The IDF’s ‘Aktion’ in northern Gaza resembles nothing short of the ‘liquidation’ of the ghettos of East Europe ~ilana
1/5/025: Speech restrictions stateside in the form of the Antisemitism Awareness Act mirror the worst of British and western Europe’s anti-speech tribunals. Tabled by a Republican and a Democrat and passed by the Upper Chamber, S. 4127 would embed Israeli agitprop throughout American education. For posterity.
Aside being in violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Antisemitism Awareness Act would utterly enervate discourse in our country, and would actually criminalize tracts like my last:
12/29/024: Emanations from the collective that is the Israeli mind continue to be as septic as an open sewer. The Church of Satan, IDF, sets up a spa-like facility on the northern coast of Gaza, stolen land. Breakfast, BBQ, mani-pedi and massages are on offer to the killing squads in the killing fields of Gaza.
There’s a lounge for treats, Belgian waffles and pretzels, there are also popcorn and cotton candy machines, as well as a barber and a pedicurist for the fighters.
Surrounded by synthetic grass, and the putrefying bodies of murdered Palestinians.
12/17/024: Yet even the solidarity camp has to keep intoning that Jews oppose the vampiric Zionists. Not quite.
A genocide is taking place in Gaza in the name of Zionism, the state of Israel and in the name of Jewish people. According to Jeremy Leibler, president of the Zionist Federation of Australia, a recent survey conducted by Monash University reveals that “the overwhelming majority…
According to a 2024 Pew Research survey, which misleadingly labels the genocide in Gaza a “military operation,” “Opinion about Israel’s current military operation against Hamas,” reveal that, “Jewish Americans… are quite divided on this question:
28% say Israel’s military operation is going too far.
24% say it has not gone far enough.
32% say it is taking the right approach.
13% are unsure.
“Across all of American Jewry, support for Israel is strong, consistent, and bipartisan (83% of Democratic Jews, 86% of Independents, and 94% of Republicans)”
Kamala Harris had never repudiated Genocide-Joe’s genocide, and had promised to continue doing what was in Israel’s interests. It is fair to deduce then, that genocide was not an overriding issue for Democrat-supporting Jews.
12/11/024: Israelis and their lickspittles pitch a fit when the language of the Nazi Holocaust is applied to the genocide Israel is perpetrating upon the Palestinians.
Newest round-ups for death marches toward the south, the Sinai desert:
Footage documents the abduction of dozens of innocent civilians by Israeli occupation forces around the Awni Harthani School in northern Gaza this morning.
Israelis and their lickspittles pitch a fit when the language of the Nazi Holocaust is applied to the genocide Israel is perpetrating upon the Palestinians. So here goes:
The northern part of the Gaza Ghetto is being “liquidated” (as remarked on October 31). Israel’s methodology there is that of the Nazi death squads, who were said to have “liquidated” the ghettos of Eastern Europe before transporting their involuntarily confined Jewish occupants to the extermination camps, in cattle cars.
Going up against ghettoized civilians were the soldiers of the Nazi Party, the SS, the toughest in the Wehrmacht. Like the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the SS presided over a Kafkaesque apparatus of propaganda, intelligence, police and military bureaucracies.
Plainly put, the purpose of liquidation was deportation to the death camps for extermination. Israel, of course, has further streamlined and industrialized mass eviction and murder by collapsing liquidation and extermination into one. Duly, the IDF is currently attempting to shoo about 400,000 broken and starving human beings in the Strip’s northern most section toward a “safe zone,” the narrow midsection that is the Netzarim Corridor.
The IDF’s “safe zones” bafflegab is reminiscent of the upbeat postcards which deported Jews were urged to mail to their associates: From these condemned Jews, the Nazis, clever and coldhearted, had coerced messages of good cheer: reassuring postcards to folks back home from those who were never coming home. Don’t worry. We’re safe. We’re being ‘resettled’ in a wonderful place. (“Dear wife, I am healthy and I work as a tailor…”)
Since the Palestinians know all too well what is meant by “safe zones”; they are mostly standing their ground. Consequently, the SS IDF is slowly exterminating the residents of northern Gaza in-situ.
