Category Archives: Free Speech

Mark Zuckerberg Vows To Provide A Safe Space For Persecuted Muslims

Europe, Free Speech, Homeland Security, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Private Property, Regulation

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg posted this quote, presumably to Facebook: “If you’re a Muslim in this community, as the leader of Facebook, I want you to know that you are always welcome here and that we will fight to protect your rights and create a peaceful and safe environment for you.”

Writing in The Austrian, Jeff Deist exposed more of “creep” Zuckerberg’s notorious George-Soros type machinations:

“… head Facebook creep Zuckerberg recently was overheard at a UN summit telling Angela Merkel that he would get to work on suppressing Facebook comments by Germans who have the audacity to object to the government’s handling of migrants.”

The fact that Facebook is Zuckerberg’s—it’s private property—doesn’t make the owner’s impetus less sickening.

UPDATED: Great Historian Of Liberty On ‘ET Analyzes Paris Attacks & Weeps For The West’

Classical Liberalism, Free Speech, History, libertarianism, Liberty, Nationhood, The West

It’s not easy to admit, but writing “ET Analyzes Paris Attacks & Weeps for the West,” now on The Unz Review, was very emotional. Enough said. Therefore, it means a great deal when liberty’s historian, the great Dr. Ralph Raico, says this about my ET:

November 27, 2015 at 5:04 pm GMT • 100 Words

An excellent, courageous article. The author demonstrates her unwavering commitment to individual rights, including freedom of expression, by criticizing the Federal Republic’s prosecution of an elderly woman for the heinous thought crime of “Holocaust denial.” Such prosecution is a common occurrence in the soft authoritarian regimes of western Europe which the First Amendment has thankfully spared us in America–so far.

Dr. Raico’s Articles Archive at

About Ralph Raico, PhD.

Raico Books.

READ “ET Analyzes Paris Attacks & Weeps for the West,” now on The Unz Review.

UPDATE: Clyde Wilson, another great historian (quoted just the other day), this time of the South, sent commendations. It means a lot, because, as I said, this piece took a lot out of me.

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UPDATE V (4/8/016): Continuum Of Propaganda: Yale, Mizzou & Your Child’s School

Education, Family, Founding Fathers, Free Speech, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Race, Racism, Reason

“Continuum Of Propaganda: Yale, Mizzou & Your Child’s School” is the current, weekly column, now on WND. An excerpt:

… On the University of Missouri campus, atavistic youth have joined against hurtful words, symbols and unsettling, unorthodox ideas, and for “safe spaces,” where these brave hearts can hideout from “racial microaggression.” Examples of “microaggression” are asking a black student for lessons in twerking, complimenting her weave, or simply being white.

But mostly, these minorities and their propagandized white patsies are campaigning for the unanimous acceptance of the following destructive, dangerous, often deadly, dictum:

“White racism is everywhere. White racism is permanent. White racism explains everything.”

The “systemic racism” meme you hear repeated by media, across the American campus, and preached from the White House is a function of “Critical Race Theory,” the sub-intelligent, purely theoretical, and logically fallacious construct, now creeping into American schools at every level.

As detailed in WND colleague Colin Flaherty’s “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry,” America’s children, black, white and brown, are being taught, starting at a tender age, about “racial hostility and resentment.”

This racial hostility is said to be endemic and always and everywhere a white on black affair.

Ask your state representative and your school board about Glenn Singleton and his Pacific Educational Group’s curriculum, deceptively titled “Courageous Conversations.” The PEG poisonous program has been adopted by “hundreds of school districts across the US,” and foisted on millions of pupils, very possibly your child.

Beware; propaganda is process oriented, and an insidious one at that.

ITEM: Your cherub’s project receives an A. His work the teacher praises before the classroom. Yet, oddly, the child’s identity she will studiously conceal. This is in furtherance of the egalitarian idea, implemented, whereby no individual student is to be identified as having produced superior work to that of the collective.

“[U]nder the Singleton influence,” explains Flaherty, “the Seattle schools [have] defined individualism as a form of cultural racism and said that only whites can be racist.” Moreover, “emphasizing individualism as opposed to a more collective ideology is a form of racism,” too.

The progressive educational project carries its anti-white bias into teaching about the Orient (East) versus the Occident (West).

ITEM: A Christian boy, placed in an academically advanced study program, is tasked with submitting a project about one of three ancient civilizations: Egypt, India and Rome.

Ancient Egypt, a big hit apparently, is spoken for. The teacher, generally “white, female, liberal,” advises the boy: “Choose India. Rome is … BORING.”

What is it that this colossal ignoramus has conveyed to her student with the words “Rome is boring”? Let us unpack the meta-message (with reference to …

… Read the rest. “Continuum Of Propaganda: Yale, Mizzou & Your Child’s School” is the current column, now on WND.

UPDATE I: “Campuses across country updating ‘insensitive’ mascots, mottos…”

UPDATE II (11/20): At The Unz Review David says:

November 20, 2015 at 12:14 pm GMT

Did anyone beside the author say, “Choose India. Rome is … BORING?” It appears she made it up so she could get really worked up about it, like the Ask-a-Mexican guy.

ilana mercer says:

Both ITEMS in the essay are true. “Kid” in question is like family to this writer. Enough said. The article was prompted, in part, by this “close encounter.” Saying Rome is boring is so weird; too peculiar to make up. Even more peculiar is suggesting someone unknown to you is a liar. Nice.

UPDATE III (11/21): The manner of subversion is so subtle, a busy parent can’t hope to stay on top the propaganda underway in schools. If you are able to detect the programming, deprogram daily using Socratic questioning. So talk to the brats (unpleasant notion, I know). When my daughter used to return from school, and declare something preposterous, I would begin the deprogramming through questioning. Having a child in the public school system comes with the added responsibility to know your child is being programmed—not to doubt it or defend against it—and to be prepared to deprogram or access resources to so do. (Examples of resources are the Homeschool Courses of historian Tom Woods and Ron Paul, or this writer’s columns on economics and the Constitution (and all others focusing on proper reasoning), to be found in the Articles Archive ( A list of books is a good idea (a short one is here: Literature is here: Send your suggestions. Kids can begin with Ayn Rand. We all do. Please post resources parents can access, under this thread.

UPDATE IV (11/22): In reply to David Davis’ heroic efforts (thread at the Libertarian Alliance):

Inculcating proper reasoning in a child is vital in the deprogramming effort. My columns are anchored in argument and reason (as best I can). For example, and in context of David’s comment, my “Reincarnation of the Reds” brings up the concept of “the theory that can’t be falsified.” (This is not to say one can’t be, as I am, a private property conservationist.)

David Gordon, Ph.D, is magnificent on the reasoning front; he has written a kid compatible “Introduction to Economic Reasoning.”

UPDATE V (4/8/016):

In Angela Merkel’s Germany, Grandma Is Jailed For Thought Crimes

EU, Europe, Free Speech, Liberty

Ursula Haverbeck is an 87-year-old German grandmother. She once chaired “a far-right training center” shut down by the “freedom-loving” German government, in 2008, “for spreading Nazi propaganda.” “Dubbed the ‘Nazi grandma” by the Merkel Media, Haverbeck claims Auschwitz wasn’t a death camp and denies the Holocaust happened. So what do our liberty loving European allies do? They sentence her “to 10 months in prison.”

Perhaps if the Islamic invaders deny the Holocaust; Germans will get permission from the Merkel legislators and courts to stop the takeover of their country.