Category Archives: Intelligence

On The Deep State (Damn Straight!), Comey’s Memo To Self & Ongoing Media Cadenza

BAB's A List, Conservatism, Donald Trump, Intelligence, Law, Media, Neoconservatism, Russia, The State

By Dr. Boyd D. Cathey. (Warning to the congenitally dour: humor and Southern idiom and imagery ahead.)

Some pundits and writers on the Left and within the Deep State political and cultural pentagon deny that there is such a thing as the “Deep State.” In recent days I’ve read a couple of Mainstream Media [MSM] columnists who simply dismiss such an idea. “No,” they say with mock seriousness, “what you see—those of us self-erected ‘big shots’ in the political class and the self-perpetuating bureaucracy in Washington, the financial globalists, the Hollywood elites, the educational establishment—we aren’t really a ‘state-within-a state’. You just need to be quiet, go back to your workaday professions, and leave governing, educating your children, and producing your entertainment, to us. It’s above your pay grade.”

Let me translate, “we are your masters and you are the sheep—shut up and don’t ask questions and don’t even think about any real influence in the destiny of this nation.” And even more simply stated: “We are the managerial elite, you are the deplorables.” Seems we have heard that word before….

But only a few minutes watching the hysterical MSM yesterday, in addition to occasioning a severe case of nausea, would have convinced even the most casual and uninterested viewer that the “chattering class” of this nation had literally gone berserk, in ideological and linguistic lock-step—almost as if some hidden “Wizard of Oz,” behind the curtain, had given the punditry a strict talking points memo. The non-existent “Deep State” had once again bared its teeth, and the unmistakable reality of its suffocating presence sank in.

Over on CNN, leftist wing nut Chris Cilizza jumped, like a tick on a freshly-bathed dog, on the purported “news” that back in February, during a private meeting between President Trump and former FBI head James Comey, the president urged Comey to “let the [Michael] Flynn investigation go.” Then, according to—as always—an “unnamed” source who telephoned The News York Times right after that, Comey drafted a “memo to self,” more or less, recounting this his version of what happened. “Obstruction of justice!” Cilizza screamed. “Impeachment moment!” echoed the other programmed automatons in the MSM. “The end of the Trump presidency!” shrieked ABC, MSNBC, CBS, ad nauseum.

“Obstruction of Justice?” First, the White House has pushed back hard on this convenient “after-thought” by Comey. If he thought it were an attempted “obstruction of justice” way back in February, why wasn’t it made public way back then? Why weren’t the appropriate congressional committees notified? Additionally, when the president and Comey met, Flynn had already been cleared by the FBI of any criminal action. Even if President Trump had suggested that Comey try to “move on,” how in any sense, legally or otherwise, can this be considered “obstruction”? That term, legally, implies action to prevent, to hinder, or to subvert an investigation or process. So, even if Comey’s “recollection” has any truth to it—and that is debatable—the only thing that has happened here is that the MSM has had another cardiac moment, another “impeachment moment” day dream.

The mind-numbing programmed MSM and their Democratic allies remind me of disjointed Bloodhounds who race frantically from deceptive scented clue to deceptive scented clue, but without ever catching their prey… because there is nothing there, there. The “Russians did it” template is fake and false, made up out of whole cloth by the Clintonistas after Hillary’s loss. And very likely, as we now know, the theft of over 44,000 Democratic National Committee emails was committed by Seth Rich, a disaffected DNC staffer who had access, who was enraged by the pro-Hillary sandbagging of Bernie Sanders. Of course, just a few days after Rich did that, he wound up murdered. And despite the fact that nothing was taken from him—not his wallet full of cash or his expensive necklace—the DC police department (with orders from up high) and FBI (and the Clinton folks) continue to say it was an attempted robbery and refuse to cooperate in any further investigation.

Just the same old Washington DC, the same old politics. And they want us to think that the “Deep State” doesn’t really exist? And too many Republicans and so-called “conservatives” either buy into that template, serving as fifth columnists, or, at a minimum, go along to prevent that kind of full-fledged assault on them that is now being inflicted on Donald Trump, his administration, and his agenda.

One of the most notorious fellow-traveler apologists for the Deep State is neoconservative head honcho and Weekly Standard founder and editor, Bill Kristol. Kristol is one of the fiercest and most intransigent NeverTrumpers, and much like columnist George Will, he continues his ferocious opposition. Most recently Kristol granted an interview to the left wing web site, “Mediaite.” Nothing unusual about that, since the candidacy of Donald Trump has brought dozens of supposedly “conservative” pundits and writers “out of the closet” and revealed what we have known all along: they are, in fact, raving leftists at heart in their basic precepts, and they will do practically anything, work with anybody, even if much further to the left, if they can “get back” at The Donald for his “sin” of challenging their leadership and control of the decadent and dying “Conservative Movement.”