As the field monitors of Euro-Med Monitor reported, in the waning days of October, 2024, “Israel is systematically and extensively working to drive out the Palestinian population and forcibly displace them from their residential areas in the northern Gaza Strip.” To that end, they are “using massacres, mass killings, bombings of hospitals and shelters, and the destruction of [the little that remains of the] basic necessities of life.” ……
… Grossaktion Gaza is how the Nazis would have dubbed the SS IDF’s actions.
Aktion or Grossaktion is the term the Nazis used for their assorted ghetto-liquidation operations. Grossaktion Warsaw was the Nazi code name for the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto—again, deportation for the purpose of extermination.
The IDF’s GrossaktionGaza resembles nothing short of the “liquidation” of the ghettos, as detailed by the National WWII Museum (carpeting your victims with bombs is Israel’s contribution to the annals of genocide):
“The liquidation of ghettos involved rounding up all Jewish inhabitants, shooting any resisters, deporting Jews to killing centers, and the physical destruction of the ghetto. Blanka Rothschild describes her memory of the liquidation of the Lodz Ghetto: ‘[When] came our time, we had to be taken out. The entire population of our [building] was walked to the place where the cattle cars were, and we were loaded. It was a horrible thing because people had to stand. There was no place to sit or squat. If somebody was sick or even dying, he died on his feet standing up. It was just unbearable.’ While some were able to escape or were transferred to forced labor camps, the vast majority of Jews who lived in ghettos in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe perished either from horrid conditions or mass deportations to extermination centers.”
…These days, Gaza looks worse than the Polish Kutno Ghetto of yesteryear, for example, depicted in Hugo Jaeger’s photography, curated by Time & Life. On the one hand are the heartbreaking images of the Polish shantytown, its many makeshift shelters, and its hopeless inmates amid the collapsing ruins. On the other are the nylon tents that have come to typify Gaza, set against a Hiroshima-like hellscape, from which all signs of collective Palestinian life have been erased. The similarities are too conspicuous to ignore. …
The media give us to understand that even in murder—nay, mid-murder—Israeli-Jews must be seen and described as mere victims.
DECEMBER 8: The ISRA-ISIS Axis of evil won in Syria. The ghouls on Israel’s sub-intelligent TV networks are celebrating the Jihadist victory; Netanyahu is taking credit for Regime Change by HTS, formerly known as ISIS in Syria.
Sad day for the Palestinians, because the Syrian part of the axis-of-resistances has fallen. McCain grinning from grave. He was a big fan of ISIS in Syria
DECEMBER 5: Finally. “Amnesty International’s research has found sufficient basis to conclude that Israel has committed and is continuing to commit genocide against Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip, the organization said in a landmark new report published today.”
That it took them so long—14 months into a genocide—only bolsters the contention that, together with the organs of international law—so too has the human rights community been compromised. The scholar Norman Finkelstein, author of the seminal Gaza, An Inquest Into Martyrdom (2018)—an exegesis of fact and law—has strongly suggested that this is the case. The report’s remarks concerning the Resistance are certainly proforma nonsense.
NOVEMBER 15, 2024:Amsterdam Antisemitism Hoax. Israel is exporting auxiliaries of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)—civilian terrorists—who’re still invited, disgustingly, to partake in European civil society, or what remains of it. The best and most forensic anatomy of the antisemitism hoax, perpetrated in Amsterdam by Israeli psychopathic football hooligans and their willing enablers of the Western political and media class, is “EXPOSED: What REALLY Happened in Amsterdam,” published on 14 November 2024, by stellar truth-teller Richard Sanders, under the Double Down News auspices.
“Consider this paradox,” writes Marc Owen Jones, an academic specializing in media disinformation: “The New York Times ran the headline, “Israeli soccer fans injured in attacks linked to antisemitism in Amsterdam,” but the body article contained only verified evidence of anti-Arab racism. Its lede emphasized antisemitic motivation, while the body of the article cited footage by Maccabi Tel Aviv fans chanting anti-Arab and racist slogans – footage that the New York Times had actually verified. The only basis at the time for claiming antisemitism came from a single tweet by the Dutch prime minister, while the linked Amsterdam police’s own statement made no such attribution (subsequent police statements did condemn ‘antisemitic behavior’).”
