Category Archives: Judaism & Jews

UPDATES (10/30): Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre

Anti-Semitism, GUNS, IMMIGRATION, Judaism & Jews, Terrorism

The words and tone of Pittsburgh officials, police officers and governor, in response to the Pittsburgh-synagogue shooting, were so emotional, so full of genuine love and sadness. America is Judaeo-Christian.

The anguish is visible on the face of a SWAT team member. The image (by Jared Wickerham for The New York Times) is for the ages. Once upon a time it would have landed on the cover of Life Magazine.

  • The day before the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, I told my mom, whose synagogue in Europe is protected by armed soldiers (oh yeah!), that I would not be going to synagogue in the US, where nothing is protected and people still live in la-la land.
  • Following this heartbreaking murder of the 11 Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in Squirrel Hill, by gunman Robert Bowers, you’re likely to hear another mantra—people are bound to start regurgitating that “authentic” worship requires complete freedom of access, open spaces and indiscriminate inclusivity. All cardinal lies and illogic. Wake up:

Fortresses are facts of history. … since antiquity, fortification has protected and facilitated civilization.  … [worshiping] requires peace of mind. If fortress conditions are a prerequisite for survival—if fortification keeps the barbarians at bay—then the rational mind will find tranquility in security.

Adapted from “The Teachers’ Pets Of Douglas High Can’t Think Straight.”

UPDATES (10/30):

UPDATED III (8/30): NEW COLUMN: Land Reform In Ramaphosa’s South Africa

Ann Coulter, Crime, Ilana Mercer, Judaism & Jews, Private Property, Race, Racism, South-Africa

Land Reform In Ramaphosa’s South Africa” is the latest column, now on and the Unz Review. You can also read it on Yes, President Trump has done the greatest Mitzvah (good deed) of all (read on), this as the accursed ADL (The Anti-Defamation League) is tarring as white supremacists those of us who want to save South Africa’s white Christians minority.

An excerpt from the column:

He who believes he has a right to another man’s property ought to produce proof that he is its rightful owner. “As the old legal adage goes, ‘Possession is nine-tenths of the law,’ as it is the best evidence in our uncertain world of legitimate title. The burden of proof rests squarely with the person attempting to alter and abolish present property titles.” (From “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South-Africa”.)

It is to this potent principle that democratic rule in South Africa has taken an axe—or, rather, an assegai.

Here is how taking land legally currently works, in South Africa, a place the US State Department has only just lauded as “a strong democracy with resilient institutions…,” a country merely  “grappling with the difficult issue of land reform.” “Land reform,” of course, is a euphemism for land distribution in the Robert Mugabe mold.

The process currently in place typically begins with a “tribe” or group of individuals who band together to claim vast tracts of private property.

If these loosely and conveniently conjoined groups know anything, it’s this: South Africa’s adapted, indigenized law allows coveted land, owned and occupied by another, to be obtained with relative ease.

See, the country no longer enjoys the impressive Western system of Roman-Dutch law it once enjoyed. Lax law and poorly protected property rights signal a free-for-all on the lives of white owners and their livestock

No sooner does this newly constituted “tribe” (or band of bandits, really) launch a claim with the South African Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, than related squatters—sometimes in the thousands—move to colonize the land.

They defile its grounds and groundwater by using these as one vast toilet, and terrorize, sometimes kill, its occupants and their animals in the hope of “nudging” them off the land.

Dr. Philip du Toit, a farmer (with a doctorate in labor law) and author of “The Great South African Land Scandal,” speaks of recurrent attacks on farm animals that “hark back to the Mau Mau terror campaign which drove whites off Kenyan farms.”

Farmer’s Weekly used to be packed with pitiful accounts of cows poisoned with exotic substances, battered with heavy metal bars, writhing in agony for hours before being found by a distraught farmer.

“Encroachment is the right word,” a farmer told du Toit. “They put their cattle in, then they cut the fences, then they start stealing your crops, forcing you to leave your land. And then they say: ‘Oh well, there’s vacant land, let’s move on to it.’

It’s a very subtle way of stealing land.” “When there is a farm claim I say ‘Look out!’ because attacks may follow to scare the farmers,” confirmed the regional director of the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU).”

Agri SA, an organization representing small and large-scale commercial farmers, reports the annual theft of hundreds of thousands of priceless livestock.

The ANC’s old Soviet-inspired Freedom Charter promised this: “All shall have the right to occupy land wherever they choose.” And so they do today.

Because of legal claims they are powerless to fight, squatters whom they cannot fend off, and cattle, crops and families which they can no longer protect, farmers have already been pushed to abandon hundreds of thousands of hectares of prime commercial farmland.

