Category Archives: Intelligence

UPDATED: On When To Use The Dr. Honorific & On The Insufferable ‘Dr. Jill Biden’


She’s a lowly community college instructor. She holds a PhD in education, one of the most intellectually debased, easy subject matters in academia. When you can’t do much else, intellectually, you go into education. One of the reasons America’s kids are so dumb: Unionized educators. Yet the moron media insist on appending the honorific “Dr” to Jill Biden’s name whenever they mention her taxpayer-sponsored existence.

You know just how insufferable Jill Biden is when even the La Times and Washington Post language experts recoil at Mrs. Biden’s unwarranted airs and graces:

“Ordinarily when someone goes by doctor and they are a PhD, not an MD, I find it a little bit obnoxious,” Sullivan said. …
… Newspapers, including The Times, generally do not use the honorific “Dr.” unless the person in question has a medical degree.
“My feeling is if you can’t heal the sick, we don’t call you doctor,” said Bill Walsh, copy desk chief for the Washington Post’s A section and the author of two language books.

Aren’t you grateful her husband, Joe Not-A-Doctor Biden, is not running for office again? Do you know how often you’d hear the undeserved honorific “Dr” before this pestilence’s name?

This writer’s spouse won’t like it, but in the US we don’t call PhD’s doctors (apostrophe is warranted in the plural usage of an abbreviation, I believe). It’s considered the height of pomposity. Granted, a PhD in electrical engineering, conferred at the age of 25, is certainly incomparable intellectually to a PhD in fluff like education.

Moreover, one has to consider, too, the original definition of a PhD:

“Doctor of Philosophy: a doctorate awarded for original contributions to knowledge [in the field].”

Most PhD’s today, even in the cerebral, demanding field of applied science, do not quite meet the requirement of an original contributions to knowledge in their field. And they are practically given away to women in technology.

Check out the “academic” profile of “a public-spirited ditz named Danah Boyd,” who is “Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research, and a Research Associate at Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society.”

It’s a disgrace.

Jokes like Jill Biden and Microsoft’s Danah Boyd abound. They are not statistical outliers.

UPDATE: Fun on Facebook. Join us:

Jim Ostrowski: “I often call myself doctor cuz I have a JD. But I make it optional for others.”

Ilana Mercer: “Jim Ostrowski, You’re brilliant. The best lawyers are. Like philosophy, law is the application of abstract principles to facts and reality. Philosophy is thinking about thinking. Electrical engineering is applying the laws of physics to make things that work. Education is … dumb-assery.”

UPDATED: Medics WRONG, As They Often Are, On One-Size-Fits-All Mammography


Years back, paleo warrior Karen De Coster was fired by her doctor for questioning the wisdom of the prescribed annual mammogram and refusing to submit to it. Uncoordinated, and in the same month, I was given my marching orders by my medic for a related infraction.

Just the other day, at the (new) doctor’s office, I was treated as an alien for suggesting that an ultrasound be performed for an additional data point, to alternate with the mammogram the provider kept pressing for. Be a daredevil, I suggested (not in those words, of course); get a different angle on the breast tissue! The providers’ response–from doctor to radiographer: “OMG! Nooooo … there’s a heretic among us. Reach for the smelling salts. Should we call security????!!! This could escalate.”

Pretty much.

Now the data suggest that mammography belongs not as an annual rule, but, rather, in the context of a personalized, individualized healthcare strategy, tailored to a woman’s genetic and general risk profile—the kind of holistic healthcare less likely under the trillion-dollar burden of ObamaCare.

From “American Cancer Society eases mammogram recommendations”:

In a major shift, the American Cancer Society is recommending that women at average risk of breast cancer get annual mammograms starting at age 45 rather than at age 40, and that women 55 and older scale back screening to every other year.

The new guidelines, published on Tuesday in JAMA, fall more closely in line with guidelines from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, a government-backed panel of experts that recommend biennial breast cancer screening starting at age 50 for most women.