Despite no Israelis being killed, a media system loathe to use the term genocide to describe the deaths of over 43,000 Palestinians seemed happy to use terminology redolent of the Holocaust. Suddenly, incidents of soccer hooliganism and anti-Israeli violence seemingly provoked by anti-Arab racism were being reduced to antisemitic pogroms.
…Buried or omitted in most accounts was verified evidence of anti-Arab racism that had occurred prior to these events, including footage of Maccabi Tel Aviv fans tearing down Palestinian flags, attacking taxi drivers, and chanting explicitly racist slogans like “Death to the Arabs” and “Let the IDF fuck the Arabs.” (Marc Owen Jones)
Israelis should be excised like tumors from any state-organized affair the world over. Private institutions should also be encouraged to disgorge Israelis from their midst until they come clean, admit their prior support for genocide, not deny it, and promise to demand an end to the genocide, the occupation and the ongoing dispossession of Palestinians, in addition to convincingly demonstrating a commitment to pay reparations to Palestinians in perpetuity, when the Day of Judgement arrives.
NOVEMBER 3, 2024:This is now. The IDF is not tired of genocide; they are invigorated by it. These murderously grotesque IDF filmed this footage a few weeks ago, in the Zaitoun neighborhood of Gaza City.
Uploaded at 2:11 PM, October 9, 2024, the footage depicts the ecstatically distorted mugs of the IDF de Sade soldiers, resembling nothing so much as primates in heat—my profuse apologies to primates for the unflattering affiliation—after a day of genocide.
Israeli Defense Forces detritus, human waste by any other name, twerk their ugly tushes and groins, grinning and gyrating while yelling about their conquests.
Click the link, and log into X formerly known as Twatter, so as to view Israel’s finest. You see, Elon Musk, patron saint of human waste, has seen to it that the sharing code of all these kinds of videos on X is disabled. I have this fact confirmed by an expert coder.
In another vignette, a funeral for a member of Murder Inc, a family eulogizes Shuval ben Nathan with blood-curdling yelps. The recording website is Seventh Eye. It’s in Hebrew. The relatives of Shuval ben Nathan don’t “call for revenge,” as the article’s Hebrew indicates. Rather, they call for MORE revenge, and celebrate the revenge that has gone down, is going down, did go down under the watch of their dearly departed. “You went into Azza for revenge, the more the better: women, children, everything you saw, this is what you wanted.”
Western pro-genocide networks run morally reprehensible pieces such as, “He got out of Gaza, but Gaza did not get out of him’: Israeli soldiers returning from war struggle with trauma and suicide.” The likes of CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash—normalizers and backers of Israel’s genocide—are hard at work framing Israeli war criminals as victims, suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and worthy of great empathy, not opprobrium. More so than the Abu Ghraib photographs, IDF malefactors, however, tell a tale, not of fleeting youthful indiscretion, but of abiding degeneracy in the military and the society.
The media give us to understand that even in murder—nay, mid-murder—Israeli-Jews must be seen and described as mere victims.
Nonsense on stilts.
The fact is, while Israeli Jews are conscripts and must enlist in the IDF—nobody, but nobody, is forced to do what we’ve seen IDF soldiers rejoice in doing. The military draft does not imply or mean the obligation to commit, chronicle and rejoice in war crimes. This joy has been entirely voluntary, prideful and organic to the wider-Jewish Israeli society’s tenor and project.
Separating the men from the women, as in any concentration camp of yesteryear, and stripping them. The Final Solution is underway in North Gaza.
Remember, though, as grotesque as the IDF uglies are, grinning, gyrating, and twerking for genocide—they are always and everywhere THE TRUE VICTIMS HERE.
UPDATED (11/3): And Iranian woman strips to remind us what’s important in life—so much more important than solidarity with the Palestinians and against Genocide. The Axis of Genocide is elated. Regime change, baby.