“Since the end of apartheid in 1994, when multi-racial elections were held,” wrote Dan McDougal of the London Times, millions of “acres of productive farmland have been transferred to black ownership. Much of it is now lying fallow, creating no economic benefit for the nation or its new owners.”

South Africa has become a net importer of food for the first time in its history. …

Into the Cannibal's Pot
Order columnist Ilana Mercer’s brilliant polemical work, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa”

… READ THE REST.  Land Reform In Ramaphosa’s South Africa” is now on, the Unz Review, and on

I’m pleased to relay that the great Ann Coulter retweeted this column, which means it was read far and wide, as did Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft on Gab, the place for subversives.

Lastly, here is an interview I did with with Bill Meyer, a most thoughtful broadcaster and a long-time friend. Not everything out of Oregon is subpar.


UPDATES I (8/24):

Immutable truth? What’s that?

UPDATE II: Crime statistics in this article:

“Trump Tweet on South African Land Overhaul Draws Government’s Ire.”

UPDATE III: Taking something someone doesn’t want to give and hasn’t stolen is … theft. Ten Commandments, anyone?

“‘I have the right to defend my property by force. And I will’: EXCLUSIVE – White farmer who is set to become the first to have his £10m game reserve seized says South Africa’s land grab policy is THEFT”

UPDATE III (8/30):

Boer meisies speaking up:

Ram-pho needs to shut-up:

Perfidious Albion:

Someone knows right from wrong, Mr. Lekota!!! :

UPDATED (4/6/018): Israel’s African Migrants Are Nicer Than Ours. Do Harsh Policies Breed A Meeker, Nicer Migrant?

China, IMMIGRATION, Israel, Judaism & Jews, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Multiculturalism

Israel seems to have a better class of illegal African migrant, soon to be deported, than America’s. On the news I heard a few of them speak fluent Hebrew. Hebrew is no easy language to learn. You have to be committed to your new destination to teach yourself this tough language. Impressive.

On the other hand, America’s Third World immigrants, for whom the welcome mat is always unfurled, seldom learn the language well.  They also behave arrogantly, demandingly and in a way that makes normal folks hate them, not sympathize with their plight.

My theory: Setting standards for citizenship, being tough on law and order and making it brutal for interlopers to remain in your country uninvited creates a more dedicated, genial and patriotic immigrant. Someone who wants to please, to belong.

These signs are grammatical and well-written (image courtesy the Times of Israel):

The sign below warns against littering. On our Washington-State trails, we beg the masses of migrants traipsing through to “please smile” and “share the trail with others, critters too.” We dare not lay down our rules.

Americans are liberal pussies; they beg trespassers to look upon them kindly. Israeli authorities appear to tell trespassers how to behave, unless they want to be tossed out.

Courtesy of VOANews.

African migrants wait in line for the opening of the Population and Immigration Authority office in Bnei Brak, Israel, Feb. 4, 2018.

The Chinese also value their homeland …

UPDATED (4/6/018): Importing monstrous norms and values:

Mother Hanane Mouhib Cut Off Her 7-Year-Old Son’s Head With A Kitchen Knife, Police Say.” In New York.

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UPDATE II (12/2): Lay Off The Hebrew Bible, Bleeding Hearts: Here’s What Leviticus 34 Instructs Re Illegal Aliens

Christianity, Hebrew Testament, IMMIGRATION, Judaism & Jews, Justice, Nationhood

There is nothing in the Hebrew Bible, Leviticus 34, in particular, that would exempt illegal aliens from the law of the land (as Kate Steinle’s killer was exempted).

The stranger that sojourneth with you shall be unto you as the home-born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.

And, contrary to Rev. Ryan M. Eller’s dissembling and misleading “interpretation” of the tract, on Tucker Carlson’s show, Leviticus 34 makes very clear that the reference is to individuals who are TEMPORARILY in your country.

What does “sojourn” mean, Rev. Eller? It means “A temporary stay; a brief period of residence.” The reverend glibly translated the word “sojourn” (presumably) to mean citizens living among you.


The Hebrew Testament is not the New Testament. It’s all about distinguishing the Jews and their homeland from the rest of the world. Don’t apply the Christian “We Are The World” dogma to the Hebrew Testament. Our Bible is a tough document. It’s full of ground-breaking exploration of natural justice; and some not-so-merciful meting of justice. But it’s not meant to meld the Jewish People with the World.

Leviticus 34 reminds the Hebrews that they suffered in Egypt as slaves to the Egyptians. Therefore, the people of Israel are to be kind to the temporary visitor among you. (They’ll soon be gone.)

UPDATE I (12/2/017):

And this is not Jewish:

UPDATE II (4/2/019): His name is Cardinal Robert Sarah. The next Pope, we hope.

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