Category Archives: Intelligence

Steven Jobs – Capitalist Hero

BAB's A List, Business, Capitalism, Celebrity, Classical Liberalism, Economy, Ethics, Fascism, Human Accomplishment, Intelligence, Technology


MYRON PAULI explains what separates Steven Jobs, the quintessential “Homo Aynrandis,” from Homo Corporatist, that atavistic throwback that manages the typical corporation nowadays.

ONCE UPON A TIME, great men like the late Steven Jobs (Homo Aynrandis) roamed about in our early republics (note the plural – each state has a republican form of government) – men like Morse, Fulton, Edison, Whitney. These were creators and innovators who helped mankind by helping themselves – not because some bureaucrat put a gun to their heads. They made money through their inventiveness and vision, not by “manipulating the system.”

Nearly all of these early Howard Roarks (the hero in Ayn Rand’s Fountainhead) were self-educated. They made their fame and fortune in spite of “the system.” College dropout Jobs was one of these great men and let us hope not the last.

Nowadays, we have a different species of capitalist, Homo Corporatist, “managing” most companies – usually for personal gain and short-term profit – into oblivion. They are often spoiled rich kids who smoke dope through college and then get educational “credentials” in “management” and economics from neo-Marxist pedagogues teaching Keynes, Krugman, Samuelson etc. These corporate-technocratic-idiot-savants work their way into companies, sucking up to the vampires who mismanage these companies, and then get hired as CEOs.

Jobs made that mistake in hiring John Sculley from Pepsi and the soda salesman soon manipulated Jobs out of Apple. Later Apple sued Jobs, whose quote, “It is hard to think that a $2 billion company with 4,300-plus people couldn’t compete with six people in blue jeans,” says all one needs to know about those characters and the modern era.

But Jobs was down but not out. He made Next and Pixar and out-Appled Apple until they took him back and resumed growing. The alternative for Apple would have been to hire the type of corporate flacks who have mismanaged General Motors for the last 70 years.

As for Homo Corporatist – they are excellent in claiming hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses while their companies slide into oblivion. Thomas Edison founded General Electric whose products were found in nearly every American home – now the company is “managed” by Harvard M.B.A. Jeffrey Immelt. Instead of watching GE televisions, Americans now watch GE’s Rachel Maddow spouting inane nonsense on Korean televisions. GE has become a bubble-manipulating finance company which lobbies for tax breaks and “green energy mandates” from its political buddies.

Homo Corporatist, sadly, is ubiquitous. In China and Russia, they are the children of the old party apparatchiks who now play “businessman” in a fascist economy. In the Arab world, they are the relatives and friends of the King/Sheik/Dictator now operating various “enterprises.” In America, it is Archer Daniels Midland with their agribusiness “ethanol mandates.” It is people like my Senator, Mark Warner, who made money off the FCC monopolistic licenses. It is people like Merrill Lynch’s Stan O’Neal, an egomaniac who had security guards holding an entire elevator bank open for him and ran off with well over $100 million, while sinking “bullish” Merrill with subprime mortgages before moving on to Alcoa whose stock has also tanked.

Most of these managers know less about the products that the companies make than their janitors. They make short term profits by firing research staff, selling ideas and marketing opportunities overseas, and finding quick-fix gimmicks, as they pocket the bonuses, and lobby against competitors – and like good vampires, move on to the next target. Some might be better than others – but can Herman Cain (Federal Reserve Bank leader) cook a pizza??

At my first company after graduate school, the big shots were shorting their own stock to the Employee’s Stock Plan (!); they paid 20 percent to borrow money in 1982 to buy up a company at over 50 times price-to-earnings, and then sacked most of the company, bribed government officials and covered it up, then pleaded “no contest” to the bribes with some leaving the companies with golden-parachute bonuses while the “lower animals” at the company got furloughs and had to take ethics training to not do what the big shots had done – all while the company stock plummeted from 45 to 3! While my years in the employ of the government reinforce my libertarianism, I could see how people in companies like this could wind up as Marxists!

Steven Jobs, Homo Aynrandis, will be missed. He was what capitalism should be about.

MYRON PAULI, Ph.D., grew up in Sunnyside Queens, went off to college in Cleveland and then spent time in a mental institution in Cambridge MA (MIT) with Benjamin Netanyahu (did not know him), and others until he was released with the “hostages” and Jimmy Carter on January 20, 1981, having defended his dissertation in nuclear physics. Most of the time since, he has worked on infrared sensors, mainly at Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC. He was NOT named after Ron Paul but is distantly related to physicist Wolftgang Pauli; unfortunately, only the “good looks” were handed down and not the brains. He writes assorted song lyrics and essays reflecting his cynicism and classical liberalism.

UPDATED: Fox News-Google GOP 2012 Debate: Perry’s Bushisms (Mitt’s Manners)

Bush, Elections, Foreign Policy, Intelligence, Journalism, Media, Politics, Relatives, Republicans

The debate was good; well-put together with interesting information culled from the Google meta-media. The Republican “thrust and Perry” in Tampa, Florida, earlier this month, set a good standard. You know me: I want words—textual red meat to sink my teeth into. I was worried at first that, true to character, Fox News would stick with visuals and stiff the written or pixelated word. (Here’s a slide show of the debaters! Oy!) But—hooray!— Fox came through with a rush transcript. Well-done!