11/6/024: Humbled. Brilliant and brilliantly ethical Norman Finkelstein (@normfinkelstein), lodestar for me and millions more regarding Palestine and Gaza, explained to India Global Left, a podcast (@Indiagloballeft),, why the language of war does not apply to genocide, something approaching my own deduction in “Genocide Is A Crime, Not A War Crime: Israel Is Waging Genocide, Not War,” September 20, 2024.
IF it is portrayed as a war crime; genocide—the methodical, malicious murder of the many—can be dismissed as incidental to battle; a mere case of, “Oops, bad things happen in war.” You hear the last phrase all the time from Israel’s supporters, as they gush their enthusiasm for the Jewish State’s crimes.
The genocide-as-a-war-crime conceptualization provides cover and lends imprimatur for criminals and criminality. You mitigate and minimize genocide when you call it a war crime.
This is precisely the point of Israel and its co-belligerents: The purpose of framing Israel’s ongoing extermination of Palestinian society in Gaza as a byproduct of war—the same having commenced in the West Bank and East Jerusalem—is to give the impression that industrial-scale mass murder is often incidental to war. Bad things happen in the butcher’s shop of war.
But genocide—legally and morally—is a stand-alone crime; it is not a crime attached to a set of mitigating or explanatory circumstances. The Jewish State, gleefully engaged in methodical, indiscriminate mass murder, is thus a criminal entity. Perhaps not a common criminal, but, nevertheless a criminal country, a threat to the comity of nations. It doesn’t take a Carl von Clausewitz, famed Prussian general and war theorist, to figure this out.
Disquieting though this is, a better source of metaphor for Israel than von Clausewitz is Truman Capote. He is the originator of the true-crime genre, in which a real event is treated with fictional techniques and turned into a literary work of art. That Capote’s In Cold Blood certainly is.
Israel, to commandeer and paraphrase Capote, is that “rarity, a natural killer—absolutely sane, but conscienceless, and capable of dealing, with or without motive, the coldest-blooded deathblows.”
In any event, because it is an indefensible crime for which there are no extenuating circumstances or traditional defenses—genocide is not a war crime.
The manifestly willful attempt to destroy a society and its people is a crime for which the death penalty—execution of those involved—has, historically, been meted. The exculpatory agents of Israel’s crimes against humanity are, alas, incapable of reasoning from fact, ethics and logic. Like programmed automatons, they therefore recite a counterfactual storyline, an ideological meme.
Israel’s odious excuse-making has come to be known as Hasbara. …
In Hebrew, hasbara is the name of the verb to explain (lehasbir). It means explanation. Exculpatory constructs, assorted Hasbara, serve to coat Israel’s corporeal crimes against humanity with ideological respectability, to give these some imagined purity of purpose.
Think of Hasbara as the steady supply of bogus constructs with which to rape reality.
Hasbara to frame the specter of baby flesh peeled away to expose gleaming white bone—little bodies and minds shattered for life should they live—as the doing of a third party. “I didn’t do it,” jokes Bart Simpson in that all-American parody, The Simpsons. Hamas made me do it. CNN’s Hasbara, which ascribes an almost-attractive raffishness to IDF criminals, has it that the Occupation made Israeli soldiers commit their crimes. …
… Having figured out, over this pixelated page, that genocide must be addressed as a crime, not a war crime, I humbly discover that I stand on the shoulders of “Raphael Lemkin.
Lemkin was … first …to put forward the theory that genocide is not a war crime and that the immorality of a crime such as genocide should not be confused with the amorality of war.” Genocide is “the gravest and greatest of crimes,” and thus dubbed “a crime against humanity,” wrote Lemkin, a Polish, Jewish human rights lawyer.
“‘The term does not necessarily signify mass killings although it may mean that,’ Lemkin explained in a 1945 article. ‘More often it refers to a coordinated plan aimed at destruction of the essential foundations’—cultural institutions, physical structures, the economy—’of the life of national groups.” (Via Mother Jones.)