To conclude, I have suggested that we are living now in a hollow, geographical entity officially titled “the United States of America,” but which is definitely NOT united, and where the very concept of “America” has no common acceptance. And the question, then, remains: how is it possible, how can there be a real future for a country where one half wants to literally suppress and obliterate the other half? And, then, those of us scheduled for such suppression—why do we permit so many of our elected representatives to take a dive and go along, and even enable this potentially fatal infection?

Why aren’t millions of us “deplorables” organizing nationally and in each state to challenge the GOP wimp-outs, like Dave Bratt did with Eric Cantor in Virginia? Why aren’t we making our presence known at meetings of leftist congressmen and on campuses? The Deep State—the establishment “swamp”—is in full attack mode. Either we respond, or we disappear as a people, with our traditions, our history, and our faith.


~ Dr. Boyd D. Cathey is an Unz Review columnist, as well as a Barely a Blog contributor, whose work is easily located on this site under the “BAB’s A List” search category.

Is Trump Looking For Curve Appeal In A Press Secretary? Apparently So.

Donald Trump, Gender, Government, Intelligence, Media

Kimberly Guilfoyle has said that to be the POTUS’ press secretary, “you have to be someone who he actually wants to spend a little bit of time with.”

Come again?!

Already one can sense the flirtatious tone set here. Boobs before brains. With Kimberly Guilfoyle, the Trump administration seems to be going into full reality TV mode. A supple mind is not one of her assets.

If the president is looking for nothing but curve appeal in a press secretary; then Guilfoyle is it, although she, apparently, considers herself “a great communicator … with deep knowledge …”

‘I Did Not Reveal THAT Information.’ Hope POTUS Avoids Those Words.

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Intelligence, Islam, Russia

“The story as reported is not true,” barked National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster. He was responding to Washington Post allegations that Trump was indiscreet during a meeting with Russian diplomats, last week:

During the May 10 meeting at the White House with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, Trump began describing details about an Islamic State terror threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft, according to current and former U.S. officials.

Let’s hope POTUS avoids saying, “I did not reveal THAT Information.” Shades of the wording in another scandal.

But frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. Here’s a president who ran on a domestic platform, but who is currently preoccupied with menacing the madman in North Korea and hassling a Muslim moderate in Syria. (Did you know that the reformers and the moderates come from the ranks of the Shiite and Sufi, and that Assad, an Alawite, is Shia?)

‘Known Wolf’* Hunting In Paris Today Is Part Of A HUGE Pack Of Jihadis

EU, Europe, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Islam, Jihad, Natural Law, Terrorism

As I observed in “Life With Islam And Its Enablers”:

Be it Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Paris, Nice, Brussels, Berlin; Orlando, or San Bernardino—the men with mass murder on their minds are Muslim, often with criminal records or with a sudden heightened interest in Islam. That risk factor, Islam, is unacknowledged. Its followers are ignored, seldom stopped, and generally dismissed as misguided by the very intelligence agencies

The attack in Paris, April 20, saw “a police officer killed and two others seriously injured when a gunman opened fire late Thursday on the famed Champs-Élysées in Paris before he was shot dead, officials said.”

The Islamic State group quickly claimed responsibility for the attack.
French prosecutors have opened a terrorism investigation into the attack on the officers, which took place at 8:50 p.m. local time.
Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins said authorities have identified the 39-year-old gunman but did not name him publicly. Officials are still assessing whether he had accomplices, he said.
Molins said the gunman used an assault rifle, and at least one location in the eastern Paris suburbs is being searched as officials work to learn more information about the attacker.
“The identity of the attacker is known and has been checked,” he said. “I will not give it because investigations with raids are ongoing.”
In a statement from its Amaq news agency, ISIS named the attacker Abu Yousef Al-Baljiki, “The Belgian,” adding that he was “one of the Islamic State fighters.”

The claim of responsibility came unusually swiftly for the group, which has been losing territory in Iraq and Syria. It also referred to the attacker as one of the “fighters,” rather than the “soldiers” of the Islamic State.

As Catherine Herridge has reported, French intelligence sits on a terror list 10,000 strong. Naturally, the list gives rise to no deportations: Citizenship for Jihadis before the right to life for innocent French.

RELATED stories of state treason:

*“France refuses to share top secret ‘terror watch list’ with local government.”

*“‘Lone Wolf,’ or ‘Known Wolf’? The Ongoing Counter-Terrorism Failure.”

* “15,000 on French terror watchlist: report.”

* “French Priest-Slayers Were Both on Terror Watch List.”

* “Euro 2016: 82 SECURITY STAFF Revealed to Be on TERROR WATCH LIST.”

* The term “known wolf” was coined by Patrick Poole, but other pundits appropriate it. I hate that, because I know how it feels.

* “Could It Have Been Stopped?” [Stupid non sequitur.]