Category Archives: Israel

UPDATE II: “Inside [John Esposito’s] Islam”

Islam, Israel, Jihad, Propaganda, Pseudo-history, Pseudoscience

Very little was said about sample size, data-collection methods and other crucial methodological matters during the screening, on PBS, of the documentary “Inside Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Think.”

“We have the missing answers and statistics, gathered, parsed, and analyzed not by pundits but by professional researchers”: So goes a declamation on the website touting the program. This sounds a lot like advertising. You do learn that these stellar social scientists relied on the interview to collect this definitive information (which concludes that Muslims the world over are moderates). The interview is one of the least reliable tools in the social sciences. The questions asked and showcased, moreover, were most definitely leading questions. The answers people tend to give to loaded questions are usually bogus.

Other than Georgetown University Professor John Esposito, an A-list Islam apologist, “Inside Islam” introduced the viewer to emphatic, invested presenters of a one-sided view of the West as oblivious to Muslim opinion and aspirations.

I guess they had a valid point with respect to American foreign policy. You have to possess Olympian vanity to invade Muslim countries as America has done, with so little knowledge of the history of the people, the region and the outcome of prior such faith-based democratic missionizing.

However, the efforts of Dalia Mogahed, Executive Director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies (also an Obama appointee), to sanitize Islam became quite ridiculous when she contended that her faith specifies a series of inalienable rights designed to protect the individual against the state.

Come again? More than a religion, Islam is a fully developed political system.

Mogahed was commandeering the language of the American Bill of Rights to ingratiate Islam on her audience. What has happened to the social sciences? In my days you ruled out activists.

In the same spirit of “scientific” detachment, another self-styled social scientist, who spoke at length on “Inside Islam,” ventured that Israel was a piece of the West left behind in Muslim lands; a sore reminder of this occupation. Our impartial researcher was voicing the radical opinions of the Helen-Thomas School of Thought.

My old Afrikaner lecturers—the ones who drilled me in statistics—would have barred both Mogahed and her colleague from designing or partaking in a study for fear of biasing the results.

There is a good chapter on the death of the social sciences in “WE ARE DOOMED.”

The social sciences are most certainly doomed.

UPDATE I (Jan. 1): Stephen raises an interesting point about pathological sexual repression. Sexual deprivation accounts for the accepted practice of rampant homosexuality among heterosexual Muslims prior to marriage.

UPDATE II: Actually, Mercer (Who Eats Nails For Breakfast) had softened momentarily to the excuse-making, psychologizing, school of thought on Islam. Larry Auster keeps us focused: “It’s because they’re sexually repressed–no, it’s because they lack democracy–no, it’s because they marry their cousins–no, it’s because they were ‘left behind’–no, it’s because of Israeli cruelty–no, it’s because of … Anything But Islam.”

UPDATE III: TSA: Home Grown Terrorism (& Cretinism)/It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp

Affirmative Action, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Israel, Propaganda, Psychology & Pop-Psychology, Rights, Terrorism

The following is from my new column, “TSA: Home Grown Terrorism (& Cretinism),” now on WND.COM:

“… In the words of a horrified Israeli aviation security expert, speaking to a Fox News crew: ‘You cannot allow the security personnel to see, and show the entire world, images of naked bodies of women and men!’ Amid ongoing American insanity, this laconic Israeli, Isaac Yeffet, has been making the rounds on CNN, PBS, Fox News—has been doing so for a decade, at least.

Yeffet is a former member of the Israeli Secret Service, and was once in charge of security for El Al. Almost a year has past since Fox News probed him for his opinion about the ‘full body scanners.’ Nearly ten years have gone by since the man testified before an equally idiotic Congress.

No other western country is a bigger target for terrorists than Israel. Yet no other nation runs a better (largely privatized), less invasive, smarter, security system, whose able agents simply talk to travelers. These profilers understand that 99.9 percent of fliers are ‘bona fide’ (Yeffet’s favored bon mot). ‘Shoes aren’t removed, passengers aren’t body scanned, and there are no pat downs,’ confirms the New York Times. A ‘hand search’ is seldom conducted, and only with probable cause.

Fox News wanted tough answers; Yeffet gave them smart ones. In countless news interviews over the years, Yeffet has implied that there is no substitute for intelligence—intelligence as in smarts; as in that dreaded G Factor. (No, Cosmo Magazine readers, that’s not the same as the G Spot.) …”

The complete column is “TSA: Home Grown Terrorism (& Cretinism).” Read the rest on WND.COM.