Much like any good libertarian, Lemkin was a natural-rights thinker, whose reasoning about genocide—the intentional murder of the many—was derived from reasoning about the crime of homicide. Mass murder, essentially, is when “the natural right of the individual to exist” has been sundered many times over.
As to the offender: If the individual may not gratuitously and serially kill people; neither may the collective, the state, exterminate a class of people. It should make no difference as to whether the felon is a lone criminal or the “common force,” to use Frédéric Bastiat’s natural-rights nomenclature. In The Law, Bastiat writes this:
“Since … force by an individual cannot legitimately be… used against the person, freedom, or property of another individual, by the same argument, the common force cannot legitimately be used to destroy the person, freedom, or property of either individuals or classes.” …
UPDATED (10/10): Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip are documented through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year-long genocide.
Named and shamed. All the International Criminal Court need do is start criminal proceedings.
The Nazis hid their systematic crimes; Israelis–a majority–celebrate them, even use their depraved exploits on dating apps. Israeli society has a sadistic pornographic edge to it.
One Year of Genocide. Courtesy of BBOBBY, Lowkey and DoubleDownNews. Take it from one who has a facility with words: this is powerful, brilliantly done. Not a word is misplaced. Not a rhythm in this calculated genocide is uncalculated.
UPDATE 10/1: The Arab world mourns the death of Hassan Nasrallah, a man Norman Finkelstein called, in conversation with Glenn Greenwald a week prior to Nasrallah’s murder, “The frankest most impressive leader on the world stage.” (“Gaza is Gone.”)
The munitions dropped on a city block in the south of Beirut, by the mad dog medinah, to murder Hassan Nasrallah, are described thus by the New York Times, otherwise known as Israel’s stenographer:
A video published by the Israeli military showed that planes it said were used in the attack that killed Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, on Friday night carried 2,000-pound bombs, according to munitions experts and a New York Times analysis.
The video showed eight planes fitted with at least 15 2,000-pound bombs, including the American-manufactured BLU-109 with a JDAM kit, a precision guidance system that attaches to bombs, according to Trevor Ball, a former U.S. Army explosive ordnance disposal technician. These bombs, a type of munition known as bunker busters, can penetrate underground before detonating.
UPDATE 9/30: Luckily I have Hebrew. Two versions do America’s overlords who are in Israel transmit to the world. The Hebrew Maariv lede reads, “The Americans got the message: ground invasion of Lebanon is not a question of ‘if’ but of ‘when.'”
UPDATE 9/28: As Mouin Rabbani reasons, the late Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hizballah, did the principled thing: He stood foursquare with the Palestinians of Gaza against the mass murderers of Israel. The world stood by during the Jewish Holocaust, even though by 1942, the Final Solution was quite well-known among Allied powers.
Mad dog Medinah (=country in Hebrew) Israel dropped 85 tons of explosives on southern Beirut’s civilians to murder a major Arab political leader, Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah? holds a majority seats in Lebanon’s Parliament. By the way, where do u think the Kirya, Israel’s major military compound, is located? In the heart of Tel Aviv
2:32 PM · Sep 28, 2024
Confirmed by Hizballah on Saturday, Nasrallah’s killing comes after a series of tactical successes in the early stages of Israel’s unfolding full-scale attack on Lebanon, an open-ended assault that may well equal in barbarity Tel Aviv’s ongoing genocide in Gaza. These are terrible and difficult thoughts to absorb after almost a year of genocide. …
Nasrallah’s stature as a tactical and strategic thinker, as the most prominent and trusted leader of the Axis of Resistance, and as a personality capable of inspiring and reassuring supporters even in the worst of times, cannot be overstated.
The euphoria in Israel, Washington and some Arab capitals, will be exceeded only by the grief of Nasrallah’s supporters, who are far more numerous.
And there is no doubt that the loss is real and great from the perspective of a resistance that faces not only Israel’s formidable arsenal, but all the resources of the United States and the collective West.
Israel’s ability to carry out this series of attacks in quick succession will shake the confidence of many in Hizballah’s legendary prowess and operational security.