REP. MICHELE BACHMANN, R-MINN had the opportunity to salvage the question Jon Huntsman flubbed in the previous, Tea-Party debate: “Out of every dollar I earn, how much do you think that I deserve to keep?” “It’s all yours,” she replied, but we still have to send something back for the government. A contradiction, of course.

FORMER Utah Governor Jon Huntsman solidified his standing as a committed statist, having “told the New Hampshire Union Leader [that] as president [he] would subsidize the natural gas industry.” Huntsman just can’t keep his sticky fingers out of the meddling business. The industry doesn’t need help; it needs to be left alone. (The industry is currently making its case to the public via tremendous ads that explain the safeguards with respect to fracking.)

However, as in the previous debate, Huntsman managed to distill, better than the rest, a foreign-policy vision: “… as the only one on stage with any hands-on foreign policy experience, having served — having lived overseas four different times, we’re at a critical juncture in our country. We don’t have a foreign policy, and we don’t project the goodness of this country in terms of liberty, democracy, open markets, and human rights, with a weak core. And right now in this country, our core, our economy, is broken. And we don’t shine that light today. We’re 25 percent of the world’s GDP. The world is a better place when the United States is strong [I understood him to mean strong economically]. So guiding anything that we talk about from a foreign policy standpoint needs to be fixing our core. But, second of all, I believe that, you know, after 10 years of fighting the war on terror, people are ready to bring our troops home from Afghanistan, Rick.”

Texas Governor Rick Perry sounds more and more like a slightly less stupid W, which is still plenty stupid and cunning to boot.

Here Perry is losing control over the words, as W used to:


I think Americans just don’t know sometimes which Mitt Romney they’re dealing with. Is it the Mitt Romney that was on the side of against the Second Amendment before he was for the Second Amendment?
Was it — was before he was before the social programs, from the standpoint of he was for standing up for Roe v. Wade before he was against Roe v. Wade? He was for Race to the Top, he’s for Obamacare, and now he’s against it. I mean, we’ll wait until tomorrow and — and — and see which Mitt Romney we’re really talking to tonight.

Now that’s a Bushism. Shudder.

Garry Johnson had a good joke: “My next-door neighbor’s two dogs have created more shovel-ready jobs than this current administration.”

Even better was Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, invoking Ronald Reagan’s lines:

“When your brother-in-law is unemployed, it’s a recession. When you’re unemployed, it’s a depression. When Jimmy Carter’s unemployed, it’s a recovery. Nothing — nothing will turn America around more than Election Night, when Barack Obama loses decisively.”

NOW, SOMEONE PRAY TELL, why do all these candidates say “Sosal Security”? In English it’s pronounced Soshial Security.”

UPDATE (Sept. 23): MITT’S MANNERS. Hours after this site singled out Perry’s pathetic Bushisms, mainstream media is doing the same. Almost a full day after the debate, Perry’s word-salad is being reluctantly reported by Fox News.

However, what other sources see as a dismal lack of command of issues of foreign affairs, Fox News described as Perry’s “show of some chops, flashing knowledge about the Haqqani Network and Indian diplomacy.”

I’m with Alan Schroeder of the HuffPo:

Yet on matters of substance, Perry remains startlingly unprepared. Asked a theoretical question about Pakistan losing control of its nuclear weapons, the governor gave an incoherent response that amounted to a pile of steaming dung. It is remarkable that a man so obviously lacking in foreign policy credentials does not make a greater effort to bone up; in this regard he is more Sarah Palin than Ronald Reagan.

Over to Schroeder again:

Romney the debater is crisp, businesslike, in command of his material, and as bloodlessly efficient as a German luxury sedan. Perry the debater is sloppy, sentimental, uncertain of his facts, and brimming with the sort of down-home folksiness that makes Republican audiences go weak in the knees.

Quintessential Republican Cretinism

Intelligence, Military, Politics, Republicans

As the Republican presidential candidates ramp-up their faux-patriotic militaristic jingoism, it’s time to remember just how dumb these people are. Here is “The Republican Party Animals Music Video”:

The American Conservative captured this thematic, quintessentially Republican cretinism, in all its contradictions—as if both “small government” and a massive military can coincide—in the cover art and cover story of the issue titled, “GOP and Man at Yale”:

Unbeknown to Republicans, “the military is government. The military works like government; is financed like government, and sports many of the same inherent malignancies of government. Like government, it must be kept small.”

“Conservative can’t coherently preach against the evils of big government, while excluding the military mammoth.”

SEALs Dead; Congressional Deadwood Still Kicking

Hollywood, Intelligence, Military, Terrorism, The State, War

The collective IQ that was lost when the Chinook carrying 22 Navy SEALs was downed by the Taliban yesterday was greater than the scrambled brains of 434 House Representatives (Ron Paul excluded; he’d raise that number).

Dedicate your life to the state, and chances are that life will be squandered.

Navy SEALs are incredible specimens, both intellectually and physically. Every interview with members of this elite unit, following the slaying of bin Laden, demonstrated the superman qualities SEALs possess. Some even look like cut-out images from an episode of “The Unit.” It’s a shame these magnificent action men give their talents over to an entity that is wanton about the wealth and the lives with which it is (foolishly) entrusted: government.

Alas, as I’ve pointed out elsewhere, action men like SEALS have few fulfilling options outside the army, given the monopoly over defense held by the military-industrial-complex. Compounding this state-of-affairs is the feminization of our society. In a healthy free society, men made of this stuff would be perfectly suited to raising militia and leading a revolution, alas… .