Category Archives: Healthcare

Zero Care: Affirming The Criminal Class; Spitting On Ordinary Americans

Crime, Government, Healthcare

And US pundits and pols dare call Putin’s Russia corrupt to the core? What follows is a critical mass of evidence, courtesy of National Review, detailing the affirmative-action program for the criminal class that is Obamacare. These are cases of known criminals, screened and accepted into the ranks of the lawful criminals who man the Zero-Care bureaucracy:

* Convicted Terrorist Worked as Obamacare Navigator in Illinois 2/26/14:

A terrorist from Jordan briefly worked as an Obamacare navigator in Illinois while authorities remained unaware of her conviction for involvement in a deadly grocery store bombing and two other attacks.

Rasmieh Yousef Odeh was convicted in Israel for her role in several bombings, including the 1969 attack on an upscale Shufersol grocery store, which killed two Hebrew University students who had stopped in to buy groceries for a hiking trip in the Jerusalem hills.

* Colorado Health-Exchange Director Indicted for Fraud, Theft 2/13/14:

The director of Colorado’s health exchange has been placed on administrative leave after the state discovered she had been indicted for stealing from a non-profit …

* 43 California ACA Navigators Have Criminal Convictions, Including for Forgery and Welfare Fraud 1/29/14:

One navigator committed forgery twice in twelve years and was also convicted of burglary in between.
One navigator was convicted for committing welfare fraud and had also been caught shoplifting on at least two occasions.
Another navigator had two more forgery convictions, as well as a domestic-violence charge.
At least seven navigators had multiple convictions but were still approved.
Even though applicants are required to self-report prior offenses, records show that 21 prospective certified enrollment counselors failed to do so — and were approved anyway, even though their background check revealed criminal convictions.

* Felonious Obamacare Navigators? 1/21/14:

Most states have nonexistent or only partial requirements for background checks for Obamacare navigators. But new legislation introduced in Arizona, Colorado, and Virginia would mandate background checks for all navigators, establishing strict guidelines for what offenses the state would consider disqualifying. … These navigators work with vulnerable populations and have access to confidential data, including Social Security numbers, financial information, and health records. Nevertheless, the federal government does not require Obamacare navigators to undergo background checks.

* Confirmed: One Connecticut Obamacare Navigator Has Felony Conviction 1/20/14:

Open records obtained from Connecticut show that one navigator for that state’s exchange was allowed to work despite a Class B Felony conviction (Connecticut’s Class B Felonies are punishable by 1 to 20 years in prison).
AccessHealthCT declined to disclose the navigator’s name or the charge associated with the conviction, citing privacy protections.

* How Many Obamacare Navigators Have Criminal Pasts? 1/16/14:

Certified New Mexico navigators had been charged with crimes including: eight domestic-violence charges, including aggravated battery and aggravated assault of a household member; four drug charges; two larceny charges; one petty-theft charge; one shoplifting charge; and two child-abuse charges. There were also several driving-related charges, including DWIs, DUIs, and speeding or traffic crimes. In at least two instances, navigators had traffic charges for lacking insurance.

* Obamacare’s Fishy Navigators 1/16/14::

One in seven of New Mexico’s certified Obamacare navigators had a match in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database, according to public records obtained by National Review Online.


The American ruling elite has immunized itself from the laws it inflicts on the masses, whom it rightly does not fear.

Other than the vocal identity groups, who are revered and catered to by North-Eastern elites—the mass of American voters are deemed pushovers.

And deservedly so, for how else can one view a soft people who, in the face of craven the injustices of Obamacare, do no more than lament the loss of faith in “their” beloved government?

The traitors at the top show their contempt for their subservient subjects by exposing these passive pushovers to the detritus of humanity.

Mitochondrial Disorder: Myth, Iatrogenesis, Or What?

Family, Healthcare, Relatives, Rights, Science, The State

My inclination is to say that Mitochondrial Disease, “a new and rapidly developing medical subspecialty,” is one of those made-up maladies Americans excel at conjuring and then milking for attention, attention-seeking activism, fund-raising, etc. There are rewards and reinforcements to be had in cultivating disease.

Mine is a hunch. However, so does the gamut of “Mitochondrial diseases” appear to be more conjecture than science—to say nothing of the circularity in the argument for their existence: A person lacks energy, therefore the Mitochondria, the locus of energy in the cells, is faulted.

I know nothing about the epidemiology of mitochondrial disorders, although the one study focuses on populations in the more affluent parts of the world: Northern England and Northern Finland.

Perhaps Africans are too preoccupied with survival to “develop” this malady?

The context: Fox-News host Megyn Kelly has been banging on non-stop about the mitochondrially impaired girl, Justina Pelletier. The 15-year-old girl was “taken into Massachusetts State Custody after her parents disagreed with doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital over her treatment plan.”

A guest summed up the travesty more succinctly than the host:

Boston Children’s Hospital and the Department of Children and Families, DCF, [took] this child away from these parents, who love this daughter and who want to care for this daughter, and who simply disagree with the recent diagnosis of a newly minted physician who only had been out of medical school for seven months, who disagreed with her actual treating physicians from Tufts..

Irrespective of whether this newly minted disease is mythical or authentic—there is absolutely no ambiguity in the following: The hospital staff involved in removing this girl from her loving parents, together with the personnel from the Department Which Ought To Be Dissolved; they all belong behind bars for their actions.

Tomfool Fallon Providing Bread, Circuses & Propaganda For Booboisie

Barack Obama, Celebrity, Healthcare, Propaganda

I now better understand why MSNBC fired Jay Leno. Yes, they likely wanted to replace political satire with a vaudeville of giggles, goofiness, mind-numbing banter and G-d-awful music. But, with bread and circuses for booboisie comes the “responsibility” of propagandizing the same population.

As if on cue, last night, Tomfool Fallon brought up the Affordable Health Care Act with Michelle Obama, who launched into a promo schtick for this juggernaut of a law.

One minute and fifty nine seconds into this segment, fuckface Fallon segues into a Zero Care promotional segment. The dumb dweeb started it. For shame!

The Mindset Of A Subject

Healthcare, Law, Natural Law, Reason

“It is the law of the land,” parrot the statists, whenever the notion of repealing Zero Care is raised.

But even the legal positivist, for whom the law does not have to embody the “ideals of justice, democracy, or the rule of law” to remain in force, must concede that Obamacare is destructive to all Americans.

Americans are certainly coming to this realization. Polls show that “82% of Republicans and 58% of voters not affiliated with either party view the law unfavorably.”

As one natural-law scholar put it, “The human person is not a means for the ruler’s use.” (p. 174.) “A rule that does not issue from the activity of reason, an arbitrary rule or an arbitrary decree would savor of lawlessness rather than law.” (p. 172.)