The attacks will go some way to restoring the prestige Tel Aviv has lost among its Western and Arab backers after a year of military failure in Gaza, and its failure to prevent the Hamas military offensive that wiped out the Gaza division of Israel’s army on 7 October 2023.
And although Hizballah has been hammering Israeli military assets and settlements in the north of historic Palestine with rockets, many in the region are asking why the resistance group’s response to Israel’s escalating aggression has not been harder and harsher – even as Israel intensifies its bombardment of civilians across Lebanon and within its capital.
Like others before him, Nasrallah gave his life on the road to liberate Palestine, and that struggle did not end today.
UPDATE 9/19: The long arc of the Israeli terroristic enterprise has expanded into Beirut, Lebanon, in the form of a staggered operation against civilians, which saw the yellow-bellied Mossad operatives (allegedly) booby trap thousands of pagers and other devices deployed by Hezbollah non-combatants in civilian life (Hezbollah is an elected Lebanese political party). The Israelis killed dozens and caused gruesome injuries to thousands, all to the whooping and cawing of their flaccid girly fanboys and groupies stateside. Need I say that all this is prohibited by the laws of armed conflict? (George Galloway’s “The Biggest Act of Mass terrorism” renders the best analysis of the biggest act of mass terrorism .)
A particularly disgusting aspect is the weaponization by Israel of electronic commodities. Let us hope that this malevolent tampering spurs local Lebanese industries. It will certainly lend the competition an edge.
Two things to bear in mind: First, Israeli mama’s boys opt for digital warfare because they lack the courage to fight combatants openly and up close like men would. Second, Israel is the proud promulgator of the “doctrine of inflicting massive harm to civilians.” Israel, the neighborhood bully, proudly named its killer creed “after an area of Beirut, Dahiya.” (MEI) All this occurred practically in the presence of US special envoy Amos Hochstein, which shows how Israel spits on its biggest benefactor, the US.
UPDATE 9/11: Murdering Animals and Owners, as in “mowing the lawn”; it’s all in a day’s work for Israel’s finest. I give you The Chosen People’s Settlers. What a mindset it takes to slaughter a helpless creature:
UPDATE (9/5/2024):‘Mowing the Lawn.’ The Devil and its handlers, IDF under Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, said on Wednesday that the military has been “mowing the lawn” during an ongoing major operation” in the West Bank, which will require the need to “pull out the roots.”
The West Bank has now been invaded by IDF. The orgiastic destruction of built and natural habitat has begun there in earnest. Ethnic cleansing has commenced there too. Since October 7, one child has been killed in the West Bank every 2nd day
The “operation” dubbed “Summer Camps” now openly uses terms Israel had once denied were in use.
Suffer the children.
UPDATE (9/2/024): Genocidal impetus is underway in the West Bank courtesy of Satan’s forces on earth. Via Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur to the occupied territories, comes the news that the IDF is in the midst of a full military assault, destroying hospitals, roads, infrastructure already damaged in prior raids, replete with telling the Palestinians to evacuate en mass. (Drop Site)
Via Bashir Matahen, the director of Public Relations and Media at the Jenin Municipality: “The occupying (Israeli) forces have demolished more than 70% of the city’s streets completely (…) to a depth of approximately one to one-and-half meters, which has led to the destruction of water and sewage networks, as well as communication and electricity cables, in the areas that were demolished, initially estimated to cover 20 kilometers.” (Middle East Monitor)
UPDATE (8/29/024): Israel: What Moral Rot Looks Like: As Israel’s IDF death squads, Einsatzgruppen, murder, maim, starve and destroy all human life in Gaza, and increasingly the West Bank—where land and pitiful possessions are being stolen daily with impunity by armed settlers—the IDF’s auxiliaries, says Mouin Rabbani—Israelis party on. The picture of moral decadence:
According to UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), on average, “one Palestinian child [has been] killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, every two days since October 2023.”