UPDATE I (Nov. 19): This country follows a mushy-headed maxim whereby to be a victim (of crime, terrorism, one’s own stupidity) is to be automatically conferred with oracular wisdom. This nonsense has been applied to any relative of those murdered on 9/11.

Two such Delphic creatures have praised the TSA home-grown terrorism and quipped that it would be far more productive to go long with the probe and grope routines.

I give you “Mary and Frank Fetchet, whose son, Bradley James Fetchet, was killed on Sept. 11. [They] have also issued a statement in support of the new measures, citing the failed Christmas Day plot last December as a reminder that ‘comprehensive security measures’ are still needed.”

Mary Fetchet appeared on FoxNews this morning, with a member of the (honey) Blond Squad, who herself quipped that news people are featuring a small noisy bunch of travelers which is in a minority.

Another believer is Alice Hoagland. The fact that her son was killed in the Twin Towers gives her the ostensible authority to recommend the inflicted rogering and radiating routines.

UPDATE II: In the footage of the agents feeling up every day Americans the mug of the offender is always concealed. Why? Isn’t it the victim who should remain anon? Even the people broadcasting these assaults on flying America have their head screwed on like Linda Blair’s in the Exorcist.

And it’s so imbecilic. They’re going thorough the motions knowing full-well that they’ll never meet a terrorist; 99.99999% of the individuals they violate are “bona fide.”

UPDATE III (Nov. 20): I call the liberal neocon Judy Miller Mrs. Chalabi. She was one of the “presstitutes” who enabled the invasion of Iraq from her perch at the New York Times. She’s no journalist. She’s a media person. Big difference.

During her tenure at the Gray Lady, promoting Bush’s war, Judy made sure to exclude all analysis (including from highly regarded experts) that didn’t comport with the Bush “thesis” about Iraq. Her preferred sources of information were corrupt parties like Egypt, Jordan, ex-KGB man Vladimir Putin, and Ahmad Chalabi, the man who fed a willing administration phony intel on Iraq so as to fire-up the War Party.

Today, on Fox News Watch, Judy the non-journalist, said that the American media had not covered the Israeli airports security methods.

Nothing mainstream media write is original. We guerrilla journalists and writers are always ahead of the pack, but Ms. Miller, like her colleagues, does not consider that a story/angle has been covered in earnest until she or her colleagues have stumbled upon it.

Imagine: Judith Chalabi being a respected panelist on a program about media bias.

On the same stage, Kirsten Powers, a liberal member of the Fox News Blond Squad, expressed her satisfaction with the porn protocol at the airports, and wept in sympathy for TSA workers. Yeah, “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp.”


Mass Immigration ‘End Of Days’ Scenario

IMMIGRATION, Israel, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Natural Law

The following is from my new WND column, “Mass Immigration ‘End Of Days’ Scenario”:

“Toward the conclusion of my pleasant stay at the national, WorldNetDaily, ‘Taking America Back’ conference (some images are here), I was asked by the especially able organizer, Albert Thompson, to take part in a panel discussion on illegal immigration. The thinking was that, as an immigrant, I’d be able to speak to the topic with added force.

Unfortunately—or fortunately for the audience and the organizer—previous panels were running late, and I was forced to depart for Miami International to catch one of two flights back to the Pacific Northwest.

In any event, I did not get to say my piece. As I take my duty to do the job Americans won’t do very seriously (to use Peter Brimelow’s refrain), I’ll say it now.

The problem with the immigration master narrative is this: The scope of the discussion is limited to illegal immigration only, and is framed as follows: Follow our laws and we’ll welcome you into out country; break the law, and out you go.

This politically permissible position against illegal immigration, moreover, relies for its justification on the law. But argument from the positive law is usually flawed. The state’s laws—most of which do not comport with natural law—are an unreliable gauge of right and wrong.

What Americans ought to be discussing, and are not, is mass immigration (which subsumes illegal immigration). And, in particular, the radical transforming of America, through state-engineered immigration policies.” …

Read the complete column, “Mass Immigration ‘End Of Days’ Scenario,” now on WND.COM.

Read my libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society.

The Second Edition features bonus material and reviews. Get your copy (or copies) now!

UPDATE II: Cyber Warfare: Is It Libertarian?