The Task Force’s 2009 recommendations to reduce the frequency and delay the start of mammogram screening were based on studies suggesting the benefits of detecting cancers earlier did not outweigh the risk of false positive results, which needlessly expose women to additional testing, including a possible biopsy. …

… The differences between the two sets of guidelines shows there is no single or correct answer for when and how often women should be screened for breast cancer, said Dr. Nancy Keating of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Dr. Keating, who co-wrote a commentary accompanying the new guidelines, said the differences between the two groups emphasize the need to talk to patients and understand their preferences about breast cancer screening. …

UPDATE: There are risk in radiation and in the exploration of false positives (biopsies or further interventions that cause disease). Overall, the data show that the annual mammogram doesn’t reduce mortality from breast cancer.

Another Celebrity’s Empty Vow Of Absence


Promises, promises. A wealthy bombast called Barry Diller has promises what actor Alec Baldwin promised before him: to leave the US should his political nemesis ascend to the throne. In Baldwin’s case it was W The Shrub. In Diller’s case it’s Donald Trump.

Just as Barack Obama has done, Bush brutalized America for eight lean years. But Baldwin never delivered on his vow of absence. Will Diller disappoint long-suffering America, too?

Our miserable power-hungry politicos do very little that is good for us. Ditto the elites who surround them and influence them. Wouldn’t it be dandy if, at the very least, those vying for power managed to rid us, inadvertently, of progressives who use their power to increase the state’s power over us?

Yes, be patriotic and expatriate yourselves, left-liberals. Do it for America.

Democracy is OK just so long as your wishes are fulfilled; is that right Barry Dildo?

… Diller, the founder and chairman of IAC Interactive, knows show biz and New York real estate—and he is not impressed with the New York real estate mogul and superlative showman currently topping national politics polls.

“All he is is a huckster,” Diller said of Donald Trump. “Somebody who learned long ago in real estate that if you can make a big name for yourself, it can get you an extra dollar.” In addition to questioning the Republican front-runner’s motivation for running, Diller attacked Trump for appealing to the nation’s worser angels. “He’s a self-promoting huckster who found a vein,” Diller continued. “A vein of meanness and nastiness.”

Speaking with Erik Schatzker at the Bloomberg Markets Most Influential Summit, Diller vowed to pick up stakes if Trump becomes President Barack Obama’s successor. “If Donald Trump doesn’t fall, I’ll either move out of the country or join the resistance,” he said. But Diller expressed his certainty that a Trump presidency will never happen. He said he’d put his money on it. …

MORE promises.

Donald Trump Speaks Our Language


“Donald Trump Speaks Our Language” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

WHEN IN THE US, SPEAK ENGLISH. Donald Trump’s retort to Jeb Bush’s rattling off in Spanish on the campaign trail conjures an old joke told in Israel of my youth. It was aimed at the ultra-orthodox Jew who dresses weirdly and won’t speak Hebrew. Here goes:

Walking down the street is a Sabra (a Jew born in Israel), clad in the pioneer’s outfit of shorts and a Tembel Hat. (“Tembel” is Hebrew for silly. The image below illustrates how not even a beautiful Israeli girl can dignify a hat so useless as to provide no protection from the merciless sun.)

From across the street, in Yiddish—the language of the diaspora—an ultra-orthodox Jew clad in black garb shouts obscenities at the Sabra. The minuscule ultra-orthodox community believes that speaking Hebrew before Messiah arrives is heretic and will delay the coming of Messiah (also known as the longest coming in history). For Messiah to materialize, the Jew must remain weak, dispossessed and persecuted—a sickly spirit without a corporeal country to call his own.

The Israeli shouts back, “Speak Hebrew, goy!” Goy meaning non-Jew.

Trump took a jab at Jeb for using Spanish to dismiss the mogul’s conservative credentials. Via CNN:

“‘I like Jeb,’ Trump told Breitbart News. ‘He’s a nice man. But he should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.'”

The Trumpian reference was to the former Florida governor’s comments to reporters … about Trump’s policies. “‘El hombre no es conservador,’ Bush said, which translates to, ‘This man is not a conservative.'”

Not only was Trump’s visceral retort in defense of English righteous; it was also culturally conservative in the best of ways. …

… Read the rest. “Donald Trump Speaks Our Language” is now on The Unz Review.