Since the Demon State began its genocide in Gaza, young Bisan, a heroic reporter, chronicler of life under Genocide, has prefaced each of her many transmissions from Gaza like this: “This is Bisan in Gaza, and I am still alive.” In what universe is a young woman forced into such a reality for close on a year? Now Bisan’s skin is ulcerating. Due to the absence of sanitation infrastructure (bombed) and products (aid delivery halted by the Satan State) in Gaza; a human being’s largest organ and barrier to pestilence—the skin—is losing its capacity to protect internal organs. This is very dangerous, since all roads lead, via Israel, to sepsis and organ damage, even death.
Oren Ziv from +972, August 19, 2024, reports on the latest Settler Pogroms. IDF soldiers watch on as settlers rampage through West Bank villages, burning, looting and, yes, murdering. Arrests? Nah. For what? Nothing to see. Move on. Jewish supremacy; Jews über alles. “If you try to defend yourself, you’re dead’”.
Watch this Twitter video, via the Human Rights organization, B’Tselem. “Rape in the name of God,” threatens a Settler named Shem Tov Luski . And Christians defend these people and alienate me. I’ve added “Christian Ethics” to my skill set on LinkedIn.
In the latest essay, I had also mused about the Israeli sexual prurience:
“When they are not fantasizing and embellishing about mass rape by their enemies (read Ali Abunimah’s ‘Debunking ‘Screams Before Silence,’ Sheryl Sandberg’s 7 Oct. ‘mass rape’ film‘), and raping Palestinian prisoners—the Israel defense Forces (IDF), and Israel’s other policing agencies, in conjunction with the societal structures that support them, are striving to codify their de facto daily criminal conduct in law.”
As do I mention the temperamental difference between the peoples, Israeli and Palestinian. You can see it in the video. The Palestinian man is embarrassed at the sexual brazenness. Not the Settler.
Essay was cancelled here, author dismissed, for adhering to Christian, not AIPAC, ethics. We know what Jesus would have done. Actually, as one Christian told me, Christ did inveigh exactly against what he termed “The Synagogue of Satan.”
The totem words and adjectives we use to describe Israel, a perverse and pornographically murderous society, fail. One day flows into the next, each indistinguishable in the level of sadistic torture and carnage dreamed up by the IDF Einsatzgruppen.
As televised vignettes at July’s end showed, the Israelis, a “bizarre specimen of moral laxity,” in the 1728 words of Southern gentleman William Byrd, had been openly rationalizing the need to codify in law the rape of Palestinian hostages.
The crimes of genocide, the making and mass-marketing of online snuff films featuring murdered Palestinians, and the commission of extra-judicial assassination the globe over—these Israel has already de facto legalized in what passes for law in that thugocracy.
By the Middle East Monitor’s telling, “A Gaza detainee allegedly sexually abused by Israeli soldiers at Sde Teiman … suffered ‘a ruptured bowel, a severe injury to his anus, lung damage and broken ribs’ as a result of the immense torture he was subjected to by Israeli occupation soldiers. …One of the nine Israeli soldiers arrested for abusing him was released without charge. Deliberations about the other eight are continuing.”
Like Israel’s genocide in Gaza, the rape in Sde Teiman was captured on camera. Watch! Have an emesis dish close by. ……
A deception embedded deep in this lattice of lies is that, contrary to most criminal enterprises and individuals, a spectacular democracy like Israel has the absolute ability to investigate itself. Indeed, a new report authored by the aforementioned +972 Magazine, “for the human rights group Yesh Din, shows how the main role of Israel’s military law-enforcement system is to maintain the appearance of internal accountability in order to shield itself from external criticism.”
In this case, the greater goal of Israel’s legal apparatus and jurisprudence is to fend off charges of genocide and war-crimes in international courts of law. Be mindful, then, that any investigation ever launched or any arrests made by Israeli authorities are symbolic, cursory and inconsequential, part of a well-established strategy to safeguard the greater criminal enterprise. …
Essentially, expect the Jewish State’s stooges (Alan Dershowitz in the lead) to be trotted out to huff and puff indignantly at the very notion that a manifestly lawless thug of a state, whose justice system is complicit in minting maniacal laws in support of unfathomable thuggery and cruelty, is incapable of investigating itself. Antisemitism.