Category Archives: GUNS

KNIFE LAWS; Yes, We Have Them

Constitution, Crime, Criminal Injustice, GUNS, Individual Rights, Individualism Vs. Collectivism

Undoubtedly, Piers Morgan should be pleased about America’s “bewilderingly complex, startlingly severe” “State and local knife-control laws.”

As an example, and as the Independence Institute’s David Kopel points out (in a journal article forthcoming in the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform), “Washington is one of the many states without knife preemption. Leslie Riggins was arrested in 1988 in Seattle, while waiting for a bus, because he had a knife in a sheath on his belt. He was charged with possession of a fixed blade knife.”

Considering that a knife—I’m sorry, a knife-welding individual, not that Piers can tell the difference—went on a rampage today, at the Lone Star College campus, Texas, knifing 15 students—one would expect to hear a lot more in the future about closing that knife loophole.

Yes, loopy, isn’t it?

The not-so peerless Piers (pukes like Piers are everywhere) should know how that, “In the U.K., private ownership of firearms is virtually banned. Professional criminals can still get guns, of course, but for your typical thug, knives are the weapon of choice. Thus there has been a steady outpouring of concern over burgeoning ‘knife crime’ in recent years…”


Mainstream Stumblebum Stumbles on Rand Paul’s Modus Operandi

GUNS, Media, Politics, Republicans, Ron Paul

On CNN today, TIME Managing Editor Rick Stengel let on that he has finally noticed what was observed on 03.06.13., and I paraphrase not second-hander Stengel, but the BAB post “Rand Paul Slaying The Drone (Political Triangulation)”:

Rand Paul is triangulating, getting some on the Left to listen, while neutralizing the other side.

However, Stengel stumbled when it came to the very topic he was on TV to discuss: “Rand Paul Backs Gun Rights Group Attacking Cantor.”

To the extent that I understood his position, Stengel appeared to believe that by supporting The National Association for Gun Rights’ attack ad against House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Rand Paul was siding with conservatives as against libertarians.

Come again?

“…one National Association for Gun Rights ad accuses Cantor of “wanting to pass Obama’s gun control schemes,” and says Cantor “doesn’t sound like a Virginian or a Republican anymore; Eric Cantor sounds like someone else.” The ad includes a graphic of Cantor’s face morphing into Obama’s.”

Libertarians do not want to see law-abiding gun owners subjected to Barack Obama’s probes.

In any case, stumblebum Stengel did have a eureka moment, rare in mainstream media, when he galvanized the Clinton-era concept triangulation to describe Rand Paul’s political modus operandi.

UPDATE II: Who Made ‘Jim Carrey Talking Ass’ So Mighty? You! (Carrey & The ‘Idiocracy’)

Celebrity, GUNS, Hollywood, Individual Rights, The Zeitgeist

“Jim Carrey is a talking ass,” sings a bloke on Reason TV, below. Very funny. True too. But let’s get serious. Carrey is a bad actor in more than one way. His venomous contempt for my right to defend myself aside; Carry is without talent. His slapstick schtick is pathetic, repulsive. So tell me this: Who made him the celebrity he is, and who’ll continue to patronize his rotten films? YOU! And you won’t change a bit, despite the man’s manifest contempt for your right to life*, will you?

*Inherent in the right to life is the right of self defense, as a right that cannot be defended is a right in name only.


It takes a talking ass
to oppose a vaccination
when your Ph.D. is in
making funny faces

It takes a talking ass
to tell people they can’t arm when
you don’t walk around
without an armed bodyguard

It takes a talking ass
to call fans dumb and demented
when you are the one
who wants something uninvented

It takes a talking ass
to be out there passing blame
when you’ve shot someone
on every TV ever made


Sometimes dudes’ minds are skewed
and they choose to go a-killin’
’cause they saw a Batman villain
killing, well … ring a bell?

Sometimes stars get armed guards
when they make a million buck-ers
then call you heartless motherfuckers
to want the same … is it the fame?

Polio and smallpox they no longer kill en masse
because of vaccinations they are a thing of the past
but you tell parents to skip them and the science you contrast
because just like in your movies … you’re talking our your ass

UPDATED I: “Idiocracy” pegged the Jim-Carrey humor brilliantly in the segment, “Ow my B-lls!”

UPDATE II (3/29): Chime in on Facebook. From the thread:

I’m proud to say I have never watched anything by Carrey the cretin. I know his “worth” from flicking through channels. I might have paused b/c of a Kim Basinger scene (she is utterly gorgeous). Did she do one with him? Maybe not.

In For The Kill

Crime, Government, GUNS, Law, Liberty, Private Property, The State

Loc­al, state and fed­er­al assassins are hunting for LAPD of­ficer and Navy veteran Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33, who is alleged to have shot­ three po­lice of­ficers, one fatally, in River­side, and committed a double hom­icide on Sunday, in Irvine, murdering “the daugh­ter of a re­tired LAPD cap­tain and her fi­ance.”

Not only have the authorities and their SWAT teams been locking down businesses and invading private homes in the course of the manhunt—the once-bustling winter resort of Big Bear, in Southern California, is one example—but they have been firing on bystanders in the process.

Oops. “Mistaken identity” is what the police perps are calling this collateral damage.

More like “unbridled police lawlessness,” says Robert Sheahen, an attorney of one of the victims. “These people need training and they need restraint.”

Via the LA Times:

In the first incident, LAPD officers opened fire on another pickup they feared was being driven by Dorner. The mother and daughter inside the truck were delivering Los Angeles Times newspapers. The older woman was shot twice in the back and the other was wounded by broken glass.
In Perdue’s case [the latest victim of the state’s assassins], his attorney said he wasn’t struck by bullets or glass but was injured in the car wreck, suffering a concussion and an injury to his shoulder. The LAX baggage handler hasn’t been able to work since, and his car is totaled, Sheahen said.
“When Torrance issues this ridiculous statement saying he wasn’t injured, all they mean is he wasn’t killed,” his attorney said, referring to a press release reporting “no visible injuries” to Perdue.

Gun violence? As Vox Day (who, sadly, called it a day on WND) pointed out, in December of 2012,

800,000 law enforcement officers have killed 525 unarmed citizens with guns so far this year. Approximately 310 million private citizens killed an estimated 10,500 of their fellow citizens with guns over the same period of time. Given that a law enforcement officer is 19.4 times more likely to shoot and kill an unarmed American than a private citizen, if you genuinely care about reducing gun deaths, why aren’t you calling for the disarmament of law enforcement?

Welcome to the militarize, police-state USA.