomy of the ramp-up to war in Iraq, in 2003. (Chronicled in achingly painful detail in Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Culture.) Except that back then, Republicans, joined by diabolical Democrats like Hillary Clinton, were the ones dreaming up Homer Simpson’s Third Dimension.

Conscripted into America’s reality, Iraqis paid the price of this terrible American concoction. Hundreds of thousands of them were displaced and killed due to “Operation Iraqi Freedom.”

Because of Fake News generated so effectively by the likes of Judith Chalabi Miller, the Gray Lady’s prized reporter at the time, American soldiers paid dearly, as well. Miller shilled for that war over the pages of the New York Times like there was no tomorrow. She’s now a Fox News “specialist.”

To manufacture consent, elements in the intelligence community worked with neoconservative counterparts in Bush 43’s administration, in particularity with “the Office of Special Plans.” And while Fake News babes did wonders to sex up the cause of senseless killing—the dissemination of Fake News, vis-a-vis Iraq, was hardly the exclusive province of Fox News. With some laudable exceptions, Big Media all was tuned-out, turned-on and hot for war.

Now, it’s all-out war on Trump. Then it was war on Iraq. …

… READ THE REST. “THE WAR ON TRUMP: The Big Picture for Conservatives, Libertarians & Liberals” is now on Daily Caller.

UPDATE (6/20/017): I’ll be on:  The Bill Meyer Show (southern Oregon’s AM-1440 KMED). Day:  June 21, 2017. Time: 8:10 AM PST. Topic: “The War On Trump: The Big Picture for Conservatives, Libertarians & Liberals.”

UPDATE II (6/22): Neocons, statists and party loyalists (categories not mutually exclusive) will reject the thesis is this column. It’s to be expected. (I still thank them for reading.) The column, after all, touches on a deeper truth.

The column was titled more accurately on a libertarian site thus:

“Beware The Atavistic Dynamics Undergirding Two American Wars.”

Open yourself up to seeing the way our mindless establishment—media-military-government, cheering only for itself—stumbles about the world, on “our behalf”; and you’ll come closer to freedom.

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