Individual Rights, Iran, Israel, libertarianism, Natural Law, Technology, War

“There is a pithy aphorism from a Tractate of the Jewish Law regarding the right of self-defense. The Talmud, as the law is called, is a veritable minefield of complexities and interpretations. The rabbis would have prefaced their edict with extended discussion. They would have argued about the threshold that must be met before a pre-emptive strike can be carried out, what constitutes imminent danger, and whether defensive actions apply only to individuals or to collective action as well. These scholars belonged to a people that spent a good part of their history perfecting the Christian art of turning the other cheek. Yet ironically, and doubtless after careful consideration, the rabbis recommended that, ‘He who rises to kill thee, ye rise earlier to kill him.'” (See “Facing the Onslaught of Jihad”)

Likewise, I am not a pacifist, although I am a libertarian.

There is no doubt in my mind that Iran would evaporate Israel if it could. Yet mention to Iran’s apologists that Israel is being considered by Ahmadinejad as The Bomb’s designated test site, and the reply one invariably gets is, “Oh, c’mon; are you referring to all that ‘wipe Israel off the map’ stuff? Haven’t you heard of ‘Scheherazade of the Thousand and One [Arabian] Nights? Ahmadi’s excitable. That’s his style. Chill, man.”

[READ “That Persian Pussycat.”]

There is a strong suspicion that Israel is behind “The Stuxnet worm, ‘the most sophisticated malware ever’ … [it] has been discovered infesting Iran’s nuclear installations. There’s growing speculation that these were indeed the intended targets of what the mainstream continues to call a ‘virus’ — it only infects certain Siemens SCADA systems in specific configurations. There’s also speculation that it’s state-sponsored malware, with fingers pointing at either Israel or the U.S.”

Reuters reports that “Cyber warfare has quietly grown into a central pillar of Israel’s strategic planning, with a new military intelligence unit set up to incorporate high-tech hacking tactics, Israeli security sources said on Tuesday.”

To be sure, hacking is a violation of property rights. That is as clear as crystal. Why, spam is trespass. But this alleged Israeli property trespass is also non-violent (I doubt very much that Israel is messing with systems that sustain life).

It would seem to me, then, that if indeed Israel is under a real existential threat from Iran—and not everyone believes this—the Jewish State has found the quintessential libertarian method to begin to combat some of the Iranian menace.

What do you think?

UPDATE I: TokyoTom: An act either does or does not comport with the libertarian non-aggression axiom. I spoke about your logical error in “LIBERTARIAN WRANGLING”:

“From the fact that many libertarians believe that the state has no legitimacy, they arrive at the position that anything the state does is illegitimate. This is a logical confusion. Consider the murderer who, while fleeing the law, happens on a scene of a rape, saves the woman, and pounds the rapist. Is this good deed illegitimate because a murderer has performed it?”

Iran’s leaders have threatened to annihilate Israel. They could easily do so, given Israel’s size. The act jibes with their beliefs. The more senior leader, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, right-hand man to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, once explained with lethal logical that “a single atomic bomb has the power to completely destroy Israel, while an Israeli counter-strike can only cause partial damage to the Islamic world.”

They know Israel would never launch a nuclear strike first. Iran’s top dogs have clearly done the math.

The men and women of the Israeli military, with their families in mind, have come up with a peaceful way to mess with this program of mass destruction threatening their community. And libertarians protest this? Don’t you just love the way so many libertarians inveigh against the evil of nuclear weapons, except when they are pointed at Israel?!

UPDATE II (Sept. 29): With respect to “contemplationist’s” comment here, I thought it was obvious to all libertarians who regularly weigh in on BAB, that the debate about the proper purview of the state is limited to its enforcement of natural rights only. That’s the mandate of the state in classical liberal thinking. As I have said often, to the extent that the American Constitution respects the natural law, to that extent only is it legitimate. It should be obvious to the same folks, for example, that, unlike Glenn Beck or other “Constitutionalists,” this writer views a great deal of the constitution as an affront to man’s natural rights. The 16th Amendment, for example.

“Sometimes the law of the state coincides with the natural law. More often than not, natural justice has been buried under the rubble of legislation and statute,” I wrote in a March 20, 2002 column.

“Contemplationist” has broadened the nightwatchman role of the state in classical liberal theory—confined as it is to the protection negative rights only—to include a plethora of positive duties, including intervention into the economy.

That’s statism, not classical liberalism. The debate in this post, in particular, is as to whether the Israelis, in disabling Iran’s nuclear-related cyber-operation, are defending their natural, negative rights.