“Press passes can’t be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president.”
~Ann Coulter, February 23, 2005
Ms. Coulter got called a racist for that mild dig at Thomas. And she’d be called an anti-Semite if she came out with this Thomas tomfoolery:
UPDATE I (June 6): I don’t know what is more pathetic, Thomas or the organized Jewish response to her. More later.
UPDATE II (June 7): The reason the weak, uncharismatic Democrat Lanny Davis is so popular with Demopublicans is that he is, well, weak and inconsequential.
Now he wants to muscle the outlets that make use of this ancient idiot Thomas’ output. (Why does he not petition her syndicator to drop her, and hire this Jewish Woman–your host? Thomas has had a good run. It’s time for new blood.).
Of course the the old sow is apologizing; the public apology is a ritual as meaningful as are tears on Oprah.
Why extract this meaningless muttering from this woman?
As I once wrote, “It’s bad form to coerce or manipulate people into liking, hiring, renting, or apologizing to you. So long as haters keep their mitts to themselves, insulted parties should, if anything, rise above the fray, act graciously—even turn the other cheek. Subjecting people who don’t like you to reeducation programs smacks of busybody social engineering.”
Thomas may be a fool, but Davis and Ari Fleischer are incorrigible, pushy purveyors of political correctness.
UPDATE III: Robert Glisson is sad to see a woman who had it all blow it away. Sympathies here are misplaced.
And why on earth? Although I liked some of Thomas’ anti-war sentiment—has it been up to snuff with Obama?—I’m thrilled that the cow has been put out to pasture. She’s had a good run. When else, but in the age of mass mediocrity, would such a banal bitch obtain such iconic stature?
“‘One of the worst human rights violations in the world today’—this is how Nelson Mandela has characterized Israel’s naval blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza, and the defensive actions the Jewish state’s soldiers were forced to take on board a Gaza-bound ship. The Mavi Marmari was one in a flotilla of six ostensible aid ships headed to Gaza in contravention of the naval blockade.
And I know this how? Norman Finkelstein, another of Hamas’ effective spokesmen—left-liberal, Jewish academics often are—has galvanized Mandela for moral suasion in condemning Israel’s actions.
The fact that Mandela made the condemnation in his capacity as a member of the UN’s ‘Committee of Elders’ was supposed to further bolster Finkelstein’s position (made on ‘Russian TV’). According to Finkelstein, this particular coven includes another international holy man, Desmond Tutu (in my upcoming book, “Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post Apartheid South Africa,” I tell of the time I took afternoon tea with Tutu himself).
This is important, why? Because, even more than the Dalai Lama, Mandela is considered the moral compass of the world by the philosopher kings of this country— beauty pageant contestants, contemporary conservative and liberal pundits (ranked here from most to least intelligent).
Look, I too condemn the Israeli commandos—for sliding one-by-one into a snake pit seething with poisonous reptiles. …
The Second Edition features bonus material and reviews. Get your copy(or copies) now!
UPDATE (June 4): A more impassioned defense of Israel as Glenn Beck’s I have not heard since Alan Keyes’ magnificent display of outrage,on MSNBC, at the reality in the human heart a suicide bombing bespeaks (Keyes was fired shortly thereafter).
Glenn’s Israel narrative of June 3 (here) arises deep from within a pure Puritanical heart exquisitely attune to the historical “Hebraic bond,” and to morality.
“‘One of the worst human rights violations in the world today’—this is how Nelson Mandela has characterized Israel’s naval blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza, and the defensive actions the Jewish state’s soldiers were forced to take on board a Gaza-bound ship. The Mavi Marmari was one in a flotilla of six ostensible aid ships headed to Gaza in contravention of the naval blockade.
And I know this how? Norman Finkelstein, another of Hamas’ effective spokesmen—left-liberal, Jewish academics often are—has galvanized Mandela for moral suasion in condemning Israel’s actions.
The fact that Mandela made the condemnation in his capacity as a member of the UN’s ‘Committee of Elders’ was supposed to further bolster Finkelstein’s position (made on ‘Russian TV’). According to Finkelstein, this particular coven includes another international holy man, Desmond Tutu (in my upcoming book, “Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post Apartheid South Africa,” I tell of the time I took afternoon tea with Tutu himself).
This is important, why? Because, even more than the Dalai Lama, Mandela is considered the moral compass of the world by the philosopher kings of this country— beauty pageant contestants, contemporary conservative and liberal pundits (ranked here from most to least intelligent).
Look, I too condemn the Israeli commandos—for sliding one-by-one into a snake pit seething with poisonous reptiles. …
The Second Edition features bonus material and reviews. Get your copy(or copies) now!
UPDATE (June 4): A more impassioned defense of Israel as Glenn Beck’s I have not heard since Alan Keyes’ magnificent display of outrage,on MSNBC, at the reality in the human heart a suicide bombing bespeaks (Keyes was fired shortly thereafter).
Glenn’s Israel narrative of June 3 (here) arises deep from within a pure Puritanical heart exquisitely attune to the historical “Hebraic bond,” and to morality.
For the first time in a very long time Israel has beaten the global Palestinian PR machine. It posted footage of the mob lynching to which their Navy SEALs had been subjected right away; and they’ve galvanized a superb spokesman in the person of Michael Oren (whose son is in a similar unit). No longer are we faced with bumbling, heavily accented tough men and women who know how to pick up arms in defense of their existentially imperiled nation, but know not how to speak to the left-liberal degenerates of the world.
This has changed.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyau has just outlined clearly (an act beyond the ken of his ruffian predecessor) the events of May 31 upon the Turkish flotilla headed for Gaza. He spoke of the hypocrisy of the international community in no uncertain terms, and made clear that Israel would vigorously inspect and interdict cargo headed for its shores—all the more so when the cargo carriers refuse to go through its approved channels. Dah!
Such are the capabilities of news media these days that footage and transcripts of Netanyahu’s live address are not available as I write (11:16 Pacific Time, June 2). Will post these as soon as they materialize on the internet.
HERE is the Israeli PM’s masterful, measured address: “Once again Israel faces hypocrisy and a biased rush to judgment. this is not the first time. … Israel cannot permit Iran to establish a Mediterranean port a few dozen kilometers from Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. Here’s our policy, it’s very simple: Humanitarian and other good can go in; weapons and war material cannot. … Each week an average of 10,000 tons of good enters Gaza. The offer to delivery the good this time was rejected. Navy personnel had not choice but to board these vessels. On 5 of the ships Israeli personnel met with no serious violence. On the larger ship, something very different happened. … Met with a vicious mob [footage in the background]; stabbed, clubbed, and fired upon. One soldier was shot in the stomach, one in the knee; they were going to be killed. The attackers had prepared their violent action in advance.” …
UPDATED I: I know these are Jews, so the anti-Semites find it hard to see them as human, but as I said in the related post, “What if these were your Navy SEAL sons?”
“They jumped me, hit me with clubs and bottles and stole my rifle,” one of the commandos said. “I pulled out my pistol and had no choice but to shoot.” The fact that several of the commandos were injured, two of them gravely, attests to the fact that the “peace activists” posed a serious threat.
(Anyone who would argue that the commandos used “disproportionate” force should consider what he or she would do if faced with the very real prospect of being lynched).
UPDATE II: Myron, what’s with the allusion about Captain B. Netanyahu’s military past being vastly different from his heroic late brother’s, Yonatan Netanyahu? Writes Wikipedia:
Netanyahu joined the Israeli Defense Forces in 1967 where he served as a commander in the elite Sayeret Matkal commando unit, taking part in many missions including the hostages rescue mission from the hijacked Sabena Flight 572 in 1972.
How many American presidents had the right stuff for a Special Ops unit? As for his “ideas”; he’s big on Maimonides. To quote:
UPDATE III: “Love Boat” security cameras capture the “flotilla Rioters [as they] Prepare Rods, Slingshots, Broken Bottles and Metal Objects to Attack IDF Soldiers.”
UPDATE IV (June 3): Better close-up footage of IDF soldiers being beaten with pipes and chains and shot at by the terrorists. Anyone who casts these hapless soldiers as aggressors is mindless or blinded by hatred for the Jew Among Nations. In fact, the IDF should conduct an inquiry as to why, one after the other, the soldiers slid into the midst of a lynch mob.